NAVMED P-5010 Flashcards
Which term refers to any substance that results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly,
in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food?
Food additive
Which term refers to the condition of a food if it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance in a
quantity which may render it injurious to health?
Which term defines food that is prepared for future service beyond a specific meal?
Advance preparation
Advance preparation foods must be immediately cooled after cooking to 41°F or below within how many
What is a unique combination of letters and numbers assigned to a shellfish control authority to a molluscan
shellfish dealer according to the provisions of the National Shellfish Sanitation Program?
Certification Number
How often is the Code of Federal Regulations published by the U.S. Government Printing Office?
Which term means reduced in size by methods including chopping, flaking, grinding, or mincing?
What is a food borne disease outbreak in which laboratory analysis of appropriate specimens identifies a
causative organism and epidemiological analysis implicates the food as the source of the illness?
Confirmed Disease Outbreak
What is a point or procedure in a specific food system where loss of control may result in an unacceptable
health risk?
Critical Control Point
What is the maximum or minimum value to which a physical, biological, or chemical parameter must be
controlled at a critical control point to minimize the risk that the identified food safety hazard may occur?
Critical Limit
What is drinking water traditionally known as?
Potable water
How many pounds or less must an item weigh to be classified as “Easily movable”?
What is an article that is used in the operation of a food establishment?
How many or more persons must experience a similar illness after ingestion of a common food for it to be
considered a food borne disease outbreak?
Which term means an operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends, or otherwise provides food for
human consumption?
Food establishment
Which term refers to a commercial operation that manufactures, packages, labels, or stores food for human
consumption and does not provide food directly to a consumer?
Food processing plant
Which term means a biological, chemical, or physical property that may cause an unacceptable consumer
health risk?
Which type of container is designed and intended to be secured against the entry of microorganisms and, in
the case of low acid foods, to maintain the commercial sterility of its contents after processing?
Hermetically sealed
Which term means any unserved food remaining at the end of the meal period for which it is prepared?
Which term means a disease causing agent or microorganism?
What is the document issued by the regulatory authority that authorizes a person to operate a food
What is the symbol for the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration?
Poisonous or Toxic Materials are substances that are not intended for ingestion and included in how many
different categories?
Food is not considered to be a “potentially hazardous food” if when measured at 75°F it has a pH level at or
below what level?
Who is the medical department representative responsible for public health (preventive medicine)?
Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA)
Which type of cut is a basic major cut into which carcasses and sides of meat are separated?
Primal cut
Who is a commercial vendor designated by the Supply Department as an approved direct delivery vendor?
Prime vendor
What percentage of the surrounding atmosphere is oxygen?
Which term is defined as solid waste not carried by water through the sewage system?
Sanitize or Sanitization is the application of cumulative heat or chemicals on cleaned food surfaces that,
when evaluated for efficacy, yield a reduction of 5 logs, which is equal to a reduction of what percentage, of
representative microorganisms of public health importance?
What is the process of moderating food temperature by allowing a food to gradually increase from a
temperature of -10°F to 25°F in preparation for deep-fat frying or to facilitate even heat penetration during the
cooking of previously block frozen food?
What is a method of packaging raw or partially cooked food, where the product is placed in a sealed pouch
with the air removed?
Sous Vide
What is the maximum number of consecutive days that a temporary food establishment operates for in
conjunction with a single event or celebration?
Who establishes the sanitary standards for food procurement, inspection on delivery, fitness for human
consumption, storage and refrigeration, preparation and serving, and disposal of food residues?
Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (CHBUMED)
What provide environmental health services intended to reduce the risk of food borne disease outbreaks
including regular food service sanitation inspections and training?
Naval Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs)
What provide specialized consultation, advice, and recommendations in matters of preventive medicine and
environmental health to Navy and Marine Corps activities, ashore and afloat?
Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Units (NAVENPVNTMEDUs)
Who is responsible for the planning, design, and construction of public works at all shore activities, including
messing and supporting facilities?
Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (COMNAVFACENGCOM)
Who is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of messing facilities afloat?
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
Who administers the Navy Food Service Program?
Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM)
Which publication gives line of authority and direction for general mess operation?
Who administers the food service program for the Marine Corps?
Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC)
Which publication contains information concerning the Food Service and Subsistence Management Programs
within the Marine Corps?
MCO P10110.14
Which branch is the DoD executive agent for veterinary services?
Who is responsible for the procurement, receipt, inspection, storage, and issue of food items?
Supply Officer (SUPPO)
Who is in direct charge of the food service division in a command and is responsible for the preparation,
serving, and storage of food?
Food Service Officer (FSO)
Who is responsible for sanitization surveillance of food service spaces and cleaning of equipment and
Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA)
A person in charge must be present at the food establishment during all hours of operation for food facilities in
which risk type categories?
3 or 4
How many hours is the supervisor/manager food service sanitation/food safety training course required for all
personnel designated as a person in charge?
A refresher supervisor/manager food service sanitation/food safety training course is required every how many
How many hours at a minimum of initial food safety training must all food service employees receive?
Within how many days must new food service employees receive their initial food safety training?
How many additional hours of food service training must all food service employees receive per year?
How many hours at a minimum of initial food safety training and orientation must all temporary food service
personnel assigned for 30 days or less receive?
How many hours at a minimum of initial food safety training must all bartenders who aren’t required to
prepare food receive?
How often must independent duty Corpsmen requalify to train on food sanitation and safety?
Every 3 years
Navy and Marine Corps food management teams may conduct food service sanitation training during official
visits to commands provided the instructors are certified as required by which series?
What is the Food Safety Training Certificate form number?
NAVMED 4061/1
Authority to teach the supervisor/manager food service sanitation training/refresher course resides with
Environmental Health Officer (EHO)
Which locally prepared special form will be used to document food employee medical screening?
SF 600
The local medical authority shall exclude a food employee who has traveled out of the country within the last
how many calendar days?
Who must the person in charge refer all food employees or applicants to for a physical examination prior to
Local medical authority
How many seconds at a minimum must food employees vigorously rub together the surface of their lathered
hands and arms when washing their hands?
Which program was a major re-engineering effort within the Department of Defense (Food Purchasing
Procedures) whereby a single distributor serves as the major provider of product to various Federal customers
within a geographical region or zone?
Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV)
The Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV) selected for each geographical region or zone will deliver directly to
dining facilities or a chosen location within how many hours after ordering?
Who is the final authority on acceptance or rejection of product?
Receiving official
Which publications contain guidelines for receipt of meats and poultry?
NAVSUP P-421 and NAVSUP P-486
Which standards are inspections of fresh fruits and vegetables based on?
What is the only grade of pasteurized fluid milk or fluid milk products from approved plants that will be used
or served?
Grade A
Inspectors must ensure that milk and milk products being delivered are at or below which temperature?
Shell eggs must be received at or below what temperature?
Shell eggs must be cooled and maintained at or below what temperature?
How many types of product compliance evaluations are performed by U.S. Army Veterinary Inspectors
(AVIs) under the prime vendor?
Which type of product compliance evaluations are performed to ensure food items comply with packaging
and marking, best value for their intended use, customer satisfaction, wholesomeness and at a minimum, count,
condition and identity?
Which type of product compliance evaluations are performed to ensure items meet all requirements in the
specifications under which they were procured and that they are wholesome?
Potentially Hazardous Food (PHF) should be received at or below which temperature?
What is the maximum number of times that a food employee may use a utensil to taste food that is to be sold
or served?
Vegetables of uncertain origin and those purchased in foreign countries, as well as those suspected of being
contaminated with pathogenic organisms, must be chemically disinfected by immersion for at least how many
minutes in a 100 ppm Free Available Chlorine (FAC) solution?
Who is responsible for determining an items “fitness for human consumption”?
Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA)
How many inches at a minimum above the floor should containers or bulk lots of food be stored?
How many inches at a minimum away from walls should containers or bulk lots of food be stored?
Which types of pallets must not be used for food storage?
What should not be used for storage of wet foods or beverages?
Galvanized metal cans
What is the most effective means of minimizing the risk of food borne illness and reducing the loss through
Temperature control
Thermometers or air measuring devices must be accurate to ± how many degrees?
+-3 degrees F
What is the required temperature range for refrigeration?
32-41 degrees F
What is the maximum allowable frost or glaze ice thickness allowed to accumulate on the interior surfaces or
on the refrigeration coils?
How many times per day must bulk cold storage temperature log entries be made?
How long must bulk cold storage temperature logs be maintained in the facility?
1 year
Potentially Hazardous Food (PHF) requiring refrigeration after preparation will be cooled to an internal
product temperature of 41°F or below within how many hours?
Frozen food will be kept frozen and stored at a product temperature at or below what?
Which temperature range may ice cream being dispensed by a scoop be held between to facilitate serving?
Potentially Hazardous Food (PHF) that is cooked, cooled an reheated for hot food holding or transport shall
be rapidly reheated, within 2 hours, so all parts of the food reach an internal product temperature of at least
165°F for at least how many seconds?
How many minutes must food that has been heated in a microwave to 165°F be covered to obtain
temperature equilibrium?
What is the minimum temperature that ready to eat food from a commercially processed, hermetically sealed
container or packaging must be heated to for hot holding?
What is the minimum temperature that hot food holding containers must be preheated to prior to placing hot
food in the containers?
Which term refers to food items that are canned, dried, dehydrated, or otherwise processed to the extent that
such items, under normal circumstances, may be stored in non-refrigerated spaces?
How many or more living or dead insects per pound must food have to be considered heavily infested?
How many hours should lightly infested food be placed in the freezer so that the dead insects can be removed
and the food can be used?
How many insects per pound within the inspected packages will be justification to condemn the lot when the
infestation is found to involve living or dead insect species belonging to the genus Tribolium?
How many weeks at a minimum must infested products be kept at 0°F to kill all insects in all stages?
How many inches at a minimum of clearance must be maintained between the top of the stacks and the
openings of the air ducts?
How often at a minimum must ice machines be cleaned?
Which minimum internal temperature must poultry be heated to for at least 15 seconds?
Which minimum internal temperature must ground beef be heated to for at least 15 seconds or until the juices
run clear?
Which minimum internal temperature must shell eggs that are broken and prepared to order and for
immediate service be heated to for at least 15 seconds or until the white is firm, not running, and the yolk is set?
No more than how many quarts of scrambled eggs per batch should be cooked at the same time?
Which minimum internal temperature must scrambled eggs be heated to for at least 15 seconds and until
there is no visible liquid egg?
Growth of harmful bacteria and the development of toxins (poisons) formed by bacteria occur rapidly in
protein foods when held in which temperature range?
A reconstituted or fortified potentially hazardous food that is held between 41°F-140°F for longer than how
many hours must be discarded?
Which term defines food that is prepared for future service beyond a specific meal?
Advance preparation

“Advance Preparation” foods that are prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature, such as reconstituted
foods or canned food ingredients, must be cooled to 41°F or below within how many hours?
How many hours from the original time of preparation can advance preparation food items that are
considered to be potentially hazardous food be retained for use or sale?
How many hours can chilled leftover foods be retained at or below 41°F?
How many hours can hot leftover foods be retained at or above 140°F?
Potentially hazardous food that has been cooked and then refrigerated and which is reheated for hot holding
must be reheated so that all parts of the food reach 165°F for a minimum of 15 seconds and then held at or above
what temperature until served?
Which system is recommended for commands donating excess food to follow?
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Frozen foods at shore based facilities may be thawed by completely submerging under running water that is
at or below what temperature?
The temperature of hot and cold foods on the serving line must be checked frequently to ensure that no food
is held between what temperatures?
Which temperature should all salad bar items remain under?
Which type of meals have the potential of providing ideal temperatures for rapid growth and multiplication of
All salads, including the contents of a master container, must be used within how many hours after opening?
How many calendar days after opening must all meats and cheeses be consumed?
All meats and cheeses must be maintained at or below what temperature?
Which instruction contains procedures to establish and operate Auxiliary Resale Outlets (AROs)?
How often must the Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA) ensure by inspection that vending machines are
maintained in a sanitary manner?
How often must the Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA) inspect non-government operated food vendors
operating mobile food service or canteen trucks?
Which personnel will normally inspect commissaries?
U.S. Army veterinary
Care may be provided for up to how many children by a private individual in a Navy family housing unit?

How often at a minimum must the Preventive Medicine Service conduct inspections of family home care
How many days prior to opening a temporary food establishment must the individual or agency responsible
for the establishment contact the Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA) to obtain a permit to operate the facility?
How many general classes are food service operations divided into?
Which material grade must hoses be made of that are used to carry water for food preparation, drinking
water, ware washing and hand washing?
Food grade
Who can approve field expedient hand washing facilities?
Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA)
Which food safety system was developed to prevent the occurrence of potential food safety and sanitation
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
How many principles is a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan divided into?
What is defined as a point, step, procedure in which a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated, or
Critical Control Point (CCP)
What are defined as the criteria that must be met for each preventive measure associated with a Critical
Control Point (CCP)?
Critical Limits (CLs) 
Which publication must shipboard food service equipment comply with?

How many inches of clearance at a minimum must there be between the floor and floor-mounted equipment at
shore based facilities?
How many inches of clearance at a minimum must there be between the floor and floor-mounted equipment
aboard ships?
How many steps are there in the ware washing process?
If hot water is used for sanitization in manual ware washing operations, the sanitizing compartment of the sink
shall be designed with an integral heating device that is capable of maintaining water at or below which
Every how many hours at a minimum must ware washing machines, sink compartments, basins, or other
receptacles used for washing and rinsing equipment and utensils be cleaned?
What is the minimum temperature which must be maintained by the wash solution in manual ware washing
equipment unless of course a different temperature is specified on the cleaning agent manufacturer’s label
What is the minimum temperature that must be maintained for a single tank, stationary rack, single
temperature spray type ware washer machine which uses hot water to sanitize?
What is the minimum temperature that must be maintained for a single tank, conveyor, dual temperature spray
type ware washer machine which uses hot water to sanitize?
What is the minimum temperature that must be maintained for a stationary rack, dual temperature spray type
ware washer machine which uses hot water to sanitize?
What is the minimum temperature that must be maintained for a multi-tank, conveyor, multi-temperature
spray type ware washer machine which uses hot water to sanitize?
What is the minimum wash solution temperature that must be maintained for a spray type ware washer that
uses chemicals to sanitize?
What is the minimum water temperature that must be maintained if immersion in hot water is used for
sanitizing in a manual operation?
What is the minimum allowable PSI of the flow pressure of the fresh hot water sanitizing rinse in a ware
washing machine?
What is the maximum allowable PSI of the flow pressure of the fresh hot water sanitizing rinse in a ware
washing machine?
A sink with how many compartments is basic for proper manual ware washing procedures?
What affects detergent efficiency?
Water hardness
After washing, equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be sanitized in hot water manual operations
for at least how many seconds?
How often at a minimum must tableware be inspected by supervisory personnel?
Which method will be used to clean tables and seating areas during the meal period and prior to closing each
Two pan
How often at a minimum must cutting boards be cleaned and sanitized?
After each use
How often at a minimum must microwave ovens be cleaned?
Which standard or its equivalent must be met by materials used in the construction of food service utensils
and equipment?
NSF Standard No. 2
Which type of material must not be installed as floor covering in food preparation areas, food storage areas,
ware washing areas, hand washing areas and toiled room areas where urinals and toilets are located?
How many foot candles of lighting must be available at any time in all food service areas and rooms to include
walk-in units?
How many foot candles at a minimum must the lighting on food preparation and ware washing work surfaces
The lighting in packaged food and fresh produce sales areas, hand washing areas, ware washing areas,
equipment and utensil storage areas, and toilet areas must be at least 20 foot candles at a distance of how many
inches from the floor?
How often at a minimum must ventilation hoods and grease filters be cleaned of grease and dirt to avoid the
danger of fire?
Temperatures in shipboard spaces exceeding which temperature must be immediately reported to the Medical
Any self-closing, slow closing or metering faucet installed in hand washing facilities must provide a flow of
water for a minimum of how many seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet?
Which series should be referenced for guidance on disposal of plastic materials at sea?
Outside garbage storage areas or enclosures must not be located within how many feet of the food
establishment when possible?
How many times per week is it recommended that dumpsters and other containers used to store garbage be
thoroughly cleaned with high pressure water or steam whenever flies are present?
How often at a minimum should garbage produced in large volume be removed from the premises?
How often at a minimum must the Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA) inspect all food establishments
unless specifically exempted by the installation regulatory authority?
How often at a minimum regardless of exemptions must all Navy and Marine Corps food establishments be
What is the Food Establishment Inspection Report form number?
NAVMED 6240/1
Who is required to set a fixed risk category for each food establishment operating in their area of
Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA)
Which type of inspection shall be conducted to ensure establishments are built or remodeled per the approved
plans and specifications?
Preventive Medicine Authority (PMA) personnel shall verify that critical violations found during food
establishment inspections have been corrected at the time of inspection or within how many days of the initial
routine inspection?
The Food Establishment Inspection Report is based on citing violations in how many different categories?
Which command is responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of shipboard potable water
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM)
Which command is responsible for promulgating instructions for ship-to-shore potable water connections and
for providing potable water from an approved source when the ship is berthed at a naval facility?
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM)
Who is responsible for establishing and promulgating health standards for water quality afloat?
Chief, BUMED
Who is responsible for the chloride and hydrogen ion (pH) testing of the ship’s potable water?
Engineering Officer
Which type of water tends to be mineral free and can be highly corrosive to metal piping and storage tanks?
If unusual conditions require drastic restrictions in the use of potable water, the allowances should not be less
than how many gallons per man per day to be used for drinking and cooking purposes?
How many gallons of potable water are specified per day per man by NAVSEA for design considerations?

Shipboard potable risers shall be at least how many inches above the deck and turned down?
Potable water riser valve or valve handles must be properly color coded in accordance with which publication?

STM Chapter 505

How many general types of distillation plants are installed on naval vessels depending on the source of heat
used to evaporate seawater?
Which type of distilling plants are submerged tube type and use heat derived from diesel engine jacket water?
Waste heat
Which type of distilling plants primarily require only electrical energy for operations?
Vapor compression
Filling connection hose valves must have the potable water receiving connection at least how many inches
above the deck?
To avoid scald injuries, the temperature setting for the hot water heaters serving habitability space showers and
lavatories must be set not to exceed which temperature at the water tap?
Only sealants and lubricants certified to which standard may be used for potable water piping repairs?
NSF/ANSI Standard 61
Which color code will be used for potable water sounding tube caps?
Dark blue
Potable water hoses must be labeled “POTABLE WATER ONLY” with 1-inch high letters approximately
ever how many feet?
Maintenance of what is the usual method of guarding against contamination or accidents that may occur
during the production, handling, storage, and distribution of potable water?
Halogen residual
EPA has established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for all disinfectants used in drinking water at how
many parts per million (PPM)?
Shipboard water is disinfected by the addition of sufficient chlorine or bromine to produce not less than how
many parts per million (PPM) Free Available Chlorine (FAC) or total bromine residual (TBR) after 30 minutes
contact time measure at the potable water tank?
Chlorine along with what else are approved methods for disinfecting shipboard potable water?
How many feet at a minimum must calcium hypochlorite (HTH) lockers or bins be located away from any
heat source or surface which could exceed 140°F?
What is the maximum amount of 6-oz calcium hypochlorite (HTH) bottles that may be stored in a locker or
What is the shelf life of Bromine cartridges from the date of manufacture?
2 years
How many types of brominators are used in Bromine treatment installations?
Water received from an unapproved source, a source of doubtful quality, or an area where amebiasis or
infectious hepatitis is endemic, must be chlorinated or brominated to provide at least a halogen residual
(FAC/TBR) of how many parts per million (PPM) at the potable water tanks at the end of a 30-minute contact
Which publication provides guidance for neutralizing highly chlorinated water?
Potable water hoses are disinfected by filling them with a solution containing how many parts per million
(PPM) Free Available Chlorine (FAC) which must remain in contact with the entire hose interior for at least 2
Water can be made safe for drinking and cooking purposes by holding it at a rolling boil for at least how
many minutes?
Which type of vessels are generally exempt from routinely halogenating potable water?
What must the submarine atmosphere be monitored for when using calcium hypochlorite (HTH)?
Chlorine gas
How many 6 oz. bottles at a minimum of calcium hypochlorite (HTH) will be carried on board SSN submarines?
How many 6 oz. bottles at a minimum of calcium hypochlorite (HTH) will be carried on board SSBN submarines?
How often at a minimum must each calcium hypochlorite (HTH) bottle be inspected?
Every 3 months
How often at a minimum must bacteriological examination of potable water be performed on a minimum of four samples representative of the distribution system?
Water vessels shall deliver potable water to receiving ships with a halogen residual of at least how many parts per million (PPM) when the source is an approved watering point?
Water transferred from the ship for human consumption will contain how many parts per million FAC?
A bacteriological analysis must be conducted no later than how many weeks prior to transferring water from the ship for human consumption?
How often must all emergency potable water storage tanks be drained and refilled with potable water containing a minimum trace halogen residual?
What should the water temperature range be when manually washing potable water containers?
All interior surfaces of potable water containers must be disinfected by exposure to a chemical disinfectant solution for at least how many minutes?
Who is responsible for surveillance of the potable water system?
Medical Department Representative (MDR)

Which type of bacteria is the indicator organism for bacteriological drinking water quality?
Ships that can’t identify a source of the bad water taste or odor should add sufficient chlorine to provide a
dosage of how many parts per million (PPM) in the potable water tanks?
What has been successfully used to treat taste and odor problems associated with improperly applied potable
water tank coatings?
Steam application
Which personnel will provide consultative assistance for shipboard taste and odor problems upon request?
What is defined as any connection between two separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water,
and the other contains water of unknown or questionable quality or some other substance?
What is defined as the actual vertical separation between a potable water supply outlet and the highest possible
level of liquid in the sink, container, tank, etc., receiving the water?
Air Gap
What is the most common type of backflow or back-siphonage prevention devices?
Vacuum breaker
What must all ice be prepared from?
Potable water
Samples of ice shall be collected from what percentage of ice machines every week for bacteriological testing?
What has established Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for specific contaminants in water?
What should be contacted by afloat commands which require assistance for a water quality complaint or
Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit
High pH levels at or above what level will adversely affect the disinfectant properties of chlorine or bromine?
Which department is responsible for salinity testing on ship-produced water?
What represent the amount of halogen present in potable water following adequate disinfection?
How many parts per million FAC or TBR must be maintained by surface ships in the potable water distribution system after initial treatment?
How often should the Medical Department Representative (MDR) be testing for halogen residuals from sampling points that are varied and representative of the ship’s distribution system?
How often must bacteriological testing be completed on samples collected at representative points throughout
the distribution system?
Microorganisms of which group are indicators of water contamination?
What is defined as the growth of non-pathogenic microorganisms within the ship’s potable water system?
What are the bacteria that make up biofilms collectively referred to as?
Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) organisms
In general, Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) levels greater than how many bacterial colonies per milliliter are an indication of a loss of microbial control within the potable water piping as well as an indication of potential interference with the coliform measurements?
The Medical Department Representative will maintain a how many year chronological record of potable water surveillance?
Which form should accompany water samples submitted for bacteriological analysis to shore facilities?
DD 686
Which term refers to organisms, primarily arthropods and rodents, which play a significant role in the
transmission of disease to man, act as intermediate hosts or reservoirs of disease, present problems of sanitary or
hygienic significance, or otherwise affect the health and efficiency of personnel?
What are organisms which are destructive to structures, stored products, grounds, and other material properties
classified as?
Economic pests
Which reference provides basic standards and policies governing the Navy’s pest control programs?
DoD Directive 4150.7
Which department is required to plan and recommend vector control measures?
Who provide basic, advanced, and refresher training for military and civilian personnel in vector and economic
pest prevention and control measures?
Disease Vector Ecology and Control Centers (DVECC) medical entomologists
Which series delineates specific responsibilities of applied biologists assigned to engineering field divisions of
the Naval Facilities Engineering Command?
How often at a minimum must the senior enlisted medical department representative and the Corpsman
responsible for pest control attend shipboard pest control training?
What is any substance or mixture of substances intending for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating
any pest?
Which type of pesticide is used to control mites, scorpions, ticks, and related organisms?
Which type of insecticide is used against the egg stage of an insect?
What are pesticides of plant origin?
What are defined as chemicals that enter in the gaseous or vapor form via the respiratory system and/or
through body surfaces?
Which type of pesticide formulations contain parasitic microorganisms or their metabolic by-products that
control pests?
What are defined as absorptive dusts, which scratch, absorb, or abrade the waxy surface of the exoskeleton
causing death by dehydration?
Soil sterilants are normally thought of as an herbicide treatment to control unwanted vegetation in a given area
for how many or more months?
What are defined as compounds absorbed by and translocated throughout the host plant or animal to kill
parasites sucking juice or body fluids?
What may be used where dampness or water cause problems or where there is a need to apply insecticides in
cold weather?
Oil solutions
What consists of droplets of an emulsifiable pesticide dispersed in a diluent in such a way as to prevent
separation of the two components?
What are employed as foliage/grass sprays for application against turf pests as residuals against some stored
products pests and for interior residuals in malaria control programs?
What is the most useful size of granules and pellets?
15-40 mesh
Which type of materials enhance the effectiveness of basic toxicant chemicals by altering their physical or
chemical characteristics?
Which type of material is used to dissolve a pesticide for the preparation of a liquid formulation?
Which type of material which, when added to a pesticide, increases the effectiveness of that pesticide?
Aerosols are defined as a suspension of liquid or solid particles in air where the particle size generally ranges
from 0.1 to 50 microns in diameter with what percentage of the particles in the 0.1 to 30 micron range?
What are defined as dispersed particles in which the particles are intermediate in size between those of
aerosols and fine sprays?
How many microns in diameter are fine spray droplets?
How many microns in diameter are coarse spray droplets at a minimum?
What is the most expensive yet least permanent of the various methods of pest control?
Chemical control
Pesticide resistance has been reported for more than how many species of arthropods?
How often at a minimum should bait stations be checked?
How often at a minimum should bait stations be checked if rodent activity is noticed?
Which signal word should be on Highly Toxic pesticides?
Which signal word should be on Moderately Toxic pesticides?
Which signal word should be on Slightly Toxic pesticides?
What is the approximate amount of a highly toxic (0-50 mg/kg) pesticide needed to kill the average person?
Which type of approved respiratory device is necessary any time inhalation of pesticides can occur?
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Respirator cartridges should be changed out every how many hours of use at a minimum?
Respirator cartridges should be changed out every how many hours of use at a minimum during heavy pesticide spraying?
How many minutes or less does it take for the body to absorb pesticides?
Pesticide storage areas should be insulated to prevent exposure to temperatures in excess of what?
Combustible liquids are those with flash points greater than what temperature?
Flammable liquids are those with flash points less than what temperature?
What is the maximum allowable distance permitted for travel to an accessible fire extinguisher for flammable
What is defined as the removal of the toxicant to a disposal area?
What keeps the patient alive until specific antidotes can be given and take effect, or until the body has
sufficient time to metabolize and detoxify the poison?
Supportive therapy

How many minutes at a minimum must the eye be washed with a gentle stream of water if they are
contaminated with a pesticide?
Which type of pesticides cause irreversible cholinesterase inhibition?

Which fly species is capable of transmitting disease-producing organisms via its vomitus and excrement, and
on its contaminated feet, body hairs, and mouth parts?
House fly
Blowfly larvae sometimes develop in wounds or natural body openings causing which condition?
Which type of fly transmit the protozoan trypanosomes that cause human African sleeping sickness?
What is transmitted by horse and deer flies?
Which type of non-biting flies are attracted to wounds, pus, and secretions around the eyes and nose?
Eye gnats
How many major developmental stages do all flies have?
Which type of fly is possibly the most widely distributed insect pest of importance to mankind?
House fly
Up to how many batches of eggs at 3 to 4 day intervals can be laid by the female house fly?
How many hours does it take under favorable conditions for house fly eggs to hatch?
Which type of flies are identifiable by their large metallic shining blue, green, or black abdomens?
How many days is the average lifecycle of the blowfly?
Which color in appearance are flesh flies?
Medium gray
Which type of flies cause obligate myiasis?
Bot and Warble
Bot and Warble flies larval development requires how many months?
How many days does stable fly development take?
Which type of flies are easily recognizable by the way in which they fold their wings scissor-like above the
abdomen when resting, the characteristic discal cell (cleaver shaped) in the wing, and the prominent biting
Sand flies rarely exceed how many mm in length?
Which type of bloodsucking flies are often called no-see-ums, or punkies?
Biting Midges
Which type of flies inflict exceedingly painful bites and, when numerous, seriously interfere with outdoor
operations or recreation?
Horse and Deer
Larvicides should be applied until the breeding medium is saturated to a depth of how many inches?
Which type of formulas should not be used on tents because they will break down the waterproofing and
cause them to leak during subsequent rains?
Which insects rank first in importance among the insects that transmit diseases to man?
Aedes, Anopheles, along with which other mosquito genera are the most frequently associated with disease
What are recommended for interior control of mosquitoes when immediate eradication is required?
Space sprays
Which size of mesh should be used to protect living quarters in permanent or semi-permanent camps?
What is the infestation of lice on a human host termed?
How many species of lice infect man?
What is the size of the average bedbug?
6 mm
What is the only thing bedbugs feed on?
What are probably the most common and persistently troublesome arthropod pest encountered indoors?
Which phobia is the fear of insects?
What is the life span of the German cockroach?
6-10 months
What is the most common indoor species of cockroaches especially in and around food service spaces and
Which type of cockroach prefers living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, and is a common pest in hotels and
motels and is often found in hospital wards?
How often should cockroach surveys be conducted aboard ships by the Medical Department Representative
Every 2 weeks
What is an effective, environmentally sound method of cockroach control?
Bait application
Which series requires all locally procured pesticides and equipment be technically reviewed and approved
before procurement?
Stored products pests include over how many different species of insects?
How often must infestible products near or past the inspection test date be checked to find insects before they
destroy the product and contaminate other products on the ship or in the storage facility?
What are defined as chemicals secreted by an organism that cause a specific reaction by the other members of
the same species?
Which form must be submitted to the nearest entomologist, along with the insects to correctly identify the
infesting insects and to document the occurrence of a product infestation?
DD 12222
Freezing an infested product that is still consumable for how many weeks will kill all life stages of the insects
except for the eggs?
Which series outlines allowable levels of product infestation?
Mites of medical importance may be classified into how many different groups based upon their habitats?
How many developmental stages do mites go through after hatching from their eggs?
Where is the only place Chiggers customarily live?
Damp shaded soil
How many stages are there in the development of a tick?
Which type of flea does the fertilized female burrow into the skin of its host, particularly between the toes,
under the toenails, and in the tender part of the feet?
Approximately how many ounces does the Norway rat weigh?
Which type of rats prefer seeds, cereals, vegetables, fruit and grass, but may subsist on leather goods,
chocolate, and even weaker members of its own kind?
How many days on average does it take rodents to accept traps as part of the environment?
How many inches in diameter at a minimum should rat guards be?
How many feet from the closest point to the shore should rat guards be mounted?
How many feet at a minimum should gangways and other means of access to the vessel be separated from the
shore unless guarded to prevent rodent movement?
What are the method of choice for rodent infestations aboard ship?
Glue boards and snap traps
Which series details the requirements for a de-radiation certification?
Residual insecticide application is only authorized when in port and when outboard ventilation is possible for
a minimum of how many hours?
Up to how many combat bait stations may be onboard submarines?
Approximately how many deaths per year result from venomous arthropods?
How often should the Medical Department Representative (MDR) conduct a stored product pest survey?
Approximately how many deaths per year result from poisonous reptiles?
Venoms produced by arthropods are mixtures of how many toxic types?
Which spider has venom which is strongly hemolytic and vesicating causing progressive tissue necrosis?
Loxosceles reclusa
Which fluid exuded by blister beetles causes formation of serious blisters that eventually break causing
satellite blisters?
Anaphylactic shock is treated by the use of a tourniquet and subcutaneous injections of what?
How often may supplementary applications of DEET be necessary after initial application depending on loss
through sweating, wading, contact, or similar activities?
Every 6-10 hours
How many wash cycles does permethrin remain effective on clothing?
Which series defines disinsection on vessels and aircraft?
Which procedures include measures designed to prevent dissemination of disease organisms infective to
plants, animals, and/or man?
How many gallons of pesticide can most backpack sprayers hold?
Up to how many acres can be sprayed depending on the pesticide application rate by the Navy Pesticide Aerial
Cargo Unit Number 9 (PACU-9) with its 60 gallon tank?
Up to how many acres can be sprayed depending on the pesticide application rate by the Army Pesticide Dispersal Unit (PDU) with its 150 gallon tank?
What is the only authorized fixed wing aerial spray system in the Department of Defense?
Air Force Modular Aerial Spray System (MASS)
Up to how many acres can be sprayed depending on the pesticide application rate by the Air Force Modular
Aerial Spray System (MASS) with its 2,000 gallon tank?
Which personnel have the primary mission of preserving unit combat effectiveness by providing informed
technical information to the Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge concerning preventive medicine and
environmental health?
Preventive Medicine (PREVMED)
What is one of the most important functions of any military medical service?
Disease prevention
Over how many hospital admissions in World War II were caused by cold injuries?
Over how many man-days were lost during World War II due to arthropod born diseases?
16.5 million
Which centers prepare in-depth Disease Vector Risk Assessment Profiles?
Navy Disease Vector Ecology and Control Centers (NAVDISVECTECOLCONCENs)
Which report provides information to the Commanding Officer (CO) about the course of events during the
deployment and presents problems as they occurred?
After Action Report (AAR)
How many phases should the After Action Report (AAR) be separated into?
Within how many days after mission completion must personnel deployed for less than 6 months submit their
After Action Report (AAR)?
Within how many days after mission completion must personnel deployed for 6 or more months submit their
After Action Report (AAR)?
Who are responsible for providing sufficient potable water for the population to be served?
Which type of water includes lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds?
How many feet at a minimum must ground water sources be located from all existing sources of contamination
as well as being situated so that the drainage is away from the well or spring?
What is usually used to accomplish desalinization of salt water?
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU)
What is the most common field water purification system in use?
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU)
What is a transportable quick-response water purification system capable of aerating, clarifying, filtering and
disinfecting contaminated water?
What is the most common method of disinfecting potable water?
What is the preferred type of chlorine agent because it comes in granular form, has a long shelf-life, and is
readily available from the Navy stock system?
Calcium hypochlorite
What is the most common type of chlorine agent used by municipal water treatment plants?
Chlorine gas
Which process is used to disinfect water containers and distribution systems initially (before they are used) or
when they have become contaminated?
Superchlorination is accomplished by chlorinating the water in a container or distribution system to at least
100 ppm FAC and holding it in the container for how many hours?
A rule of thumb for the minimum amount of water required for advanced base medical facilities is how many
gallons per medical treatment bed per day?
How often at a minimum must the FAC residual of all water supplies be determined?
How often at a minimum must field water supplies be bacteriologically tested?
Who is responsible for inspecting all food items at the time of receipt?
Food Service Officer (FSO)
How often per day at a minimum must all bulk storage refrigerators/freezer temperatures be read?
How often at a minimum should refrigerated space be emptied and thoroughly cleaned?
Field reefers, as a general rule, will be maintained at or below what temperature?
40 degrees F
Room temperature must not exceed which temperature when thawing frozen foods at room temperature?
80 degrees F
Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHFs) which have been held between 40°F and 140°F for more than how many
cumulative hours must be disposed of as garbage?
How many metal GI cans are used to set up a field dishwashing unit?
In emergency situations where hot water is not available, messing utensils can be sanitized by immersion in a
50 ppm FAC solution for how many seconds?
What must be constructed to dispose of waste water from the food service area in the field?
Soakage pits
What is the current Meal Ready to Eat (MRE) shelf life?
48 months
What are the main components of T-Rations?
Tray packs
Up to how many servings of food can be provided by tray packs?
Which personnel should provide technical assistance in the fabrication, location, and maintenance of field
waste disposal facilities?
Medical department
How often at a minimum must Preventive Medicine (PREVMED) personnel inspect field waste disposal
facilities to ensure they are being run in a sanitary manner?
How many inches deep are cat holes?
How deep are straddle trenches?
How many feet away should latrines be from the nearest natural water source?
How many feet away should latrines be from the nearest berthing area?
How many yards away should latrines be from the nearest food service area?
How many people are straddle trench latrines designed to accommodate?
How deep should the pit for a deep pit latrine be at a maximum?
Which type of latrine is desirable where the soil conditions are hard, rocky or frozen?
How many feet deep is an 18 inch diameter hole bored down for bored hole latrines?
How many men are served by one urinoil?
Up to how many people can be served by one soakage pit?
What is the most effective device for removing grease between the field mess and each soakage pit?
Baffle grease trap
Burials for garbage must be at least how many feet away from any natural water source and from the field
How many people will pits service for one day for garbage needs?
What is constructed to dispose of garbage when staying for 2 or more days in one location?
Continous trench
Which garbage disposal method is often used in camps that will be used for a week or more?
How many feet at a minimum must incinerators be located away from the camp area and flammables?
What is defined as dry, disposable waste resulting from almost all of man’s activities?
What dictates the direction of heat flow from (or to) the body?
Ambient air temperature
Which type of heat is produced by the reflective energy of the sun or equipment in close proximity to a human
Alcohol should not be consumed for how many hours prior to heat stress?
Heat cramps primarily result from the excessive loss of which substance through sweating?
Which condition occurs when there is excessive pooling of the blood in the extremities making it so the brain
does not receive enough blood?
Heat Syncope
Which condition results from peripheral vascular collapse due to excessive water and salt depletion?
Heat exhaustion
What should not be used to treat heat exhaustion?
Which condition results from the collapse of the thermal regulatory mechanism?
What is the optimal period for heat acclimatization?
3 weeks
What is the single most important factor in avoidance of heat injury?
Adequate water intake
How many minute intervals should personnel exposed to heat consume water?
What is the optimum temperature range for drinking water?
What is the most effective means of assessing the effect of heat stress on the human body?
Wet Bulb, Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index
Which color flag is flown when the Wet Bulb, Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index is less than 80?
Which color flag is flown when the Wet Bulb, Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index is between 80 and 84.9?
Which color flag is flown when the Wet Bulb, Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index is between 85 and 87.9?
Which color flag is flown when the Wet Bulb, Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index is between 88 and 89.9?
Which color flag is flown when the Wet Bulb, Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index is at or above 90?
How many points are added to the measured WBGT when wearing body armor or NBC protective uniforms?
Cold injuries are more likely to occur in “front line” troops and predominately those below which rank?
Imersion syndrome is a serious condition which may occur in as little as 24 hours in environments where the
water is below what temperature?
Which condition occurs from exposure to ambient or wind-chill temperature below freezing?
Which condition is the general cooling of the body’s core temperature?
How many minutes can hypothermia happen under extreme conditions?
What percentage of body heat loss can be through the head?
Which type of diseases are transmitted from a carrier to a susceptible host?
What is the key to a successful disease control program?
Which type of diseases are transmitted under natural conditions from vertebrate animals to man either directly
or indirectly by vector borne means?
What is an infestation of lice on various parts of the body?
What is an infectious disease of the skin caused by a mite?
Which series contains regulations pertaining to communicable disease reporting?