cartilage and bone lab Flashcards
Identify cartilage. Locate the perichondrium; locate lacunae, chondrocytes, matrix. Some sections have good examples of pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

Hyaline cartilage (trachea):

Identify cartilage. lacunae, chondrocytes, perichondrium. Identify fibers.

Elastic cartilage (ear pinna):
Note the large lacunae
Elastic fibers of the matrix stain well.

Identify cartilage. Note the large amount of collagen fibers (type I) in relation to the number of chondrocytes present. name sites where this cartilage is found.

Fibrocartilage intervertebral disc):
intervertebral disk, menisci,

Identify. osteon, osteocytes, canaliculi, osteonal (Haversian) canal.

Ground Bone:
Look for the basic unit of bone, the elongated, circular osteon with osteocytes arranged in a concentric fashion. Look for the canaliculi, the centrally located osteonal (Haversian) canal.

Intramembranous ossification; woven/immature bone: Note the mesenchymal cells, and the spicules (pieces) of bone formed by the osteoblasts. Find large, multinucleated osteoclasts. Notice absence of cartilage model in thistype of ossification.

Endochondral Ossification: lable zones of growth plate
Locate osteoblasts, osteocytes. Some osteoclasts may be seen. Locate the periosteum.

Emphasis is on understanding the cartilaginous growth plate (physis). In the area of the growth plate, locate the zone of reserve cells, zone of proliferating cells, zone of hypertrophic cells, zone of calcified cartilage matrix, zone of ossification. Look for calcified cartilage matrix (basophilic appearance) being replaced by woven bone in the zone of ossification. Developing bone marrow surrounds the spicules of bone.