MIL: Information Literacy Flashcards
Module 4
Data that has been collected, processed, and interpreted in order to be presented in a useable form.
A broad term that can cover processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
In the media world, it is often used to describe knowledge of specific events or situations that has been gathered or received by communication, intelligence, or news reports.
To determine the quality and accuracy of the information:
* We should know the (a) ______ of the information
> Should come from a reputable source: government agencies, news agencies, institutions, experts
* Acquire (b) ________________
a. source
b. information literacy
A set of individual competencies needed to identify, evaluate and use information in the most ethical, efficient and effective way across all domains, occupations and professions.
Information Literacy
Ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various formats.
- Provides the keys to academic achievement and lifelong learning
Information Literacy
5 components of information literacy:
Identify, Find, Evaluation, Apply, Acknowledge (IFEAA)
Information Lit Components. _________ the nature.
Information Lit Components.
1. Writing a thesis statement.
2. Creating a timeline and plan to complete a research paper.
3. Reading background information on a topic before researching.
Information Lit Components.
Real-World Examples:
1. Devising a search strategy to find information on buying a new home.
2. Identifying the difference between a published court decision and an article about the court case.
3. Deciding to search for the most current information available on a medical procedure.
Information Lit Components. _________ effectively and efficiently.
Information Lit Components.
1. Finding an article from the library database.
2. Using Boolean terms when searching online. (And, or, not)
3. Locating a book on the library shelves by its call number.
4. Refining a search strategy to narrow down results in databases and search engines.
Information Lit Components.
Real-World Examples:
1. Locating website
2. Searching published archives.
3. Requesting genealogical records.
Information Lit Components. ____________ information and its sources critically.
Information Lit Components.
1. Summarizing the main ideas of an article or a book
2. Reviewing multiple point of view to construct and opinion.
3. Exploring different sources of information to understand a topic.
4. Analyzing the structure and logic of arguments made in lecture and speeches.
Information Lit Components.
Real-World Example:
1. Researching the claims made in a political ad on a television.
2. Scrutinizing a Wikipedia article for accuracy.
3. Checking a website for currency of updates.
Information Lit Components. _________ effectively to accomplish a specific task.
Information Lit Components.
1. Paraphrasing an expert essay to support a position in a persuasive speech.
2. Integrating a direct quotation
3. Using images from a database to prepare a group presentation.
Information Lit Components.
Real-World Examples:
1. Developing a market survey based on gaps identified by reviewing studies.
2. Referencing experts to support claims.
Information Lit Components. Source of information and the ethical, legal, and socioeconomic…
Information Lit Components.
1. Citing an information.
2. Creating a work’s cited page or bibliography.
3. Understanding what constitutes plagiarism.
6 typology of information:
- Factual vs Analytical
- Subjective vs Objective
- Currency vs Historical
- Scholarly vs Popular
- Primary vs Secondary vs Tertiary
- Stable vs Unstable
To become information literate, we have to go through the following stages:
1. ________/recognizing information needs
2. Determining ________________
3. ______ or searching for information
4. Analyzing and evaluating the ________ of information
5. Organizing, storing or _________ information
6. Using information in an _______, efficient and effective way
7. Creating and communicating _____________.
- Identifying
- source of information
- Citing
- quality
- archiving
- ethical
- new knowledge
Typology of information.
(a)Based on evidences and findings provided by reliable sources.
(b)An analysis or interpretation of facts by individual usually an expert on the subject.