MAOR101-wiki tahi ā rua Flashcards
taku whaea
my mum
aku teina
my younger, (same gender), siblings
his older brother
tana tuakana
your song
tō waiata
her Dad
tana pāpā, tana matua
my mountain
taku maunga
your friend
tō hoa
Ko tana whaea ahau
I am their mum
Ko Ally koe?
are you Ally?
Ko koe tana mokopuna?
Are you their grandchild?
Ko Sireya taku pōtiki
Sireya is my youngest child
This is Vivienne
Ko Vivienne tēnei
Hone is my uncle
Ko Hone taku matua kēkē
Is she your mum?
Ko is tō māmā, Ko tō māmā ia
He is her brother
Ko ia tana tungāne, Ko tana tungāne ia
I am from Napier
Nō Ahuriri ahau
You are from the South Island
Nō Te Waipounamu koe
They (2) are from Hamilton
Nō Kirikiriroa rāua
I belong to Ngāti Raukawa
Nō Ngāti Raukawa ahau
He is from Wellington
Nō Pōneke ia
Nō hea koe?
Where are you from?
Nō Ngāti Kahungunu
I am from Ngāti Kahungunu
Nō tāwāhi rāua
They (2) are from overseas
Nō Ōtautahi rātou
They (3+) are from Christchurch
Nō Taupō koe?
Are you from Taupō?
is a dog
He kurī
Are big
He nui
is a child
He tamaiti
are students
He tauira
He is a student
He tauira ia
You are beautiful
He ātaahua koe
He is hard working
He pukumahi ia
Are you a student?
He tauira koe?
They (2) are tall
He tāroaroa rāua
You (3+) are friends
He hoa koutou
Betty is a writer
He kaituhituhi a Betty
Levi and Rory are sisters
He tuakana-teina a Levi rāua ko Rory
Amy, Fleur and Laila are teachers
He kaiako a Amy, rātou ko Fleur, ko Laila
he arero
ia a tongue
he whero
is red
is a chin
he kauae, he kauwae
are teeth
he niho
is a face
he kanohi, he mata
These are legs
He waewae ēnei
This is hair, (on head)
He makawe tēnei
This is my nose
Ko taku ihu tēnei
That is your mouth
Ko tō waha tēnā
This is my head
Ko taku māhunga tēnei, ko taku ūpoko tēnei
That is a beard
He pāhau tērā