Language Change) Phonology Flashcards
Examples of phonological change . 6
Th fronting Ing endings Rp toning down Ease of articulation (omission and assimilation) Increased use of the schwa Uptalk
When sounds close to each other become similar to make pronunciation simpler
Eg hambag, tem pounds
When sounds are missed out
Eg innit
Key phonological changes in history . 1
Great vowel shift
Who first studied great vowel shift
the further one moves away the less the effects are noticeable
Degree of vowel shifting can sometimes be detected in Regional accents
Why did the gvs happen
Social mobility and social prestige
What changed in the gvs
Vowels went from ‘long’ to ‘short’
Functional theory suggests change reflects the … we’re living in
Sociocultural climate
Increased use of the schwa
Schwa increasingly used in present day English
Eg about to uhbout, balance to balunce
Ing endings
Before C19th, -ing was pronounced -in, even by mid/upper classes
Today, some ppl replace ‘th’ sound with ‘f’
Eg fink instead of think
Rp toning down
Rp lost some desirability as in the 1960s, wc teachers going uni and emergence of celebs with regional accents
Since early 1990s, uptalks increased due to influence of media and not wanting to sound aggressive
What is uptalk
When a declarative is said as if it’s a question
Functional theory
Language changes and adapts according to needs of its users
Who thought up functional theory
What does functional theory suggest
There’s a certain logic to language change: changes reflect the sociocultural climate we’re living in
Why would people change the way they sound. 4
Social factors Upward convergence American English Media Aitchison 1991
Social factors
People adapt depending on context