Microbiology Flashcards
ocular lenses, objective lens, stage, condenser, condenser focusing knob, iris diaphragm, field diaphragm, light rheostat, on/off switch, pointer controls

Euchromatin vs. Heterochromatin
Euchromatin= active chromatin- stains light
Heterochromatin- inactive/tightly coiled- stains dark
Rough and Smooth ER
Endoplasmic reticulum: network of membraneous tubules continuous with the nuclear membrane
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: membranes contain polyribosomes, and is responsible for the segregation of proteins not destined for the cytoplasm, glycosylation of glycoproteins, synthesis of phospholipids, assembly of multi chain proteins
- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: membranes responsible for lipid biosynthesis, detoxification, and the sequestration of calcium ions
Golgi Aparatus
Golgi Apparatus: collection of membrane bound flattened sacs, cisternae, that modifies and packages proteins, sorting, packing, and delivery
Lysosomes: membrane bound dense particles that contain hydrolytic enzymes, associated with phagocytosis (absorbs solid structure) and pinocytosis (takes in liquid material), involved in intracellular digestions
Proteasomes: small enzymatic complexes for intracellular digestion, primary function is recycling amino acids from endogenous proteins (pretty much anything synthesized within the cell), contains the enzyme catalase which can deflate intracellular hydrogen peroxide, degrades toxic molecules and some prescription drugs
• requires the protein ubiquitin
Cillia vs. Microvilli vs. Supercillia
Cillia- small, brush-like, made to move stuff (ex. lungs)
Microvilli- small, brushlike border, absorpative (ex. GI)
Supercillia- longer, flowy, absorpative
Desmosomes vs. Hemidesmosomes
Desmosomes: a structure by which two adjacent cells are attached
Hemidesmosome: a structure by which cells are attached to the basal membrane
Tight Junction
Gap Junction
Tight junction: specialized connection between neighboring cells to eliminate space between cell walls
Gap junction: intercellular connections that allow direct connection between their cytoplasm
Cellular Inclusions
- Glycogen
- Lipid droplets
- Melanin
- Lipofuscin
- Lutein
- Hemosiderin
Cellular Inclusions
- Glycogen- stored glucose in liver, muscle, and neurons
- Lipid droplets- found in adipose tissue
- Melanin- pigment in epithelial cells
- Lipofuscin- pigment in long lasting cells, heart and nervous tissue
- Lutein- pigment in ovary after ovulation
- Hemosiderin- pigment that is a byproduct when redblood cells breakdown. hemmorage sites and bone marrow and spleen
Explain the terms:
- Apical
- Basal
- Zymogen granules
- Lumen
- Mitotic figures
Apical : away from the basement membrane
Basal : towards the basement membrane
Zymogen granules: contain pancreatic proteins
Lumen: inside of a space of a tubular structure
Mitotic figures: indicator of mitosis
Explain basophilic, eosinophilic, acidophilic, acid/basic stain.
State the color you would expect the following compounds to stain when using H & E:
- Proteins
- Fat/glycogen
Acidic molecules(basophilic)= basic stains(acidophilic) =Hematoxylin (blue)
Basic molecules (acidophilic)=acidic stains(basophilic)=Eosin (Red)
State the color you would expect the following compounds to stain when using H & E:
- RNA/DNA= basophilic= blue
- Proteins= acisophilic= red
- Fat/glycogen= hydrophobic= none
List the four basic tissues
connective tissue
muscle tissue
nervous tissue
Define tissue and organ
Tissue: aggregation of the same type of cells
Organ: composit of tissues

red blood cells
Identify- cilia vs. microvilli vs. supercillia

Microvilli (thin dark line)
Stereocillia (long flow)
cillia( less dense)

Specimine Preparation (steps)
Specimine Preparation (FDCIE)
- Fixation- 10% formalin
- Dehydration- increase concentration of alcohol
- Clearing-
- Infiltration- parrafin wax!
- Embeding-

Identify- acid/base

the blue part is the dna and it is acidic meaning it stained with hematoxylin

Cell is likely pretty active because the chromatin is not darkly stained (euchromatin-active)


Plasma cell!
Note the perinuclear clearing, which is a feature of a golgi complex. plasma cells make antibodies, so it makes sense theyd have a prominent golgi to package and sort.