Which type of event overwhelms immediately available medical capabilities to include personnel, supplies, and/or equipment?
Mass Casualty
Which principle is effective mass casualty response founded on?
Which system sorts and prioritizes casualties based on the tactical situation, mission, and available resources?
How many different categories of triage are there?
Groups of injured people who require attention within minutes to 2 hours on arrival to avoid death or major disability fall under which triage category?
Which triage category would a patient be placed into who presents with a head injury requiring emergent decompression?
Which triage group includes those wounded who are in need of surgery, but whose general condition permits delay in treatment without unduly endangering life, limb, or eyesight?
Which triage category would a patient be placed into who arrives with fractures or soft-tissue injuries without significant bleeding?
Which triage group has relatively minor injuries and can effectively care for themselves or with minimal medical care?
Which triage group has injuries that overwhelm current medical resources at the expense of treating salvageable patients?
Heavy stress patients should be sent to a combat stress control restoration center for up to how many days reconstitution?
Which mnemonic should be used where resources/tactical situations allow for combat stress patients?
What has transfusion medicine in the theater of war historically relied on and will probably continue to rely on in the future?
Walking Blood Bank
The majority of combat wounded will suffer nonfatal extremity injuries. How will these be triaged in general?
All casualties should flow through a single triage area and undergo rapid evaluation by whom?
Initial triage officer
Who is responsible for overarching clinical management of the mass casualty response at role 2-4 facilities?
Chief of Trauma
Who must each individual on the resuscitation treatment team coordinate the movement of their patients with?
Chief Surgical Triage Officer
Numerous authors have stated that, after the first 24 hours of a mass casualty ordeal, the activities of the care providers must be decreased by what percentage to allow for participant recovery and rest?