Most Common Flashcards
MC adrenal mass
Adrenal cortical adenoma
MC primary tumors to metastasize to adrenals
lung, breast, melanoma, GI, thyroid, renal
MC primary malignant tumors to metastasize to the adrenal gland
MCC of Addison disease (in US)
idiopathic atrophy, probably autoimmune
MC adrenal tumor to hemorrhage spontaneously
MC causes of adrenal hemorrhage in adults
blunt trauma and infection
MCC of adrenal calcifications
Previous adrenal hemorrhage
MC calcified adrenal mass in adults
Adrenal pseudocyst from previous hemorrhage
- usually unilocular with wall calcification (note: endothelial cysts tend to be multilocular with septal calcification)
MC etiology of adrenal cysts
2nd MC: pseudocyst
least common: parasitic
MCC of parasitic adrenal cyst
MC endocrine syndrome caused by adrenal ca
MC renal fusion anomaly
Horseshoe kidney
MC renal anomaly
Horseshoe kidney
MC form of simple renal ectopy
Pelvic kidney
MC variation of crossed ectopy
Crossed-fused ectopy
MC abdominal masses in infants and children
enlarged kidneys due to hydronephrosis or cystic renal disease
MCC of an abdominal mass in a neonate
congenital UPJ obstruction
2nd MCC of abdominal mass in the neonate
multicystic dysplastic kidney disease (MCC: hydronephrosis)
MC solid renal mass in adults
MC renal mass
simple cyst / simple cortical cyst
MC curable cause of hypertension
Renal artery stenosis
MC causes of stenosis of the main renal artery
atherosclerosis and FMD
Thrombosis of the renal artery occurs most commonly as a complication of?
severe atherosclerosis
MCC of renovascular hypertension in patients <40 yrs
Fibromuscular disease (FMD) of renal arteries
2nd MC of renovascular hypertension
FMD (atherosclerosis ata iyong MC)
MCC of hypertension in children
Fibromuscular disease (FMD) of renal arteries
MCC of hypertension among children
acquired renal parenchymal disease
MC etiology of renovascular hypertension among children
2nd MC etiology for renovascular hypertension in children
renal artery stenosis due to NF1
MC type of fibromuscular dysplasia
medial dysplasia
MC subtype of dysplasia
medial fibroplasia
MCC of chronic pyelonephritis in children
VUR of infected urine
MC etiologic agent of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Proteus mirabilis
MC site of extrapulmonary TB
Urinary tract
MC component of staghorn calculi
Account for 70% of staghorn calculi
Triple phosphates (struvite + apatite)
- the remainder, cystine and uric acid
MCC of acute flank pain
renal colic
MCC of filling defects in the collecting system/ureter
2nd MC primary renal malignancy
MC urinary tract neoplasm
MC location of bladder diverticula
posterolaterally near the UVJ
MC location of bladder diverticula
trigonal area
MC location of secondary bladder diverticula (pedia)
paraureteral area
Pedia Caffey’s:
MC location of iatrogenic diverticula
anterior wall at the site of a previous vesicostomy or suprapubic drainage catheter and UVJ after ureteral implantation
MCC of vesicocolonic fistula
(Dunnick: 2nd MC colon cancer)
Most frequently involved segment of the large bowel in colovesical fistulae
Most commonly encountered CT finding in enterovesical and colovesical fistulae
small amount of air in the bladder lumen
MC location of contrast extravasation in extraperitoneal bladder rupture
retropubic space of Retzius
MCC of inflammatory strictures
MC area of occurrence of gonorrheal strictures / MC site of urethral strictures in schistosomiasis
bulbar / bulbous
MC site of instrument-related strictures
bulbomembranous region
MC complication of urethral stricture
false passage
MC site of urethral ca
anterior urethra
MC site of diverticulum of the female urethra
posterolateral wall of the mid-portion of the short female urethra
MC site of traumatic injury to the posterior urethra
junction between prostatic and membranous
Most commonly injured area of the urethra
membranous (owing to its fixation by the urogenital diaphragm)
MC site of prostate ca
peripheral zone
MC type of prostate ca
MC cysts of the prostate
cysts associated with BPH
MCC of painful penile induration, focal or generalized priapism
Peyronie disease
MC causative agents of acute epididymo-orchitis
E. coli (MC)
S aureus
MC testicular neoplasms in males 15-44 yrs
Testicular germ cell tumors
MC tumors to metastasize to the testis
Renal, prostate
MCC of painless scrotal swelling
MC correctable cause of male infertility
MC entities to produce / Major causes of cortical nephrocalcinosis
acute cortical necrosis
MC etiologies to produce medullary nephrocalcinosis
hyperparathyroidism and RTA
Probably the mcc of nephrolithiasis
idiopathic hypercalciuria
MC chemical composition of urinary stones
CaOx and CaPO4 (mixed) > CaOx (pure) > “triple phosphate” (struvite + apatite) > uric acid > CaPO4 (pure) > cystine
Account for majority of “lucent” stones
uric acid
- Insufficiently radiopaque to be seen on abdominal radiograph
MCC of secondary oxalosis
small bowel disease
MC type of bladder calculi in children in developing countries
uric acid stones
Calcicifcations most often confused with urinary tract calculi
phleboliths and calcified mesenteric LNs
MC etiologies of papillary necrosis
analgesic, DM, sickle cell anemia
Dunnick: MC site of collecting system indentation by a renal artery or vein (Fraley syndrome)
upper pole infundibulum or anterior surface of the renal pelvis
MC of the nonepithelial tumors of the ureter
fibroepithelial polyp / benign fibrous polyp
MC location of fibroepithelial polyps
proximal 1/3 of ureter
MC site of malakoplakia in the urinary tract
In decreasing order of frequency
1. bladderureter
2. renal pelvis
3. urethra
MC site in the urinary tract to be involved with endometriosis
MC benign bladder tumor
MC site of urothelial ca in the bladder
lateral walls > trigone > dome
MC appearance of bladder ca on CT
areas of asymmetric bladder wall thickening
MC malignant mesenchymal tumors of bladder muscle
leiomyosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma
MC secondary tumor found in the bladder
MCC of bladder calculi
bladder outlet obstruction
MC site of urachal ca
MC diagnosed tumor in a urethral diverticulum
adenoca (pero pag bladder diverticulum, SCC; urethral stricture, SCC din)
MC solid tumors of men aged 20-34 y/o / MC neoplasm in males aged 15-55 y/o
MC GCT in adults
(2nd MC: embryonal ca)
MC testicular GCTs in children
yolk-sac tumors and teratomas
(so consider these in a testicular tumor in a young boy with no adrenal abnormality)
MC testicular neoplasm before puberty / MC malignant GCT in children
yolk sac tumor
MC cell type of tumors that develop in undescended testis
seminoma (same as scrotal testis)
MC testicular neoplasm
MC testicular neoplasm among men 60 yo and older
*Brant: >50yo - lymphoma, leukemia, and mets are more common than GCT
MC bilateral testicular neoplasm
MC of the GCTs with mixed histologic pattern
teratoma and teratocarcinoma
MC tumor of the epididymis
adenomatoid tumor
MC inflammatory process in the scrotum epididymitis (most common after 20 yo) Pedia Caffey’s MCC of acutely painful scrotum in the post pubescent male epididymitis GU Brant MC ? in patients under 20 yrs testicular torsion Dunnick Prostate LN groups most commonly involved in LN metastases of prostate ca obturator, external iliac, and internal iliac Dunnick Prostate MCC of bacterial prostatitis E coli Dunnick Seminal vesicles MCC of neoplastic involvement of the seminal vesicles direct invasion by prostate ca Dunnick Penis MC penile tumor SCC Dunnick UT trauma Abdominal organs most commonly associated w/ renal injury liver and spleen Dunnick UT trauma MC form of renal injury minor injuries Dunnick UT trauma MC vascular injury of the kidney after blunt trauma occlusion of a segmental renal vessel Dunnick UT trauma Highest risk procedure in ureteral injury ureteroscopy Dunnick UT trauma MC form of bladder trauma contusion Dunnick UT trauma Single most important clinical sign of urethral injury blood at external urethral meatus Dunnick UT trauma MC form of urethral injury type III
Pollack Adrenal MC adrenal lesion in Cushing’s syndrome hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex Pollack Adrenal MCC of Cushing’s syndrome / MCC of noniatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome adrenal hyperplasia Pollack Adrenal MC tumors to produce ACTH bronchial carcinoid, bronchogenic ca, thymoma, pancreatic islet cell tumors, and pheochromocytoma Pollack Adrenal MC enzymatic defect in congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21-hydroxylase deficiency (2nd MC: 11B) Pollack Adrenal MCC of adrenal insufficiency due to granulomatous infection TB (for underdeveloped countries); histoplasmosis (in SE and SC US) Pollack Adrenal MCC of calcified adrenal glands not associated with adrenal insufficiency adrenal hemorrhage Pollack Adrenal MCC of bilateral adrenal masses mets Pollack Adrenal MCC of cortical destruction in AIDS adrenalitis due to CMV
Pollack Adrenal MCC of acute addisonian crisis bilateral adrenal hemorrhage (adrenal apoplexy) Pollack Adrenal MCC of an adrenal mass in infancy massive hemorrhage Pedia Renal and adrenal masses/Caffey’s MCC of adrenal enlargement in the newborn / MC adrenal mass in neonates adrenal hemorrhage Pollack Adrenal MC type of lymphoma to involve the adrenal non-Hodgkin’s (same sa kidney) GI Abdomen MC cause of pneumoperitoneum Duodenal or gastric ulcer perforation GI Abdomen MC cause of toxic megacolon acute ulcerative colitis GI Abdomen MC cause of small bowel obstruction? postsurgical adhesions (western); incarcerated hernia (developing countries) GI Abdomen MC cause of large bowel obstruction in elderly and bedridden patients fecal impaction GI Abdomen MC lymphoma Non-hodgkin GI Abdomen MC sarcoma in the retroperitoneum Liposarcoma GI Abdomen MC site for abscess formation pelvis GI Abdomen Most specific sign of abscess focal collection of extraluminal gas GI Abdomen MC malignancy associated with AIDS Kaposi sarcoma GI Abdomen MC location of extra-nodal involvement in AIDS-related lymphomas CNS GI Liver MC abnormality demonstrated by hepatic imaging Fatty liver GI Liver MC location of focal fat sparing Segment IV GI Liver MC cause of cirrhosis chronic alcoholics (USA), chronic active hepatitis (Asia and Africa) GI Liver MC liver nodule regenerative nodules GI Liver Predominant cause of the heterogeneous appearance of cirrhosis High-signal fibrosis on T2 GI Liver MC cause of Budd-Chiari syndrome coagulation disorder (Western); membranous webs obstructing the hepatic veins or IV (Asian) GI Liver MC hypervascular lesions in normal liver hemangioma, FNH, hepatic adenoma, and hypervascular metastasis GI Liver MC hypervascular lesions in cirrhosis HCC and dysplastic nodules GI Liver MC malignant masses in the liver Metastases (GI, breast, lung); 2nd MC liver mass in general = cavernous hemangioma GI Liver (MC hypovascular metastases) colorectal, lung, prostate, gastric, and uroepithelial ca; also kidney GI Liver MC benign liver neoplasm Cavernous hemangioma; 2nd MC = FNH GI Liver MC organ affected by hydatid cyst liver GI/Pedia Biliary tree MC type of choledochal cyst (Todani classification) Type 1 - EHBD fusiform/saccular dilatation GI Biliary tree MC primary tumor associated with intraluminal biliary mets Colorectal cancer GI Biliary tree MC cause of pneumobilia Postsurgical (biliary-enteric anastomosis, sphincterotomy) GI Pancreas Most frequent source of pancreatic metastasis RCC and bronchogenic carcinoma GI Pancreas MC major imaging appearance of serous cystadenomas honeycomb microcysts (microcystic adenoma) GI Pancreas MC location of mucinous cystic neoplasm Tail GI Pancreas MC location of branch duct IPMN Uncinate process GI Pancreas MC congenital anomaly of the pancreas Annular pancreas GI Spleen MC malignant tumor involving the spleen lymphoma GI Spleen MC malignancy arising in the spleen angiosarcoma GI Spleen MC primary neoplasm of the spleen hemangioma GI Spleen MC splenic cyst post-traumatic cyst GI Spleen MC finding in the spleen in patients with AIDS splenomegaly associated with generalized lymphoid hyperplasia GI Pharynx, esophagus MC type of hiatal hernia Sliding hiatus hernia - GEJ displaced more than 1 cm above hiatus GI Pharynx, esophagus MC type of paraesophageal hernia Mixed or compound hiatal hernia GI Pharynx, esophagus MC cause of esophageal ulcerations Reflux esophagitis GI Pharynx, esophagus MC cause of esophageal stricture Reflux esophagitis GI/Pedia Pharynx, esophagus GI and Pedia: MC cause of infectious esophagitis / MC infective agent causing esophagitis Candida albicans GI Pharynx, esophagus Pharyngeal webs arise most commonly where? From the anterior wall of the hypopharynx GI Pharynx, esophagus Most common location of esophageal webs Cervical esophagus just distal to the cricopharyngeus impression GI Pharynx, esophagus Brant: MC benign neoplasm of the esophagus / Caffey’s: MC esophageal tumor in children (although rare)
leiomyoma GI Pharynx, esophagus Brant: MCC of esophageal perforation / Caffey’s: MCC of esophageal perforation in children
instrumentation / iatrogenic trauma GI Pharynx, esophagus MC location of esophageal tear in Boerhaave syndrome left posterior wall near the left crus of the diaphragm
GI Stomach and duodenum MC site of involvement of primary GI lymphoma stomach GI Stomach and duodenum MC type of gastric lymphoma non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma GI/Pedia Stomach and duodenum GI and Pedia: MC mesenchymal tumors to arise from GIT / MC mesenchymal neoplasm of the GIT GISTs GI Stomach and duodenum MC site of involvement of GIST stomach GI Stomach and duodenum MC form of gastritis H. pylori gastritis GI Stomach and duodenum MC cause of thickened gastric folds H. pylori gastritis GI Stomach and duodenum MC location for gastric neoplasm distal stomach GI Stomach and duodenum MC type of gastric polyps hyperplastic polyps GI Stomach and duodenum MC location of malignant duodenal tumors periampullary region (rare in bulb) GI Stomach and duodenum MC location of duodenal ulcers duodenal bulb (anterior wall) GI Stomach and duodenum MC location of gastrinoma Brant: #1 pancreas, #2 duodenum / Caffey’s: wall of the duodenum or head of the pancreas / gastrinoma triangle (see notes) GI Stomach and duodenum MC location of duodenal diverticula inner aspect of descending duodenum
GI Stomach and duodenum MCC of UGI hemorrhage duodenal ulcer
epididymitis (most common after 20 yo)
Pedia Caffey’s:
MCC of acutely painful scrotum in the post pubescent male
GU Brant:
MC ? in patients under 20 yrs
testicular torsion
Prostate LN groups most commonly involved in LN metastases of prostate ca
external iliac
Internal iliac
MCC of bacterial prostatitis
E coli
MCC of neoplastic involvement of the seminal vesicles
direct invasion by prostate ca
MC penile tumor
Abdominal organs most commonly associated w/ renal injury
Liver and spleen
MC form of renal injury
minor injuries
MC vascular injury of the kidney after blunt trauma
occlusion of a segmental renal vessel
MCC of UGI hemorrhage
duodenal ulcer
MC location of duodenal diverticula
Inner aspect of descending duodenum
MC location of gastrinoma
Brant: #1 pancreas, #2 duodenum / Caffey’s: wall of the duodenum or head of the pancreas / gastrinoma triangle (see notes)
MC location of duodenal ulcers
Duodenal bulb (anterior wall)
MC location of malignant duodenal tumors
Periampullary region (rare in bulb)
MC type of gastric polyps
Hyperplastic polyps
MC location for gastric neoplasm
distal stomach
MC cause of thickened gastric folds
H. pylori gastritis
MC form of gastritis
H. pylori gastritis
MC site of involvement of GIST
MC mesenchymal tumors to arise from GIT / MC mesenchymal neoplasm of the GIT
MC type of gastric lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma
MC site of involvement of primary GI lymphoma
MC location of esophageal tear in Boerhaave syndrome
Left posterior wall near the left crus of the diaphragm
Brant: MCC of esophageal perforation / Caffey’s: MCC of esophageal perforation in children
Instrumentation / iatrogenic trauma
Brant: MC benign neoplasm of the esophagus / Caffey’s: MC esophageal tumor in children (although rare)
Most common location of esophageal webs
Cervical esophagus just distal to the cricopharyngeus impression
Pharyngeal webs arise most commonly where?
From the anterior wall of the hypopharynx
MC cause of infectious esophagitis / MC infective agent causing esophagitis Candida albicans
Candida albicans
MC cause of esophageal stricture
Reflux esophagitis
MC cause of esophageal ulcerations
Reflux esophagitis
MC type of paraesophageal hernia
Mixed or compound hiatal hernia
MC type of hiatal hernia
Sliding hiatus hernia
*GEJ displaced more than 1 cm above hiatus
MC finding in the spleen in patients with AIDS
Splenomegaly associated with generalized lymphoid hyperplasia
MC splenic cyst
Post-traumatic cyst
MC primary neoplasm of the spleen
MC malignancy arising in the spleen
MC malignant tumor involving the spleen
MC congenital anomaly of the pancreas
Annular pancreas
MC location of branch duct IPMN
Uncinate process
MC location of mucinous cystic neoplasm
MC major imaging appearance of serous cystadenomas
Honeycomb microcysts (microcystic adenoma)
Most frequent source of pancreatic metastasis
RCC and bronchogenic carcinoma
MC cause of pneumobilia
Postsurgical (biliary-enteric anastomosis, sphincterotomy)
MC primary tumor associated with intraluminal biliary mets
Colorectal cancer
MC type of choledochal cyst (Todani classification)
Type 1 - EHBD fusiform/saccular dilatation
MC organ affected by hydatid cyst
MC benign Liver neoplasm
Cavernous hemangioma;
2nd MC = FNH
MC hypovascular metastases
Colorectal, lung, prostate, gastric, and uroepithelial ca; also kidney
MC malignant masses in the liver
Metastases (GI, breast, lung);
2nd MC liver mass in general = cavernous hemangioma
MC hypervascular lesions in cirrhosis
HCC and dysplastic nodules
MC hypervascular lesions in normal liver
Hemangioma, FNH, hepatic adenoma, and hypervascular metastasis
MC cause of Budd-Chiari syndrome
Coagulation disorder (Western);
Membranous webs obstructing the hepatic veins or IV (Asian)
MC liver nodule regenerative nodules GI Liver Predominant cause of the heterogeneous appearance of cirrhosis
High-signal fibrosis on T2
MC cause of cirrhosis
Chronic alcoholics (USA),
Chronic active hepatitis (Asia and Africa)
MC location of focal fat sparing
Segment IV
MC abnormality demonstrated by hepatic imaging
Fatty liver
MC location of extra-nodal involvement in AIDS-related lymphomas
MC malignancy associated with AIDS
Kaposi sarcoma
Most specific sign of abscess
Focal collection of extraluminal gas
MC site for abscess formation
MC sarcoma in the retroperitoneum
MC lymphoma
MC cause of large bowel obstruction in elderly and bedridden patients
Fecal impaction
MC cause of small bowel obstruction?
Postsurgical adhesions (western);
Incarcerated hernia (developing countries)
MC cause of toxic megacolon
Acute ulcerative colitis
MC cause of pneumoperitoneum
Duodenal or gastric ulcer perforation
MC type of lymphoma to involve the adrenal
Non-Hodgkin’s (same sa kidney)
MCC of adrenal enlargement in the newborn / MC adrenal mass in neonates
Adrenal hemorrhage
MCC of an adrenal mass in infancy
Massive hemorrhage
MCC of acute addisonian crisis
Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage (adrenal apoplexy)
MCC of cortical destruction in AIDS
Adrenalitis due to CMV
Pollack Adrenal:
MCC of bilateral adrenal masses
Pollack Adrenal:
MCC of calcified adrenal glands not associated with adrenal insufficiency
Adrenal hemorrhage
Pollack Adrenal:
MCC of adrenal insufficiency due to granulomatous infection
TB (for underdeveloped countries);
Histoplasmosis (in SE and SC US)
Pollack Adrenal:
MC enzymatic defect in congenital adrenal hyperplasia
21-hydroxylase deficiency
*2nd MC: 11B
Pollack Adrenal:
MC tumors to produce ACTH
Bronchial carcinoid
Bronchogenic ca
Pancreatic islet cell tumors
Pollack Adrenal:
MCC of Cushing’s syndrome / MCC of noniatrogenic
Cushing’s syndrome adrenal hyperplasia
Pollack Adrenal:
MC adrenal lesion in Cushing’s syndrome
Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex
MC form of urethral injury
Type III
Single most important clinical sign of urethral injury
Blood at external urethral meatus
MC form of bladder trauma
Highest risk procedure in ureteral injury
MC PRIMARY appendiceal tumor in surgical pathology
Carcinoid Tumor
MC appendiceal tumor detected in imaging
Appendiceal Mucocele - due to mucinous neoplasm