Gen. Bio. PPTs: Cell Theory Flashcards
Characteristics of Life & Cell Theory
Characteristics. Plants germinate, sprout, root, leaf out and bloom mainly through the cellular level process of mitosis.
Growth and Development
Characteristics. These organisms utilize nourishment from their environment together with instructions coded by their genes.
Growth and Development
Characteristics. The temperature regulation requirements determine dietary caloric requirements and thus the use of niches and resources.
Maintain Homeostasis
Characteristics. In order for higher forms of organisms to function properly, they must maintain appropriate concentrations of different chemicals, pH level, optimum temperature, etc., because these conditions may change from time to time depending on changes in their environment.
Maintain Homeostasis
Characteristics. Like other mammals, primates regulate body temperature through physiological, morphological and behavioral changes.
Maintain Homeostasis
Characteristics. A part of an arm and central disc becomes detached from the “parent” and develops into an independent individual sea star.
Characteristics. Organisms have the ability to reproduce or generate more organisms of their own kind.
Characteristics. The process of succeeding generations thru sexual or asexual processes, which involves passing down of genes from parents to their offspring.
Characteristics. Mangrove are capable of growing under extreme environmental conditions such as high and changing salinity and frequent tidal inundation
Response to Stimuli
Characteristics. Organisms have the ability to respond to different environments and diverse stimuli.
Response to Stimuli
Characteristics. Oxygenic photosynthesis is the most common and is seen in algae, cynobacteria and plants.
Energy Processing
_______ is a process of an organism adjusting to better match its environment.
Characteristics. All organisms require energy for their cellular metabolic activities to occur.
Energy Processing
Characteristics. Other organisms take in substances as food which is broken down to its chemical form that is required by an organism.
Energy Processing
Some organisms, like __________ are able to harvest energy from the sun while converting it into chemical energy, to be utilized in making their own food.
What are the two types of photosynthetic processes?
Oxygenic & Anoxygenic
Characteristics. The human body has 11 systems- some may have overlapping functions. Plants only have two organ systems.
Characteristics. In multicellular organisms:
cells > tissues > organ > organ systems > individual
Scientist. Known for telescope, made his own microscope.
* two new lenses: bi-convex objective and a biconcave eyepiece
Galileo Galilei
Scientist. First person to see cells.
* Looked at a cork, saw a great many boxes.
Robert Hooke
Scientist. Observed living cells in pond water.
* Described microorganisms accurately
a. What did he call it?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
a. Animalcules
Leeuwenhoek. In Jan. 1665, his observations through various lenses were published in his book ___________.
- First book to illustrate insects, plants, etc. through microscope.
Scientist. Who is the father of bacteriology?
Antony van Leeuwenhoek
Scientist. ZOOLOGIST who observed tissues of animals had cells (1839)
Theodore Schwann
(Swan = Zoo)