Mycology Lab Exam Flashcards
(A)Identify this EA.
(B)What type of fungal mycosis does it cause?
(C)What specific mycosis does it cause?

(A)Exophiala werneckii
(C)tinea nigra
(A)Identify skin lesion.
(B)What is it commonly called in the Philippines?
(C)most probable EA

(A)Pityriasis versicolor
(C)Malassezia furfur
(A)Identify EA
(B)type of mycosis caused
(C)specific name of mycosis caused

(A)Identify the species.
(B)What structure is encircled?

(A)Alternaria sp.
(A)Identify the species.
(B)Result for in-vitro hair perforation
(C)result for urease production

(A)Trichophyton mentagrophytes
(A)Identify the species
(B)What is the structure pointed? Describe its shape.

(A)Microsporum canis
(B)Macroconidia, spindle-shaped
(A)Identify the species
(B)What do you call the thick-walled cells that accompany this fungus?

(A)Aspergillus nidulans
(B)Hulle cells
(A)Identify the species.
(B)What is the structure pointed? Describe the said structure.

(A)Fusarium sp.
(B)macroconidia, sickle-shaped
(A)Identify the species.
(B)What structure is the small, rounded one near the pointer?

(A)Penicillium sp.
(A)Identify the species
(B)What specific disease does this cause?
(C)Identify general type of mycoses

(A)Cladosporium carrionii
(C)Subcutaneous mycoses
(A)Identify slide.
(B)What kind of mycoses is present in the slide?
(C)What substance can be used to make the capsule more visible in microscopy?

(C)India ink
(A)Identify species.
(B)What is the structure encircled? Describe it.
(C)What kind of mycoses does this cause?

(A)Histoplasma capsulatum
(B)macroconidia, tuberculate
(A)Identify species
(B)True or false: Cases c/o this species have been found in the Philippines.
(C)prominent morphologic feature of this fungus

(A)Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
(C)Mariner’s wheel
(A)Identify species
(B)What disease does this cause?
(C)Describe the shape of the fungal bodies inside the tissue

(A)Sporothrix schenkii
(B)Rose Gardener’s Disease
(C)Cigar shaped
(A)Identfy boxed structure
(B)Identify the slide

(A)Identify species
(B)Desrcibe sporulation present

(A)Fonsecaea pedrosoi
(B)Acrotheca type of sporulation
(A)identify the species
(B)True or false: The fungus has no macroconidia.
(C)Type of mycoses it causes

(A)Epidermophyton floccosum
(B)False. Microconidia ang wala sa kanya
(A)Identify species
(B)describe its hyphae
(C)may cause what type of mycosis?

(A)Aspergillus niger
(A)identify slide
(B)identify EA (2)

white piedra
Trichosporon beigelii / cutaneum
(A)identify EA
(B)this prefers what kind of soil?
(C)T/F - Its granulomatous lesions manifest after a month

(A)Paracoccidioides brasilienses
(B)Cool humid soil
(C)false; after 10-20 yrs ang manif
(A)identify EA
(B)ideal morphology @ LPCB
(C)cutaneous manif of the disease

(A)Blastomyces dermatitidis
(B)lollipop; very tiny conidia
(C)painless, raised, verrucous lesions
A.identify species
B. structure visibly absent

A.Trichophyton tonsurans
(A)identify organism
(B)What do you call the flask-shaped structures?

(A)Trichoderma sp
(A)identify slide
(B)where does this usually happen?

(B)blood vessel
A.identify species
B.identify structure pointed

A.Microsporum gypseum
A. identify species
B. T/F. This is part of body normal flora

A. Candida albicans
B. T
(A)identify species
(B)common name

A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B. baker’s yeast
A. these are most likely colonies of what EA
B. T or F: This EA has a smooth conidiophore

A. Aspergillus fumigatus
B. T
A. identify EA
B. colony growth is powdery. why?

A. Penicillium sp.
B. abundant spore formation of aerial mycelium
A. What is A?
B. What is B?
C. Identify EA

A. sporangiophore
B. stolon
C. Rhizopus
A. structure pointed/shown in both
B. Does this invade the hair?
C. Identify both.

A. macroconidia
B. yes
C. Microsporum gypseum (left)
Microsporum canis (right)
A. starting color of their colonies
B. new color of their colonies
C. identify both

A. white
B. left: green, right: pink/purple
C. left: Trichoderma, right: Fusarium
A. this EA invades hair, skin and nails. TRUE OR FALSE
B. identify A
C. identify EA

A. false
B. macroconidia
C. Epidermophyton floccosum
A. identify most possible EA
B. Does this invade hair?
C. arrangement of microconidia

A. Trichophyton mentagrophytes
B. yes
C. en grappe
A.most possible EA
B.T/F. This has a smooth conidiophore.
C.T/F. This invades hair.

A. Aspergillus niger
B. T
C. F
A. T or F. This fungus is opportunistic.
B. Identify EA

A. F
B. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
A. the EA of this colony is likely to have __ conidiophore
B. identify EA
C. Hulle cells are present in microculture. T or F?

A. pitted
B. Aspergillus flavus
C. F
A. the EA of this colony is likely to have ___conidiophore
B. identify EA
C. T or F. Arthroconidia are present in microculture

A. smooth
B. Aspergillus fumigatus
C. F
A. identify EA
B. describe macroconidia
C. most of these inhabit the ___

A. Fusarium
B. sickle-shaped
C. soil
A. T or F. This causes “small-spored ectothrix”.
B. Identify EA
C. identify most probable origin

A. T
B. Microsporum gypseum
C. soil
A. Identify EA.
B. T or F. This is endemic in the Philippines.
C. What does this produce in LPCB?

A. Coccidioides immitis
B. F
C. thick-walled, barrel-shaped arthrospores
A. identify A
B. identify pointed structure in A
C. colony growth rate of A

A. Geotrichum
B. arthrospores
C. moderately fast
A. T/F This is a dimorphic fungus.
B. identify EA
C. 75% of manifestations are ___

A. T
B. Sporothrix schenkii
C. lymphocutaneous
A. T/F. This is a microscopic view of a dermatophyte.
B. Identify the EA.
C. What kind of skin lesions does this cause?

A. F
B. Blastomyces dermatitidis
C.painless, raised, verrucous lesions
A. identify EA
B. In what host cells are these usually seen?
C. grows in what type of soil?

A. Histoplasma capsulatum
B. alveolar macrophages in lungs
C. moist & high nitrogen content
A. identify EA
B. stain used
C. The organism produces this substance, which prevents it from oxidative killing

A. Cryptococcus neoformans
B. mucicarmine
C. melanin
A. The causative agent of this is a yeast. T or F
B. identify the slide

A. F
B. Aspergillosis
A. Identify EA.
B. Result for germ tube formation
C. growth in CHROMagar

A. Candida albicans
B. positive
C. green
A. identify EA
B. identify disease caused

A. Fonsecaea compactum
B. Chromoblastomycosis
A. identify structure pointed
B. in what disease is this present?

A. sclerotic body
A. identify EA
B. justify the shape of the structure pointed
C. What is the structure pointed?

A. Curvularia
B. due to swelling of central cell
C. macroconidia
A. identify slide
B. this is a lesion of the (skin, blood vessel, muscle)

A. phaeohyphomycosis
B. skin
A. identify slide
B. identify origin of specimen
C. identify type of mycosis

A. madura foot
B. leg biopsy
C. Subcutaneous
A. identify skin lesion
B. identify EA
C. special feature of its culture media

A. tinea versicolor
B. Malasezzia furfur
C. overlaid with olive oil
A. identify EA
B. max growth period duration
C. disease caused

A. Exophiala werneckii
B. 14 days
C. tinea nigra
A. identify slide
B. identify EA (2)
C. (arthroconidia, asci, arthrospores) are present

A. white piedra
B. Trichosporon beigelii/cutaneum
A. identify EA on the left
B. identify EA on the right
C. common feature

A. Piedraia hortae
B. Epidermophyton floccosum
C. presence of chlamydospores
A. identify EA
B. identify disease caused

A. Cladosporium carrionii
B. chromoblastomycosis
A. identify EA
B. identify media used
C. identify morphology in tissue

A. Sporothrix schenkii
C. Cigar-shaped
A. Which is part of normal flora?
B. Which has arthrospores?
C. identify A and B

a. b
b. a
c. A: Geotrichum // B: Candida albicans
A. EA of A
B. EA of B
C. Which produces arthrospores in LPCB?

A. Coccidioides immitis
B. Aspergillus sp.
C. A
A. EA and body part of A
B. EA and body part of B
C. Which one is dimorphic fungus?

A. Histoplasma capsulatum, alveolar macrophage @ lungs
B. mucormycosis, blood vessel
C. A
A. identify the one on the left
B. identify the one on the right
C. Which has mycosis that involves sclerotic bodies?

A. Blastomyces dermatitidis
B. Cladosporium carrionii
C. The one on the right/Cladosporium carrionii
A. T/F. B is dimorphic.
B. give dimorphic species of A
C. Identify B

A. T
B. Penicillium marneffei
C. Sporothrix schenkii
A. Which is a common lab contaminant?
B. Which can cause orbital celluitis?
C.identify encircled portion of A

A. A
B. B
C. Hulle cells
A. Identify A
B. identify B
C. They cause __

A. Phialophora verrucosa
B. Fonsecaea compactum
C. Chromoblastomycosis
A. identify A
B. identify B
C. they cause __

A. Alternaria
B. Curvularia
C. phaeohyphomycosis
A. T or F. B causes A
B. identify A
C. identify B

A. F
B. Madura foot
C. Rhizopus
A. T or F. A and B are from the same body site.
B. Identify A.
C. Identify B.

A. F
B. Phaeohyphomycosis
C. Mucormycosis