MAOR102-wiki tekau Flashcards
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
I kainga ngā pihikete.
The biscuits were eaten.
I ngā pihikete māua i kai
I kai tētahi tangata i ngā pihikete
We ate the biscuits
I kainga ngā pihikete.
Kāore ngā pihikete i kainga.
The biscuits were not eaten.
Kāore anō a Rory kia mihia.
mihia = to greet
Kua mihia a Rory
Rory did the greeting
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
Kei te tapahi a Holly rāua ko Ichiko i te pātītī.
Holly and Ichiko are mowing the grass
Kei te tapahia te pātiti e Holly rāua ko Ichiko
The grass was cut by Holly and Inchiko
tapahia = to cut, pātiti = grass
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
I rongo ngā kurī i tōku reo.
reo = voice
The dogs heard my voice
I rangona tōku reo e ngā kurī
My voice was heard by the dogs
Kāore ngā taputapu e kohia e ia.
taputapu = gear/equipment
Ka kohia ngā taputapu e ia
The equipment will be gathered by him/her
use ‘e’ for experience verbs
Tatari koa
Please wait
Nōnahea koe i oho ai?
When did you wake up?
Nō te whā karaka i te ata au i oho ai.
I woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning.
Nōnahea a Lissa i hoko kai ai?
When did Lissa buy groceries?
Nōnapō (nei) a Lissa i hoko kai ai.
Lissa went shopping last night.
Āhea koe e moe ai?
When will you sleep?
Ā te tekau karaka i te pō au e moe ai
I will sleep at 10 o’clock tonight.
Āhea ōna mātua e whakapakari tinana ai?
When will their(1) parents exercise?
Ā te ata (āpōpō) ōna mātua e whakapakari tinana ai
In the morning (tomorrow) their(1) parents will exercise.
When did you wake up this morning?
Nōnahea koe i oho ai i tēnei ata?
When did you start at Vic Uni?
Nōnahea koe i tīmata ai ki Te Herenga Waka?
When did you leave home this morning?
Nōnahea koe i wehe ai i te kāinga i tēnei ata?
wehe = depart
When did you start your Whakawhiti Kōrero Ōpaki?
Whakawhiti Kōrero Ōpaki = informal conversation
Nōnahea koe i tīmata ai i tō Whakawhiti Kōrero Ōpaki?
When were you born?
Nōnāhea koe i whānau mai ai?
When will you complete your degree at university?
Āhea koe e whakaoti ai i tōu tohu ki te whare wānanga?
tohu = qualification
When are you going home this afternoon?
Āhea koe e hoki atu au ki te kāinga e tēnei ahiahi?
When will you eat your dinner tonight?
Āhea koe e kai ai i tō kai o te pō (i tēnei pō)
When is your last class this week?
Āhea tōu karaehe whakamutunga e mutu ai i tēnei wiki?
whakamutunga = concluding, mutu = to cease
He rite tonu a Maisie ki ngā pōpokorua ki te kohi kai
Maisie is just like the ants at gathering food.
He rite tonu āku tamariki ki tō tamaiti
My children are just like your child
She’s just like a crab
He rite tonu ia ki tetahi pāpaka
Their(2) house is like a doll house.
He rite tonu tō rāua whare ki tētahi whare tāre
Are they(3) like their grandfather at singing?
He rite tonu ratou ki tō ratou koroua ki te toiere/waiata?
He rite tonu ērā hū ki aua pūtu haunga
Those shoes are just like those smelly boots
aua = those (aforementioned), pūtu = boot, haunga = smelly
Nōnahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive (here)?
Nō te whitu karaka i te ata au i tae mai ai
I arrived (here) at 7 o’clock in the morning
Nōnanahi au i tae mai ai
I arrived (here) yesterday
Āhea koe e whakatā ai?
When will you rest?
Ā tērā tau au e whakatā ai
Next year I will rest
Ā te whitu karaka i te pō au e whakatā ai
At 7 o’clock at night I will rest
Ka wareware i ahau tōna ingoa.
I will forget their name
Note: ‘Ka’ can also be a habitual marker, (habits)
Nō te tau 2000 āu māhanga i whānau mai ai.
Your twins were born in the year 2000.
Kāore anō te whare kia wera i te ahi.
The house wasn’t warmed (burned) by the fire.
Ā te Paraire a Faun mā e kōrero ai.
On Friday Faun and them will chat/discuss
Kei te whakamaroketia ngā hīti.
The sheets are drying
Kei te whakamaroketia te hau i ngā hīti.
The sheets are being dried by the wind
Kei te horopaki
It depends on the context
Kei te tika
It is right/correct
When did you arrive?
Nōnahea koe i tae?
The songs haven’t been sung (yet).
Kāore ngā waiata i waiata
I lost my phone.
I ngaro ahau i tāku waea
When will Lissa and them eat?
Āhea a Lissa mā e kai ai?
She wasn’t chased by the sheep.
Kāore ia i whāia e ngā hipi
I whāia ia e ngā hipi
tūmahi hāngū: whāia = to chase
He rite tonu koe ki a Rory
You are (just) like Rory
He rite tonu te kurī ki a ia
The dog is just like him/her(1)
He rite tonu taua pene ki tēnei
That pen is just like this(1)
He rite tonu koe ki tō māmā ki te amuamu
You are (just) like your mum at complaining
He rite tonu ia ki tētāhi manu ki te waiata
They are just like a bird at singing
He rite tonu a Amy ki te rorohiko ki te mahi
Amy’s just like a computer at working
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
I kitea ngā rōpere e ngā manu
The strawberries were found (by the birds)
tūmahi hāngū: kitea = to find/see
I kite ngā manu i ngā rōpere
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
Kāore te pōro e whiua e ia ki a koe
The ball will not be thrown, (by him/her), to you
tūmahi hāngū: whiua = to throw
Kāore ia e whiu i te pōro ki a koe
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
Kua hangaia e Sireya tētahi whare hōu
Sireya has built a new house
tūmahi hāngū: hangaia = to build
Kua hanga Sireya i tētahi whare hōu
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
Kāore te whare e whakapaia e Laila
The house will not be cleaned (by Laila)
tūmahi hāngū: whakapaia = to make good
Kāore Laila ka whakapai i te whare
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
I hīa ngā ika e ngā tamariki
The fish were caught (by the children)
tūmahi hāngū: hīa = to fish (the act of fishing)
I hī ngā tamariki i ngā ika
Reremahi - Rerehāngū
Kāore ngā rīhi i te horoia e māua
The dishes were not washed (by us(2))
tūmahi hāngū: horoia = to clean
Kāore māua kei te horoi i ngā rīhi
Reremahi hei Rerekaimahi
I inu rāua i te waireka
They(2) drank the juice
Nā rāua te waireka i inu
They(2) drank the juice
inu = to drink, waireka = flavoursome/juice/soft drink
Reremahi hei Rerekaimahi
Kāore koutou e whakapai i te rūma
They(3+) will not clean the room
Ehara mā koutou te rūma e whakapai
Reremahi hei Rerekaimahi
Ka āwhina ahau i a koe
I will help you
Māku koe e āwhina
Reremahi hei Rerekaimahi
Kāore a Ichiko e kai i te rare
Ichiko won’t eat the sweet
Ehara mā a Ichiko te rare e kai
Reremahi hei Rerekaimahi
I maka te kuia i te pepa ki te ipu para
The old lady threw the paper (in)to the rubbish bin
maka: to throw, ipu para: rubbish bin
Nā te kuia te pepa i maka ki te ipu para
Reremahi hei Rerekaimahi
Kāore te wahine rā i peita i ōna ngutu
That(yonder) woman did not paint her lips
peita: to paint
Ehara nō wahine rā ōna ngutu i peita
Rerekaimahi hei Reremahi
Nāna koutou i whakatangi
S/he played music to you(3+)
whakatangi: cause to sound/cry
I whakatangi ia i a koutou
S/he played music to you(3+)
Rerekaimahi hei Reremahi
Mā te kurī ngā toenga kai e kai
The dog will eat the leftovers
Ka kai te kurī i ngā toenga kai
The dog will eat the leftovers
Rerekaimahi hei Reremahi
Nā ngā kararehe te pēpi i whakaoho
The animals woke/awaken the baby (past or present)
whakaoho: awaken/rouse, kararehe: animal
E whakaoho ana ngā kararehe ki te pēpi
I whakaoho ngā kararehe ki te pēpi
Rerekaimahi hei Reremahi
Ehara nāku te whanau i whāngai
I did not care for the family, I am not caring for the family
(past or present)
Kāore au kei te whāngai ki te whanau
Kāore au i whāngai ki te whanau
Rerekaimahi hei Reremahi
Mā tō whaea tātou e whakaako
Your aunty will teach us(3+inc)
whakaako: to teach, whaea: mother/aunty
Ka whakaako tō whaea ki tātou
Rerekaimahi hei Reremahi
Ehara mā te katoa te pōwhiri e whakahaere
Everybody won’t perform the welcome
whakahaere: organise/perform
Kāore katoa e whakahaere i te pōwhiri
Reremahi hei Rerehāngū
E mātaki ana au i ngā pōpokorua
I am watching the ants
mātaki: to watch/observe, pōpokorua: ant
E mātakihia ana ngā pōpokorua e au
The ants are being watched (by me)
Reremahi hei Rerehāngū
Kei te titiro māua ko Ally ki te rangi
Ally and I are watching the sky
titiro: to look at/examine
Kei te tirohia te rangi e māua ko Ally
The sky is being watched (by Ally and I)
Reremahi hei Rerehāngū
Kua mihi rāua ki te kuia rā
They(2) have just greeted/thanked that(yonder) elder woman.
Kua mihia te kuia rā e rāua
Kua mihia e rāua te kuia rā
Reremahi hei Rerehāngū
I para rātou i te huarahi
They(3+) cleared the road
para: to clear, huarahi: path/road
I paraia te huarahi e rātou
I paraia e rātou te huarahi
Reremahi hei Rerehāngū
Ka pōwhiri a Amy rāua ko Ally i a ia
Amy and Ally will welcome him/her
Ka pōwhiria ia e Amy rāua ko Ally
Ka pōwhiria e Amy rāua ko Ally ia
Reremahi hei Rerehāngū
I te whiriwhiri ngā kaiwhakawā i te rōpū toa
The umpires selected the winning group
whiriwhiri: confer/select, kaiwhakawā: judge/umpire, rōpū toa: victorious group
I te whiriwhiria te rōpū toa e ngā kaiwhakawā
He rite tonu te neke ki te noke ki te neke.
The snake is the same as the worm at moving
He rite tonu kōrua ki te amuamu!
You(2) are the same at complaining
note: the two comparisons are combined into one word: kōrua = you(2)
We (2.incl) are the same at speaking.
He rite tonu tāua ki te kōrero
note: the two comparisons are combined into one word: tāua = we
Amy and I are the same for sleeping.
He rite tonu māua ko Amy ki te moe
He rite tonu a Amy ki ahau ki te moe
note: ‘ahau’ or ‘a au’, normally ‘a’ preceeds pronouns in the second
He rite tonu koutou
He ōrite koutou
You three are the same
inumia ā muri nei
Drink it later
inumia = drink command, ā = future, muri = future, nei = close proximity