Most Common Page 4 Flashcards
MC scalp mass in middle-aged and older adults
sebaceous (trichilemmal) cyst
2nd MC cerebral vascular malformation
brain capillary telangiectasias
MC circle of Willis variant
absent or hypoplastic PCoA
MC locations of arachnoid granulations
transverse sinus and superior sagittal sinus
MC site of cervicocephalic involvement of fibrous dysplasia
MC type of fibrous dysplasia
type 1 / medial fibroplasia
MCC of ischemic stroke in young and middle-aged adults
craniocervical arterial dissection
MC site of dissection in the head and neck
extracranial ICA
Most frequently involved site of intracranial dissections / MC site of dissecting aneurysms
vertebral artery
MC location of vertebral dissections
skull base to C1 and C1 to C2
MCC of severe cerebral vasoconstriction
vasospasm with multifocal foci of arterial constriction and dilatation
MC worldwide cause of childhood stroke
sickle cell disease
MC monogenic heritable cause of lacunar stroke and vascular dementia in adults
MC form of thrombotic microangiopathy
MC finding in TB meningitis on NECT
MC site of CNS mycoses
MC cerebral complication following BM transplatation
MC CNS site of T. solium larvae (neurocysticercosis)
intracranial subarachnoid spaces
MC site of intraventricular neurocysticercosis
2nd MC acquired idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating disease
MC imaging pattern of autoimmune encephalitis
limbic encephalitis (one or both medial temporal lobes)
MC affected segment of the spinal cord in NMOSD
MC of all primary CNS neoplasms in patients 18-30 yo (young adults)
IDH-mutant diffuse astroctyoma
Most commonly involved CNs in neurosarcoidosis
II and VII
MC location IDH-mutant diffuse astrocytomas
frontal lobes (cerebral hemispheres)
MC variant of the pancreas
pancreas divisum
MC primary CNS neoplasm that causes “brain-to-brain” metastases
MC route of GBM spread
white matter tracts (such as corpus callosum, fornices, anterior commissure, and corticospinal tract)
In contrast to IDH-wild-type GBMs, what is the MC location of IDH-mutant GBMs?
frontal lobe (same with grade II diffuse astrocytomas)
3rd MC type of glial neoplasm (after GBM and anaplastic astrocytoma)
MC and most benign primary choroid plexus tumor
choroid plexus papilloma
MCC of overproduction hydrocephalus
choroid plexus papilloma
MC mixed glioneural tumor
MC primary intraventricular neoplasm of young and middle-aged adults
central neurocytoma
MC pineal parenchymal tumor
MC extracranial solid cancer in childhood / MC overall cancer in infants
secondary/metastatic neuroblastoma
MC manifestation of metastatic neuroblastoma
skeletal mets
MC infratentorial site of meningiomas
overall MC benign osteocartilaginous tumor of the skull base
MC intracranial site of hemangiomas
diploic space of the calvaria
MC benign osseous tumor of the calvaria
MC primary intracranial nonmeningothelial mesenchymal neoplasm, although rare
solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma
MC location of solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma
occipital region (often straddles the transverse sinus)
2nd MC infratentorial parenchymal mass in adults (after mets)
MC ocular motor nerve palsy
simple/isolated abducens palsy
MCC of unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
vestibulochochlear schwannoma
MCC of multiple enhancing CNs
MC cerebellopontine cistern mass
vestibular schwannoma
MC of all Meckel cave tumors
MC jugural foramen schwannoma
glossopharyngeal (CN IX
MC of all the pure motor nerve schwannomas
CN III (MC location: interpeduncular cistern)
Neuro, Pedia: MC childhood cancer / MC childhood malignancy
leukemia (ALL > AML
MC primary bone malignancy
multiple myeloma
MC site of extramedullary hematopoiesis
axial skeleton
MC intracranial location of extramedullary hematopoiesis
subdural space
Pathologic hyperplasia most commonly occurs in response to
end-organ failure
MCC of pathologic pituitary hyperplasia
primary hypothyroidism
MC etiology of pituitary hyperplasia
PRL cell hyperplasia
MC site of ectopic pituitary adenomas
sphenoid sinus
MC type of hypophysitis
lymphocytic hypophysitis
MC radiation-induced neoplasm
MC single protein or enzyme deficiency disease to present in childhood
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
MC inborn error of amino acid metabolism
MC manifestation of acute hypertensive encephalopathy
MC overall cause of PRES
MC location for an ectopic thyroid
central tongue base
Most commonly affected site in mesial temporal sclerosis
hippocampal body > tail > head
Most commonly associated condition / MCC of cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum
use and subsequent withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs
Iron accumulation is greatest in the?
pars reticulata of the substantia nigra
MC inherited cerebral small vessel disease
MC site of obstructing membranes
foramina of Luschka
MC mass found at the foramen of Monro
colloid cyst
MC tumor that causes intraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus in children
MC general imaging feature of normal pressure hydroceph
ventriculosulcal disproportion
Spontaneous intracranial CSF leaks are most commonly associated with
arachnoid granulations in the lateral sphenoid sinus
MC type of Chiari malformation
Chiari 1
MC of all congenital brain malformations / MC CNS malformation / Single mc malformation that accompanies other developmental brain anomalies and syndrome
anomalies of the cerebral commissures (especially the corpos callosum) / corpus callosum dysgenesis
MC congenital cerebellar malformation
Dandy-Walker malformation
MC brain morphologic defects in fetal alcohol syndrome
CC agenesis and regional increases in cortical thickness
MC inherited cause of mental retardation in boys
fragile X syndrome
MC causes of secondary microcephaly
ischemia, infection, maternal diabetes, and trauma
MC and mildest form of primary microcephaly
microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern (MSG)
MC type of focal cortical dysplasia
Type IIb
Single mcc of severe early-onset drug-resistant epilepsy in children and young adults
focal cortical dysplasias
MC location of polymicrogyria
bilateral perisylvian
MC form of cortical malformation in adults
periventricular nodular heterotopia (PVNH)
MC imaging abnormality in infants with CMV infection
Most severe end of the holoprosencephaly continuum
aprosencephaly and atelencephaly (AP/AT)
Most severe form of holoprosencephaly
MC human forebrain malformation / MC anomaly affecting the ventral forebrain
Only malformation in which the posterior corpus callosum forms while the anterior aspects are absent
MC CNS tumor predisposition syndromes
MC CNS neoplasm or glioma in NF1
pilocytic astrocytoma
MC site of NF1 pilocytic astrocytomas
optic pathway
MC site of plexiform neurofibromas
MC sites of meningiomas in NF2
along the falx and cerebral convexities
2d MC inherited tumor syndrome (after NF1)
tuberous sclerosis complex
MC site of subependymal nodules in tuberous sclerosis complex
along the caudothalamic groove
MC site of hemangioblastomas
dorsal half of the cerebellum (2nd: medulla)
MC site of supratentorial hemangioblastomas
pituitary stalk
ainMC location of leptomeningial angioma in Sturge-Weber
MC benign tumor of infancy
MC site of extracutaneous hemangiomas
MC location of atretic cephalocele
obelion (along the sagittal suture at the level of the parietal foramina)
MC type of cephalocele in SEA
Osborn: MC type of cephalocele in European/North Americal Caucasians / Women’s: MC site of cephaloceles
Osborn: MC single-suture craniosynostosis, MC nonsyndromic craniosynostosis / Resnick: MC pattern of craniosynostosis
Osborn: sagittal/scaphocephaly, Resnick: isolated closure of the sagittal suture
MC syndromic craniosynostosis
bilateral coronal
MC of all soft tissue tumors
ordinary lipoma
MC ectopic site of pituitary adenoma
sphenoid sinus
MC intradural tumor in the thoracic region
MC intraspinal mass
nerve sheath tumors / schwannomas
MC pathology involving PNS and nasal cavity
Inflammatory disease
MC involved in mucus retention cyst
Maxillary sinus
MC involved in mucocele
Frontal sinus
Mucosal disease commonly associated with squamous cell ca
Inverting papilloma
MC malignant lesions of the skull base
3 MC primary malignant tumors of skullbase
chordoma, chondrosarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma
MC location of chordoma
sacrum 50%, clivus 35%, vertebral bodies 15%
MC / Preferred site of origion of chondrosarcoma
parasellar at petroclival junction (paraclival destructive bony lesion)
MC diseases involving temporal bone
inflammatory (cholesteatoma)
MC site for formation of acquired cholesteatoma
pars flaccida (superior portion of TM) - originate within the Prussak space (superior recess of the TM, between scutum and neck of malleus)
MC malignant suprahyoid head and neck mass in pediatric age group
Lymphoma (Burkitt) or rhabdomyosarcoma
MC head and neck malignancy in younger adult (20-40 yrs)
MC head and neck malignancy in older adult (>40 yrs)
Nodal metastases
MC benign lesions arising in mucosal space
Tornwaldt cysts and lesions related to minor SG tissue
MC benign minor salivary gland neoplasm of the mucosal space
Pleomorphic adenoma / benign mixed-cell tumor
MC maligant neoplasm of the mucosal space
SCC, NHL, minor salivary gland malignancies
Principal malignancy of the carotid space
squamous cell nodal mets
Minor salivary glands are most highly concentrated in?
MC minor salivary gland malignancy (has marked propensity for perineural spread)
adenoid cystic carcinoma
MC malignancy of the upper aerodigestive tract
Squamous cell carcinoma
MC variation in vascular anatomy of the neck
Asymmetry of IJVs (R usually larger than L)
MC lesions in the carotid space
paragangliomas/chemodectomas and nerve sheath tumors
MC lesions of the jugular foramen
MC parotid tumors
pleomorphic adenoma (2nd MC: Warthin tumor)
MCC of masses of the mastricator space
infectious (dental caries or dental extraction)
MCC of pathlogies in prevertebral space
cervical vertebral bodies
MC optic nerve sheath complex lesions
optic nerve glioma and optic sheath meningioma
MC tumor of the optic nerve
Optic nerve glioma
MCC of intraorbital mass lesion in adults
pseudotumor; 2nd cavernous hemangioma, 3rd lymphoma
MCC of proptosis in adults
Thyroid ophthalmopathy
MC primary ocular malignancy in pedia
MC malignant lesion in pediatric age group
Lymphoma, followed by rhabdomyosarcoma
MC midline neck mass
thyroglossal duct cyst
MC location of thyroglossal duct cysts
(midline) at or below the level of the hyoid bone in the region of the thyrohyoid membrane
MC type of laryngoceles
MC site of origin of brancial abnormalities
2nd branchial cleft
MC thyroid nodule
Adenomatous nodules (colloid nodules)
MC benign neoplasm of the thyroid
Follicular adenoma
MCC of hypothyroidism and goiter in adults in the US
Hashimoto thyroiditis
MCC of hyperthyroidism
Graves disease
MCC of renal scarring in children
MC urachal tumor
MCC of a scrotal mass in children
congenital hydrocele
MCC of hydrocele
MC metastatic tumors to involve the testes in children
leukemia and lymphoma
MC abdominal masses in infants and children
enlarged kidneys due to hydronephrosis or cystic renal disease
MC renal neoplasm of childhood
Wilms tumor
MC renal tumor of the neonate
mesoblastic nephroma
MC form of unilateral renal dysplasia
multicystic dysplastic kidney
MC fluid collections
lymphoceles (usually after transplantation)
MC neoplastic disorder in pediatric transplant recipients
MC bladder neoplasm in children in the 1st 2 decades of life / MC and most important neoplasm of the lower GUT
rhabdomyosarcoma (MC form: embryonal form)
Probably the MC benign neoplasm of the bladder
MC urachal anomaly
patent urachus
MC location of congenital strictures
MC extra-adrenal mass
intra-abdominal pulmonary sequestration
MC location of ganglioneuromas
posterior mediastinum > extra-adrenal retroperitoneum > adrenal
MC abdominal locations of pheochromocytoma
vicinity of the renal vessels and at the organ of Zuckerkandle, near the origin of the IMA
MC findings after scrotal injury
hematomas and hematoceles
MC mullerian duct remnant to undergo torsion
appendix testis
MC paratesticular tumor
MC pediatric genital neoplasm of both sexes
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
MC aberration of the human sex chromosome
MC causes of GI tract obstruction in 0-1 month old patients
congenital anomalies (atresia/stenosis, malrotation/volvulus, Hirschsprung disease), meconium plug/small left colon syndrome, meconium ileus
MC causes of GI tract obstruction in 1-5 month old patients
MC causes of GI tract obstruction in 5 month to 3 year old patients
MC causes of GI tract obstruction in patients 3 years and older
perforated apendicitis, adhesions, regional enteritis
MCC of small bowel obstruction in children
intussusception (2nd to pyloric stenosis as a cause of GIT obstruction in children)
MCC of ileocolic intussusception
MC focal lead point in intussuception
Meckel diverticulum (in older children, lymphoma is more likely)
Diffuse leasd points are most commonly associated with?
cystic fibrosis or HSP
MC congenital obstructon of the esophagus
esophageal atresia
MC site of peptic esophageal strictures
distal third
MC site of esophageal atresia
upper third
MC type of esophageal atresia
with a fistula extending obliquely from the trachea just above the carina to the DISTAL esophageal pouch (Type 1)
MC complication of esophageal atresia repair
anastomotic stricture
least common site of congenital obstructing lesions in the GIT
MC site of gastric atresia
MC site of most proximal GI obstruction
mid portion of the duodenum
MC acquired cause of duodenal obstruction
duodenal hematoma
MC causes of distal small bowel obstruction in the neonate
ileal atresia and meconium ileus
MC / primary site of regional enteritis (Crohn disease) in children
terminal ileum
Most frequently affected segment in both pediatric and adult patients with UPPER tract Crohn disease
MC location of strictures as a complication of NEC
MC causes of cholelithiasis in children
sickle-cell disease, congenital obstructive anomalies of the biliary tract, total parenteral nutrition, furosemide, dehydration, hemolytic anemia, and short gut syndrome
MC variant of the pancreas
pancreas divisum
MC cystic lesion of the pancreas
MCC of rectal bleeding in older children
juvenile inflammatory polyps
MC locations of juvenile inflammatory polyps
sigmoid and rectum
MC type of choledochal cyst
Type 1 - localized, fusiform, or saccular dilation of the CBD below the cystic duct
MC benign liver tumor encountered in infancy