π΅ Approaches - The Cognitive Approach Flashcards
Cognitive approach
Approach focusing on how our mental processes affect behaviour
Internal mental processes
Private operations of the mind such as perception and attention that mediate between stimulus and response
Mental framework of beliefs and expectations that influence cognitive processing. They are developed for experience
Psychologists draw conclusions about the way mental processes operate on the basis of observed behaviour
Cognitive neuroscience
Scientific study of biological structures that underpin cognitive processes
Main Assumption of cognitive approach
Internal mental processes should be studied. Meaning areas of human behaviour neglected by behaviourists, such as memory p, perception and thinking should be investigated.
Because internal mental processes are private and cannot be observed, what do psychologists do?
Study them indirectly by making inferences about what is going on inside peopleβs minds on the basis of their behaviour
Because internal mental processes are private and cannot be observed, what do psychologists do?
Study them indirectly by making inferences about what is going on inside peopleβs minds on the basis of their behaviour
What are theoretical models
Diagrammatic representations of the Steos involved in internal mental processes
How are theoretical models used to make inferences of internal mental processes
Diagrams use arrows and boxes to indicate cause and effect or stages of a mental process. The features of the model are based of inference since mental processes cannot be directly observed
Computer models
Mind is compared to a computer. Suggesting there are simarities
How do our minds work like a computer
- input = external stimuli
- internal processes (coding) = internal mental processes)
- output = behaviour
What are schemes developed through
Personal expreruence
What do schemas act as a
Mental framework for the interpretation of incoming information received by the cognitive system
What do schemas enable us to do
- Process a lot of information quickly and this is useful as a sort of mental short cut t
- prevents us from being overwhelmed by environmental stimuli
- help us predict what will happen based on past experiences