MAOR102-karakia Flashcards
Settle here upon us all, the spirit of our ancestors
E tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa
te wairua o ngā mātua tūpuna.
They lay down the way, the walk for us and our descendants
Nā rātou i whakatakoto te ara
hei hīkoinga mā tātou ngā uri.
Sown in our hearts the customs to guide us.
I whakatōkia ō tātou ngākau ki ngā tikanga
hei arataki i a tātou.
Be eager to elevate what we do, (for all),
Kia ngākaunui ki te hāpai i ā tātou mahi katoa,
come together, with the truth, with the knowledge and with compassion for one another
i roto i te pono, i te tika, i te māramatanga me te aroha anō o tētehi ki tētehi.
This is it Rongomātāne hang it up high on top, (affirmed)
join gather unite
Koia rā e Rongo whakairia ake ki runga kia tīna (tīna).
Haumi e, hui e, (tāiki e).