Muscles of facial expression Flashcards
Common embryological origin of muscles of facial expression
2nd pharyngeal arch
Motor innervation of muscles of facial expression?
Sensory innervation of MOFE?
What do all MOFE have in common?
1 attachment to bone and 1 to skin
Attachments of buccinator?
1st maxillary molar to palatine bone and lateral pterygoid plate.
Short ligament from palatine bone to tip of hamulus.
Pterygomandibular Raphe from tip of hamulus to retromolar fossa
Retromolar fossa along oblique line then alveolar process to 1st mandibular molar
Importance of buccinator (4)
Keeps cheek taut during mastication to position food under occlusal surface.
Determines infection spread (if an abscess is below or above ligament the area of infection would be different)
Anterior attachments important for denture fitting.
Posterior attachments (pterygomandibular raphe) important landmark for anaesthesia
What does VII innervate?
MOFE, Post dig., stylohyoid
How does VII leave skull?
Stylomastoid fo.
What is VII relationship to parotid gland?
Passes through and branches but does not innervate
What muscle closes the eye?
Orbicularis oculi
What muscle is superior to orbicularis oculi?
What muscle lifts the lips and nose?
Levator labii superioris alaque nasi
What muscle lowers the angle of the mouth?
Depressor anguli oris
What muscle lowers the lips?
Depressor labii inferioris
What muscle is found deep to depressor anguli iris and depressor labii inferioris?
What muscle protrudes the lip?
Orbicularis oris
What muscles draw angle of mouth up and back (laughing)?
Zygomaticus major and minor