Nasal cavities Flashcards
what are the functions of the nasal cavities
conduction and preparation of inspired air:
- moistens
- warms
- filters and traps particles
heat exchange and cooling for the brain:
- airflow cools venous blood
- subsequent countercurrent flow with arteries cools arterial blood going to the brain
- caudal regions of the turbines covered by olfactory epithelium
describe the landmarks that the nasal cavity is bordered by
dorsally: nasal bones
ventrally: hard palate
laterally: incisive bone and maxilla
rostrally: nares (nostrils)
caudally: nasopharynx
axially: nasal septum (vertical through nasal cavity
how are the nostrils supported
cartilage attached to nasal septum
(cows have a cartilagenous ring)
compare the nares of the horse to the cow
- nostrils surrounded by smooth hairless nasolabial plate (stratified cornified epithelium with serous glands to creat moisture called nasolabial glands)
- no ventral nasal cartilage
- incomplete cartilagenous ring to allow for distensible nostrils to help pass air through
- alar cartilages (form comma shaped nostrils) make a true nostril ventrally and a false nostril dorsally
- have significant ability to distend nostril to improve airflow
what muscles control nostril dilation, what are they innervated by and what artery provides blood supply
- levator nasolabilais (contracts to bring lateral nare outward)
- caninus
- transverse nasi (pulls axial aspect inward to dilate)
all innervated by facial nerve
all supplied by the facial artery
what gland moistens the nose of the dog and cat
lateral nasal gland
what is the name of the median groove that divides the nasal plate of the dog and cat
what are the complications that brachycephalic breeds face
BOAS causes:
- stenotic nares
- elongated an thickened soft palates
- enlarged tongues
- narrow tracheas
affects QOL:
- increased breathing and noise
- coughing and shortness of breath
- sleep apnoea
- exercise intolerance
describe the species adaptation of the nasal cavity of a pig
- small nostrils on flat, mobile snout
- highly sensitive
- have rostral boney plate
describe the species adaptations of nares in birds
- slit like openings
- operculum (overhanging bony flap)
What is the nasal vestibule
- the opening of the nasal cavity
- contains the opening of the nasolacrimal duct
- recieves nasal gland secretions in dogs
Map nasal osteology
dorsal: nasal bones (1)
lateral: incisive bones (2) and Maxilla (3)
ventral: palatine bones
caudal: ethmoidal bone
axial: nasal septum
describe the nasal cavities
- extends from nostrils to cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
- divided into left and right sides by nasal septum
- each side then further divided by nasal conchae
what are nasal conchae
- scrolls of turbinate bone covered in mucosa
- further increase nasal surface area
- highly vascular (helps warm air)
discuss the differences between canaine conchae and equine conchae
- canine conchae is highly complex and densely packed
- equine conchae is more spaced out, provinding larger spaces for air to flow
dont stick things in dogs noses - will bleed and break
what are the nasal meatus
- nasal conchae divide nasal cavity into three separate passages: dorsal, ventral and middle meatus
- simple in horses, more complex in dogs
why are the nasal cavities of dogs more complex than those of horses
- horses are obligate nasal breathers, while dogs can breath through their mouths
- olfaction
blue: dorsal meatus
red: middle meatus
pink: ventral meatus
what nasal meatus do you want to pass a nasal tube through
ventral meatus - middle and dorsal are too small
label and describe the types of epithelium you would expect to find in these regions
a: vestibule: transition from integument to mucous membrane
b: nasal cavity: respiratory epithelium
c:. caudodorsal part of the ethmoidal conchae = olfactory epithelium
d: vomernasal organ (secondary olfaction organ for pheremone detection)
describe the respiratory epithelium and its functions
- pseudostratified
- ciliated
- columnar
- contains goblet cells
- regulation of air flow by erectile tissue
- cleaning
- humidification
- warming
- protection reflexes
What is the role of turbinates in olfaction
- The ethmoturbinates extend rostrally from the ethmoid bone
- covered with respiratory epithelium
- also contain olfactory sensory neurones
- Sniffing alters the normal airflow to bring the air into contact with the ethmoturbinates.
what does the olfacttory region of the nasal cavity contain
- Olfactory cells.
- Non-motile- cilia-like structures: olfactory receptors, exposed dendrite on the mucosal surface detects chemicals. Olfactory neurones are continuously renewed due to the presence of neural stem cells in the basal layer. Axons collect in bundles in lamina propria.
- Cranial nerve I (olfactory nerve)- axons group into bundles, bundles penetrate the cribriform plate, enter olfactory lobe of brain.
what is the vomernasal organ
- accessory olfactory sense organ
- contained within the hard palate
- unique chemoreceptors distinct from other olfactory organs (may play a role in pheremone detection
- associated with the flehmen response (lip curling in horses)
what structures cause the most air flow resistance
nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx
resistance = length/radius^4