⚪️ Memory - Cognitive Interview Flashcards
Who developed the cognitive interview
Edward Geiselman and Ronald Fisher 1984
Why is the cognitive interview
Questioning techniques used to improve eyewitness recall. Based on psychological research on memory cues. Aims to help witnesses retrieve more accurate information
Acronym for techniques in the cognitive interview
R - Reinstate the context
O - reverse the Order
P - change Perspective
E - report Everything
What does it mean to reinstate the context
- eyewitnesses mentally return to the scene
- focus on external factors (environment, weather)
- consider internal factors
What does it mean to reverse the order
- Recall the events from the end to beginning
- counters the recency effect in memory
- disrupts influence of schemas
- leads to accurate recall
What does it mean to change perspective
- recall events from different view points
- consider perspectives of others
- help disrupts effects of schemas
- provides additional cues for memory recall
What does it mean to report everything
- encouraged to share all details no matter how small
- prevents filtering or selection of information
- small details trigger important information
What is the enhanced cognitive interview
developed by Fisher et al 1987
- builds on the original cognitive interview
- creates comfortable environment for sharing details
- emphasises building rapport with the eyewitness (close harmonious relationship)
Lab experiment supporting CI
- Guiselman et al (1985)
- 41.1 details correct compared to 29.4 in standard interview
Natural experiment supporting CI
- fisher et al (1989)
- 7 trained officers CI vs 9 non-trained officers
- 63% more information with 90% accuracy for trained
Koknken evidence for supporting cognitive interview
- found in a meta analysis of 53 studies that there was an increase of 53% in correct information when using the CI, compared to standard interview
Holliday research into CI
2003, groups of children aged 4-5 and 9-10 shown a 5 min video of a child’s birthday party. Next day all the children were interviewed by CI or standard
- findings shown that the use of the cognitive interview resulted in more accurate details recalled about the video compared to standard interview
Shows suitable for children
3 limitations of CI
- time consuming to conduct and train officers
- may produce more errors in enhanced version
- police often lack time for full cognitive interview