MAOR102-wiki whā Flashcards
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero
He pōturi iho tōu waka i te pahi!
Your car is slower than the bus
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero
He mahana ake te rūma noho i tōku rūma moe
The sitting room is warmer than my bedroom
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero
He taumaha ake te rino pango i te rino kākāriki
The black steel is heavier than the green steel
taumaha = heavy, rino = iron / steel
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero
He nui ake tāna aihikirīmi i tāku!
His/her ice cream is bigger than mine!
aihikirīmi = ice cream
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero
He pai ake a Katie i a Blair ki te waiata
Katie is better than Blair at singing
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero
His beer is colder than your wine
He makariri iho tāna pia i tāu wāina
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero
The bus is slower than the train
He pōturi iho te pahi i te tereina
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero
My brother is richer than I am
He whairawa ake tōku tuakana/teina/tungāne i ahau
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero
My best friend is better than me at dancing
He pai ake tōku tino hoa i ahau ki te kanikani
Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero
Vivienne is shorter than Sireya
He poto iho a Vivienne i a Sireya
He pai ki ahau te whutupōro
I like rugby
He pai ki ahau te kūmara
I like kumara
He pai ki a ia te hōkī
She / He likes hockey
He pai ki tōku māmā te kawhe
My mum likes coffee
He pai ki ahau te pūrei netipōro
I like playing netball
He pai ki a rāua te tunu keke
They like cake baking
He pai ki tōku pāpā te mātakitaki kirikiti
My dad likes to watch cricket
He pai ki a māua te tiakarete
We (2 exc) like chocolate
I like Indian food
He pai ki tāku te kai ō Īnia
He pai ki tāku ngā kai Īniana
He pai ki a rātou te kaimoana
They (3+) like seafood
My sister likes shopping
He pai ki tōku tuahine/tuakana/teina te hokohoko
He likes travelling overseas
He pai ki a ia te haere ki tāwāhi
Hei aha te toki nei?
What is this axe for?
Hei tapahi i te rākau
For cutting down the tree
Hei aha tēnei pēke?
What is this bag for?
Hei kawe i āu pukapuka
To carry your books
What is this pencil for?
Hei aha tēnei penerākau?
For drawing a picture
Hae tā pikitia
tā = to paint
What is this money for?
Hei aha tēnei moni?
For buying the tickets
Hei hoko i ngā tīkiti
Kei hea te hopi hei horoi i ngā taputapu?
Where is the soap for washing the dishes?
hopi = to soap
He nui te naihi hei tapahi i te mīti
The knife is big (in order) to chop the meat
This is the towel for drying the dishes
Ko tēnei te tāora hei whakamaroke i ngā taputapu/rīhi
E Māmā, kei te auau mai te kurī!
Mum, the dog’s barking at me!
Hei aha atu, he iti noa iho ia
Don’t worry about it, he’s only small
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
I Taupō rātou
Kāore rātou i [Taupō]
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
Kei runga te ngeru i te tēpu
Kāore te ngeru (i runga) i [te tēpu]
Kāore koe i Hapani ināianei Ichiko!
You are not in Japan now Ichiko!