BUPERSINST 1610.10C (WITH CHANGE-2) Flashcards
What does the Navy performance evaluation system utilize for officers (W2-O6)?
What does the Navy performance evaluation system utilize for chief petty officers (CPO) (E7-E9)?
What does the Navy performance evaluation system utilize for enlisted personnel (E1-E6)?
What is the highest grade performance traits are given in the Navy performance evaluation system?
What performance trait grade represents performance to full Navy standards?
What performance trait grades must be substantiated in the comments, as well as general comments on the remainder of the evaluative blocks?
What is the highest promotion recommendation that is allowed for paygrades O1 and O2 (with the exception of Limited Duty Officers)?
What publication contains specific direction concerning delegated reporting seniors?
An enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 and civilians in command positions who hold the grade of GS-9 through GS-12 may sign reports on what paygrade and below?
A CPO or senior chief petty officers (SCPOs) may sign reports on personnel what paygrade and below only?
Reports for E1 to E9 may be signed by personnel in what grade or their equivalent?
Personnel in what paygrade and below require the signatures of a rater and senior rater, as well as the reporting senior on their EVALs?
What rank or the civilian equivalent must personnel hold to be the rater for E1-E4 personnel?
What type of counseling must be provided at the mid-point of the periodic report cycle as well as when reports are signed?
Who guides the counseling program as well as monitors counselor performance and results?
Who is responsible for the FITREP, CHIEFEVAL and EVAL programs?
Chief of Naval Personnel
What type of reports must cover, day-for-day, all naval service on active duty or in drilling Reserve programs, except for enlisted initial entry training and other limited circumstances?
What type of reports provide a record of significant performance in an additional duty (ADDU) or temporary additional duty (TEMADD) status?
What performance trait grade is reserved for performance that is far above standards as well as being notable for its exemplary or leadership quality?
What performance trait grade identifies sailors that could be promoted two paygrades and still be a standout?
Superstar Performance – 5.0
What performance trait grade means the sailor is far more than promotion-ready in this trait right now?
Advanced Performance – 4.0
What performance trait grade means the sailor can handle this aspect of the next higher paygrade?
Dependable, “Fully-Qualified,” Journeyman Performance – 3.0.
What performance trait grade means the sailor needs development in this trait but is promotable if overall performance warrants?
Useful, Promising Performance – 2.0
What performance trait grade means until deficiencies are remedied in this trait the sailor should not be promoted regardless of performance in other traits?
Disappointing Performance – 1.0
What were summary groups formerly known as?
Comparison groups
Adverse or downgraded FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, and EVALs may not be directed as punishment or used as an alternative to the proper disposition of misconduct under the what?
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
How long from the ending date of a report does the reporting senior have to submit an administrative change or evaluative supplement for good cause?
2 years
How long must the reporting senior retain copies of FITREPs on all officers and CHIEFEVALs on all CPOs?
5 years
How long must the command retain copies of enlisted EVALs and CHIEFEVALS?
2 years
FITREP/CHIEFEVAL/EVAL ending dates are the last day of the month for officers and what day of the month for enlisted?
If within the past how many months a member has received a graded regular report than a periodic report may be omitted?
MILPERSMAN article 1070-170 along with what other article of the U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990 require that a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL containing adverse matter be referred to the member for a statement before it is placed in the official record?
What rule as stated in part II of the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM) contains the principles of judicial independence that FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs and EVALs must respect?
Who is the reporting senior for members of the United States Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals?
Judge Advocate General
What Act are FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs and EVALs subject to regarding privacy?
Privacy Act of 1974
How long must reporting seniors retain copies of FITREPs on officers and CHIEFEVALs on CPOs?
5 years
How long must commands retain copies of EVALs on all enlisted personnel (E1-E9) following the end date of the report?
2 years
What supplies the application programs used to support automated preparation and submission of FITREPs and EVALs?
Which performance report block contains the members name?
Which performance report block contains the members grade/rate?
Which performance report block contains the members designator?
How many enlisted warfare/qualification designators can be entered in block 3 when preparing a performance report?
Which performance report block contains the members social security number?
Which performance report block contains the members duty/competitive status?
Which performance report block contains the members UIC?
Block 6 of the performance report should match the primary UIC of the reporting senior in what block?
What should be entered for activities to which no UIC is assigned when preparing the performance report?
Which performance report block contains the members ship/station?
Which performance report block contains the members promotion status?
Which performance report block contains the date that the member reported?
Which performance report blocks contain the occasion for report?
Which performance report blocks contain the period of report?
Which performance report block contains the space used to put Not Observed Report if it is applicable?
Which performance report blocks contain the type of report?
Which performance report block contains the members physical readiness status?
Which performance report block contains the members billet subcategory, if any?
Which performance report block names the reporting senior?
Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s grade?
Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s four-digit officer designator?
Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s title?
Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s UIC?
Which performance report block contains the reporting senior’s social security number?
Which performance report block contains command employment and command achievements?
Which performance report block contains the members Primary/Collateral/Watchstanding duties?
Which performance report block contains the date the member was counseled?
Which performance report block contains the name of the members counselor?
Which performance report block contains the signature of the individual counseled?
Which performance report blocks contain the members performance traits?
What is the maximum promotion recommendation a member may receive if they are given a 2.0 due to a Physical Fitness Assessment failure in military bearing/character/professionalism?
Which performance report block contains the individual trait average?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the career recommendations for the member being counseled?
Which performance report block contains the signature of the rater?
Which EVAL performance report block contains comments on performance?
Which performance report block contains the members qualifications/achievements?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the individuals promotion recommendation?
What is the highest promotion recommendation that can be given to Ensign and lieutenant junior grade on their FITREPs for designators other than Limited Duty Officer (6XXX)?
What is the minimum grade that the Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity (FITREP/EVAL), and Character (CHIEFEVAL) must be evaluated in order to maintain eligibility for advancement and receive a Promotable recommendation?
What grade may not be given in any performance trait if a Must Promote or Early Promote recommendation is to be given?
What grade may not be given in any performance trait if a Promotable recommendation is to be given?
Receiving what grade on any performance trait will terminate Good Conduct medal eligibility for at least 3 years following the end date of the report?
What mark given to E7-E9’s, unless they are specifically recommended for retention in the comments, also counts as a recommendation against retention?
Significant Problems
What is the upper limit on Early Promote recommendations for all pay grades except non-Limited Duty Officer O1/O2 for each summary group?
What can Must Promote recommendations be increased by for each Early Promote quota not used?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the summary?
Which performance report block contains the retention recommendation?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the reporting seniors address?
Which performance report block contains the signature of the senior rater?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the reporting senior signature?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the signature of the individual being evaluated?
The reporting senior shall hand write in the signature block of the member “certified, copy provided” if the report is not adverse and if the member is not expected to return to or visit the command within 15 days (active duty) or how many days (inactive duty)?
Which EVAL performance report block contains the regular reporting senior signature on concurrent reports?
What manual should be used for instructions on mailing classified material?
SECNAV M-5510.36
Personnel at or below what paygrade may have their reports signed by an enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 or civilians in command positions who hold the grade of GS-9 through GS-12?
Personnel at or below what paygrade may have their reports signed by a CPO or SCPOs?
Personnel at or below what paygrade may have their reports signed by GS-13’s or their equivalent?
EVALs for enlisted personnel at or below what paygrade require the signatures of a rater, senior rater, and reporting senior?
What civilian grade/equivalent must delegated reporting seniors for officer reports be?
The reporting senior authority for officers may be delegated to heads of those components without prior NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) approval in shore commands having components that are permanently located more than how many miles from the headquarters?
Reports on members in the grade of E5 through E9 including members frocked to E5 may not be delegated below the grade of O4, what civilian grade, or equivalent?
Reports on members in the grade of E4 and below may not be delegated below what military grade?
The CO must sign any report that withdraws a recommendation for enlisted advancement after advancement authorization for the member has been received. A flag officer may delegate this authority to what grade or above?
Who assumes the reporting senior responsibility and authority of a subordinate commanding officer that dies, becomes incapacitated, is summarily relieved or detached for cause, or becomes seriously delinquent in submitting reports?
What grade should the rater be for E5 and E6 personnel whenever possible?
What grade can the rater be for E4 and below personnel?
What type of reports are now considered to be regular reports for both officers and enlisted?
What is the only type of report that provides continuity?
No more than how many months may be covered by regular reports, including letter-extensions, without NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) approval?
Periodic reports may be omitted if the member received an Observed Regular report ending no more than how many months prior to the Periodic report date?
Detachment of Reporting Senior reports are not required from an interim reporting senior who has been on board for how many months or less if the reporting senior’s permanent relief agrees to cover the period in the next Regular report?
Detachment of Reporting Senior reports are optional for personnel in what paygrades?
Periodic reports may be omitted and added to the next period if Detachment of Reporting Senior reports were submitted for a particular paygrade, and, if the next report is the periodic report but is less than how many days from the previous Detachment of Reporting Senior report?
A Promotion/Frocking EVAL must always be submitted upon promotion or frocking to what paygrade?
Promotion/frocking reports for officers or enlisted members who have been promoted should not be submitted unless the change in Periodic report dates will result in more than how many months between Regular reports?
A new reporting senior who has not written an ”Observed” report on a member may submit a Special report on an officer or CPO who is eligible before a promotion selection board if the individual has performed significant duties under that reporting senior for at least how many months?
An E6 may receive a Special report for a promotion selection board who has performed duty at a new command for at least how many months who has not yet received an Observed report?
A Special report may not be submitted for the sole purpose of raising what?
Performance Mark Average
A report is considered “declining” when the promotion recommendation is reduced (other than due to summary group size change) or because of a reduction in at least how many trait grades in the same paygrade by the same reporting senior?
What are Detachment of Reporting Senior reports that are optional for E1-E6 submitted as?
Special reports
Special FITREPs for superior performance or recommendations are specifically prohibited for what personnel?
For up to how many months, unless it was submitted for the reduction-in-rate of an enlisted member, may a Special report be extended for?
What type of report provides a record of significant performance that was not directly observable by the regular reporting senior?
If ADDU or TEMADD requires absence from the permanent duty command for more than how many months, except for duty under instruction or duty in which the individual was accountable only to the permanent duty commander, than a Concurrent report should be submitted?
What may be used as an alternative to a non-mandatory Concurrent report?
Performance Information Memorandum
A period up to how many months may be covered by a Concurrent report (but not a Concurrent/Regular report)?
For what purposes are Concurrent/Regular reports considered to be Concurrent reports?
Summary group
By what means can a concurrent reporting senior extend a Concurrent report?
Provided the resulting total reporting period does not exceed how many months than a regular reporting senior may extend a Concurrent/Regular report with a copy to the concurrent reporting senior?
Who does the report require an endorsement from when the concurrent reporting senior is a captain (or below) in the same competitive category as a captain who is being reported on?
Flag officer
What block will the regular reporting senior mark to endorse on all Concurrent/Regular printed copies?
Block 17
What type of reports provide a supplemental record of performance for active duty COs or OICs as observed by their operational commanders?
Operational Commander
In what block (FITREP/CHIEFEVAL) will the operational commander reporting senior fill in the Member’s Trait Average and the Summary Group Average next to the line identifier?
An NOB report is identified by an “X” in what block of the performance report?
What type of reports are used to fulfill reporting requirements when graded reports are inappropriate?
NOB reports may be submitted for short periods of duty or TEMDU (not to exceed how many months) that is purely for administrative or training purposes, academic duty under instruction, duties that require a member’s complete independence from any appearance of command influence, and Regular report periods that have been fully evaluated in a Concurrent or Operational Commander report?
In some cases, it may sometimes be appropriate to evaluate a limited number of traits (no more than how many traits) without making a promotion recommendation. In these cases, submit an Observed report (leaving block 16 blank)?
An Observed report with a “NOB” promotion recommendation cannot be submitted if the member received a 1.0 in any trait, a 2.0 or below in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity or Character, how many 2.0 trait grades, or contains adverse information in the comments?
What will the applications software produce for all NOB reports having the same reporting senior and ending date?
Summary letter
Briefly give the reason for submitting a NOB report and provide necessary administrative information in block 43 for all reports, other than reports for Annual Training that are greater than 10 days and less than how many days?
When a member is ordered for duty to a civilian (other than what) or foreign activity, the orders will normally designate an assigned reporting senior?
U.S. Federal government
How long before a Periodic report is due are Letter reports desired?
1 month
What format must be used for Letter reports?
What manual has a list of UIC’s?
What color ink should be used for signing reports?
Black or blue-black
What are defined as recruit training; veteran, Navy Veteran/Other Service Veteran (NAVET/OSVET) indoctrination; and schools following in direct sequence prior to reporting to first permanent duty station?
If training is expected to exceed what time frame than Regular EVAL continuity should begin as of the date of detachment from the final phase of IET or at the end of the second regular reporting period during IET?
1 year
A detachment of individual concurrent report should be submitted or a Performance Information Memorandum should be furnished to the regular reporting senior in preparing the next Regular report for what regardless of length?
Who is the Inactive Duty Training regular reporting senior for all subordinate personnel assigned to the reserve unit?
Navy Reserve Unit CO
Inactive Duty Training Detachment of Individual reports are required on all members who are detached from the unit as a result of what?
Navy Reserve Unit CO will be assigned in an ADDU status to their respective supporting Navy Reserve Echelon what level Commander?
Which member of the Navy Reserve will assume authority for the affected reports if a mobilized CO cannot submit reports in a timely manner?
Inactive Duty Training reports should be mailed no later than how long after the ending date of the report?
30 days
NOB/Detachment of Individual reports should be prepared with comments for every period of Active Duty greater than how many days and less than 90 days for reservists?
Successive periods of training at the same command that are separated by gaps of how many days or less may be covered in a single FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, EVAL, or a Performance Information Memorandum for reservists?
Periodic reports may be omitted if reservist members have been on active duty for less than how many months?
What format will be used for Flag officer endorsements?
What should personnel consider using before using a Performance Information Memorandum in lieu of a Regular report?
NOB report
FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs, along with what else are the preferred reports for significant, observed performance?
In place of a Regular FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL report a Performance Information Memorandum may be prepared for Duty, DUINS, TEMDU, or TEMDUINS for a period of how many months or less?
How may a Performance Information Memorandum that only contains administrative or academic information be signed?
“By direction”
Within how many days must Performance Information Memorandum’s be forwarded to the command preparing the Regular FITREP or EVAL report for the covered period?
Only 10 or 12 pitch (12 or 10 point) type should be used at how many lines per inch (standard typewriter spacing) when filling out the comments block on all performance reports?
What types of comments are not allowed in the comments block on all performance reports?
What will not be accepted on the comments block on all performance reports?
Continuation sheets
All performance trait grades of what grade must be specifically substantiated in the comments block on all performance reports?
What type of style is preferred when filling out the comments block on performance reports?
What should be limited to ensure performance reports are understandable by all current and future readers?
How many months prior to the due date for performance reports should member’s written input be obtained?
What is the highest classification allowed for performance report supplements if classified comments are unavoidable?
If performance reports are submitted under an assumption of authority by the ISIC or by a General Courts- Martial Convening Authority then the circumstances should be noted at the beginning of EVAL block 43 or what FITREP/CHIEFEVAL block?
How many or more declined trait grades by the same reporting senior define a decline in performance?
A performance trait grade below what in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity or Character must be specifically substantiated?
What EVAL block are items marked with asterisk (*) reported in?
Civil prosecutions are concluded after a determination is made by what?
Trial court
Court-martials are concluded after what approves the findings and sentence
Convening authority
How many days do members normally have to appeal NJP punishment?
A female member shall not be given a less favorable report solely because of what?
What may be typed in place of a signature if no one is available to serve as the rater or senior rater?
When only one person is available, that person should sign as the rater rather than senior rater. The same person may not sign more than how many blocks?
The Reporting senior should write “Certified Copy Provided” in the member’s signature block and submit the report to the NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) if the report is not adverse and if the member is not expected to return to or visit the command within 15 days (active duty) or how many days (inactive duty)?
How many days after forwarding performance reports for signature should tracer action be initiated if no reply has been given?
What should be completed if an enlisted member refuses to sign a performance report?
NAVPERS 1070/613
What is the only way, other than the addition of supplementary material, that a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL may be modified once it has been filed in the Official Military Personnel/field service record?
Administrative change
What type of material is used to clarify, amend, or correct evaluative blocks?
How many years after the ending date of the performance report may the original reporting senior submit supplementary material?
A letter-supplement or what else may be used to submit supplementary information?
Supplemental report
How many pages must a letter-supplement be limited to?
What may a member who discovers an obvious technical error in a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL and is unable to contact the original reporting senior directly submit an administrative change request to?
What does NAVPERSCOM store the signed record copy of each report in?
Image file
What reports contain the enlisted promotion recommendation that is the CO’s official recommendation for or against advancement?
Which mark is not a recommendation either for or against advancement?
What is a recommendation against advancement that withdraws any previous advancement recommendation in the current grade?
Significant Problems
What is the PMA awarded for an Early Promote promotion recommendation?
What is the PMA awarded for a Must Promote promotion recommendation?
What is the PMA awarded for a Promotable promotion recommendation?
What is the PMA awarded for Progressing promotion recommendation?
What is the PMA awarded for a Significant Problems recommendation?
What block of the EVALs being used in the advancement cycle will personnel locate the PMA?
A Performance Information Memorandum may include information that should be recorded on what form?
NAVPERS 1070/604
For members received from initial entry training, periods of training must be verified from the Enlisted Qualifications History (NAVPERS 1070/604) and what other form?
NAVPERS 1070/605
What can NAVPERSCOM (PERS-313) request when missing performance reports are urgently needed by selection boards?
Message summaries
Who are responsible for ensuring the continuity of the members FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, or EVAL records?
Service member
What contains original EVALs, supplements, and statements for E4 and below and copies of these documents for E5 to E9?
Enlisted field service record
Which MILPERSMAN article requires upon transfer that the field service record be reviewed in the member’s presence at the final destination?
How many months prior to any board convening date should members review their NAVPERSCOM records to allow time to correct discrepancies?
Approximately how many days after performance reports are signed and mailed to NAVPERSCOM should members review their Continuity of Reports on BOL?
What is used to summarize a member’s professional and performance history?
Performance Summary Record (PSR)
A member may not request NAVPERSCOM to change any evaluative mark or comment, or any administrative data that would place the member in another what?
Promotion Recommendation Summary Group
As a minimum, a member should attempt to obtain any missing report covering significant duty in the grades of E5 or above within the past how many years?
How many years after the ending date of the performance report may a member submit a statement to the record about any FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL?
How many pages at a maximum can statements to the record be about any FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL?
How many days does the reporting senior have to endorse and forward statements to the record that members have submitted about any FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL with a copy back to the member?
What box should members mark who desire to make a statement for submission with an EVAL performance report?
What contains the procedures for communicating with enlisted boards?
Which U.S. Navy Regulations article provides the authority to request captains mast to raise questions concerning FITREPs, CHIEFEVALs and EVALs with the CO?
Which U.S. Navy Regulations article allows members to petition the Board for Correction of Naval Records for correction of error or removal of injustice in a FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL?
Which instruction contains preparation guidance for Privacy Act amendment requests?
Under what Public Law may a member of the Defense Acquisition Workforce whose reporting senior is not in the same Defense Acquisition Workforce career field request a review of their reports by a person in the same Defense Acquisition Workforce career field as themselves?
What shall be performed at the midpoint of each evaluation cycle, and when the FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL is signed?
Block 1 along with what other blocks must be filled out on counseling worksheets?
What pay grade should the rater normally be for E1-E4 personnel?
For personnel in what paygrades will the counselor normally be the reporting senior or the immediate supervisor who will draft the FITREP or CHIEFEVAL?
How many major objectives are there to accomplish during counseling sessions?