Internal cranium Flashcards
What are the 3 layers of protective tissue (meninges)?
Arachnoid mater
What is extradural space?
Imaginary space between skull and duramater
What is subdural space?
Space between duramater and arachnoidmater
What is subarachnoid space?
Space between arachnoidmater and piamater
What is the falx cerebri?
Fold on the duramater
descends between the hemsipheres
What is the tentorium cerebelli?
Fold of duramater
Between cerebellum and cerebrum
What is found between flax cerebra and the skull?
Superior sagittal sinus
What is found between the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli?
Straight sinus
Tentorium cerebelli is attached to what on the skull?
Fo. magnum
What is the function of venous sinus?
Drain blood from the brain
Mechanism with emissary veins for maintaining pressure
Cooling mechanism - cools arterial blood
Why are emissary veins required?
No muscle in the walls of the sinus so if they fill they burst so blood is diverted to emissary veins to stop this
Of what artery is vertebral artery a branch?
Subclavian artery
How does vertebral artery enters the skull?
Through fo. transversarium and foramen magnum
Which cranial fossa does vertebral artery supply?
Of what artery is internal carotid a branch?
Common carotid