Muscle Tissue Flashcards
Relevance of muscle tissue? (3)
Muscle tissue is relevent…
- general knowledge
- physiology
- muscle disease and response to injury
- myopathies
- inflammation(myositis)
- myasthenia gravis
- cardiovascular disease
Muscle tissue: define, cells, origin,
Muscles= specialized cells capable of contraction to produce movement.
- aka myofibers
- Cells: spindle shaped
- Origin: from mesoderm (myoblasts)
- myoblasts fuse to make myotubes
- myotubes form myofilaments
- spme cells remain as mesenchymal= Satelite cells
Define: myotubes, myofilaments, satellite cells
Origin of muscle
Originates from from mesoderm (myoblasts)
- myoblasts fuse to make myotubes
- myotubes form myofilaments
- some cells remain as mesenchymal= Satelite cells
Define: sarcoplasm, sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum
Sarcoplasm: cytoplasn of muscle cells (w/glycogen and myoglobin)
Sarcolemma: plasma membrane of muscle cell
Sarcoplasmic reticulum: specialized smooth ER (Ca+)
Types of muscle
Types of muscle
Striated muscle
- skeletal muscle
- cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
Myoepithelial muscle (basket cells)
Compare Striated Muscle types
Striated Muscle: Skeletal and Cardiac
- myofibers= multi-nucleated
- voluntary contraction (sns)
- Cardiomyocytes= one-nucleas in single cell (central)
- involuntary contraction (ans)
- intercollated discs
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle= type of striated muscle
- contracts fast and voluntarily
- 50% of body weight
- multiple nuclei
- Structure:
- whole muscle surrounded by epimysium
- perimysium divides muscle into smaller fascicles
- each fascicle is made of many myocytes/myofibers, which are surrounded by endomysium
- myofibers have bundles of myofibrils
- myofibrils contain smaller myofilaments (ACTIN/MYOSIN)
Structure of Skeletal Muscle
Structure of Skeletal Muscle
- whole muscle surrounded by epimysium
- perimysium divides muscle into smaller fascicles
- each fascicle is made of many myocytes/myofibers, which are surrounded by endomysium
- myofibers have bundles of myofibrils
- myofibrils contain smaller myofilaments (actin/myosin)
- myofilaments are what make muscle contract
Sarcomere: structure and function
Skeletal Muscle
Sarcomere= contractile unit of myocyte
*** distance from one I band to the next (A band in between)
- I band only has actin (lignt)
- z line is in middle of zone
- A band is where both overlap (dark)
- H zone is middle zone where only myosin is
- M line is middle line
Contraction of skeletal muscle: Legnths
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
Each sarcomete shortens
- full contraction, Z lines are drawn closer to each other.
- I band almost dissappears
Myofilament legnth is constant
- thin filaments slide past thick filaments
Skeletal muscle contraction: molecular
Skeletal Muscle Contraction (after AP)
- Calcium binds troponin, moving tropomysin so myosin can bind actin.
- Atp moves myosin head
- contraction
Skeletal muscle: t-tubules
= deep invagination in sarcolemma that allows depolarization of membrane to penetrate to sarcoplasmic reticulum causing release of ca+
** terminal cisterna: expanded ends of sarcoplasmic reticulum
Red Muscle vs. White Muscle
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Red Muscle vs. White Muscle
Red Muscle= slow twitch
- dark color- lots of myoglobin
- aerobic metablilsm= fatigue resistant
- high fat, low glycogen content
- many mitochondria
White Muscle= fast twitch
- anaerobic metabolism= prone to fatigue
- low fat, high glycogen content
Cardiac muscle: 5 facts
Cardiac muscle
- striated
- one nucleus
- Intercalated disk:
- gap junctions
- desmosomes
- sarcoplasmic reticulum
- many mitochondria!
Intercalated Discs
Intercalated Discs: attach cardiac muscle cells to each other providing stregnth and ability to function s a syncytium.
- Transverse element=anchor= Desmosome
- Longitudinal element=communication= gap junctions
NOTE: cardiac muscle is not a true syncytium because the cells work together but are not actually one unit.
(skeletal=true syncytium)