MSK 2 Flashcards
Osteomyelitis occurs where in children?
long bone
how do osteomyelitis occur?
haemtogenous >
> bacteria
> most common in children
> vertebral in adults
non haematogenous
> continuous from spread
> soft tissue
RF : ulcers DM2, PAD
what is a Weber A fractures?
minimal displaced
below syndesmosis of ankle - stable
what is a CAM boot?
controlled ankle motion boot - 6 weeks
facet join pain?
pain worse in morning and on standing
worse on extension of bacjk
what two fractures may cause compartment syndrome as a side effect?
supracondylar and tibial shaft fractures
compartment syndrome
pain on passive movement
excessive use of breaththrough analgesia
arterial pulsation
radial head fracture?
common in young adults
marked tenderness at head of radius
imapired elbow movement
pain at lateral side of the elbow
loss of foot dorsiflexion
nerve root L5
greater trochanteric pain syndrome?
isolated hip/thigh pain with tenderness over greater trochanter
NAI - paeds
delay in milestone
delay presentation
multiple injuries
what fracture most common in fist fights?
bennet’s fracture
what ligament sprain is most commonly injured in inverison injuries of the ankle?
anterior talfibular ligamenet
greenstick fractures
bend and snap
mx of plantar fascitis?
weight loss
simple stretch exercises
rest the heel
carpal tunnel syndrome and surferfy
wrist splint at night
non osteoporotic causes of fragility fractures?
bone metastases
compartment syndrome
> intracompartmental pressure
what is cubital tunnel syndrome?
Ulnar nerve compressed / irritated
salter fracture?
epiphyseal plate / growth plate
tinels test
carpal tunnel syndrome
median nerve entrapment
surgical management of carpal tunnel syndrome?
flexor retinaculum structure divided
what is first line mx of carpal tunnel?
wrist splint and steorid injection
6 weeks
3rd line is surgeyr
acetabular labral tear
hip groin pain
snapping sensation around the hip
sensation of locking
when concerned about sarcoma what is first line imaging?
when would an MRI be offered for lower back pain?
non specific
> malignancy
cauda equina
dupuytrens contracture
1st line: NSAIDs
2nd: Refer to rheumatology
> injectable enzyme
what shoulder dislocation is associated with seizures?
posterior shoulder dislocation
what is trigger finger?
stenosing tenosynovitis
flexor tendon sheath of finger
swan-neck deformity
hyperextension of the proximal interphalangeal
Boutonniere deformity
flexion at the PIP joint and hyperextension at the DIP joint due to damage to central slip extensor tendon overlying PIP joint
leriche syndrome
claudication of buttocks and thighs
atrophy of musculature
Leriche syndrome
atherosclerotic occlusive disease
Iliac arteries
IX: nagiography
club foot mx?
Manipulation and progressive casting starting soon after birth
ponsetti method
posterior hip fractures present how?
shortened and internally rotated leg
shortened and externally rotated leg?
NOF fracture
what nerve injury is common with posterior hip dislocation?
sciatic nerv
triceps tendon which nerve are you testing
radial nerve ( triceps muscle)
C7 nerve root
Elbow flexion?
musculocutaneous nerve