Meanings And Representations) Grammar Flashcards
Noun clauses. 2
That clauses eg I hoped that he would come tonight
Wh clauses eg I wonder what is for dinner
Adverbial clauses
Functions as an adverbial to add description about time, manner or place
eg when I go home, should I tidy my room
Comparative clauses
Starts with as or contains then
eg he slept as the train arrived at the platform
Types of subordinate clauses. 6
Noun clauses Adverbial clauses Relative clauses Comparative clauses Non finite clause Verbless clause
Clause elementsz. 5
Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial
Subject element
What is doing the verb and usually appears before the verb
Verb element
May be a single verb or verb phrase
Object element . 2
Direct objects directly affected by the verb
Indirect objects receive the action of the verb
Complement element . 2
Subject complements add description to the subject
Object complements usually follow direct objects and add description to the object
Adverbial element . 2
Express range of meanings like manner, space and time
Can be linking words, time words or clauses
Purpose of
Replaces a noun to avoid repetition
Purpose of
Specifies location
Purpose of
Join lexical items or clauses together - shows type of relation between them
Purpose of
Determiners the amount/specificity of a noun
Noun phrases
Group of words centred around a noun that acts as the ‘head’ of the phrase
4 parts of noun phrase
Head word
Verb phrases . 2
Built around a head word - main verb
Can involve primary and model auxiliary verbs
Coordinating conjunctions
Clauses are independent and make sense on their own
Eg and, but, or
Subordinating conjunctions
A main clause and at least one subordinate clause
Eg although