Module 25: Psychoactive Drugs Flashcards
Psychoactive Drugs
Chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods
Substance Abuse Disorder
A disorder characterized by continued substance craving and use despite significant life disruption and/or physical risk
How many indicators of substance use is needed to have mild substance use disorder?
2-3 indicators
How many indicators of substance use is needed to have moderate substance use disorder?
4-5 indiators
How many indicators of substance use is needed to have sever substance use disorder?
6+ indicators
The diminishing effect with regular use of the same dose of a drug, requiring the user to take larger and larger doses before experiencing the drug’s effects
A primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry
- inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response
- want the drug more than like the drug
How can tolerance lead to substance abuse disorder?
Due to neuroadaptation, brain chemistry changes to offset the effects of the drug. Users require larger and larger doses which increases the risk of becoming addicted and developing a substance abuse disorder.
The discomfort & distress that occurs after discontinuing an addictive drug or behavior
How has the concept of addiction changed?
Some behaviors can become compulsive & dysfunctional- similar to problematic alcohol & drug use
- examples: gambling disorder, internet gaming disorder, internet disorder (some need more studying done)
What are the three major categories of psychoactive drugs?
What are depressants? Effects?
Drugs that reduce neural activity & slow body functions
ex: alcohol, barbiturates, & opiates
How does alcohol interact with neurotransmitters?
GABA & GLUTAMATE both interact with alcohol to produce the effects we associate with drinking - impaired judgements, slow reaction time, disrupts formation of memory, & impulse control
- Alcohol enhances GABA capabilities (agonist) and inhibits glutamate from exciting the cells (antagonist)
- affects prefrontal cortex
How does alcohol use disorder change the structure of the brain?
Ventricles, areas filled of fluid, are enlarged
- brain shrinkage
How does alcohol impair memory & self-awareness?
- Memory disruption: Suppresses REM sleep which is needed for memory consolidation alcohol can disrupt memory formation and heavy drinking can also have long-term effects on the brain & cognition
- Reduced self - awareness: People who consume alcohol doze off/ mind wander more w/o realizing