MAOR101-wiki toru Flashcards
ēnei whatu
these eyes
tēneu puku
this stomach
those shoes
ērā hū, ēnā hū
these trousers
ēnei tarau
that jumper
tērā poraka
those jackets
ērā koti, ēnā hākete
These are useless!
He koretake ēnei!
Those (yonder) are dirty
He paru ērā
The cats are fat
He momona ēnei ngeru
That car is slow
He pōturi tēnā waka/motokā
Those glasses (by you) are good
He pai ēnā mōwhiti
That scarf (by you) is warm
He mahana tēnā kāmeta
Those socks are red
He whero ērā/ēnā tokena
Those slippers are tattered
He taretare ēnā/ērā hiripa
These boxes are heavy
He toimaha/taumaha ēnei pouaka
Those pens are useless!
He koretake ērā,ēnā pene
That shirt (yonder) is yellow
He kōwhai tērā panekoti
These dishes are clean
He mā ēnei taputapu/utauta
is hot food
he kai wera
is a big school
he kura nui
He pikitia ātaahua
is a beautiful picture
is an old desk
He tēpu tawhito
He karakia tawhito
is an old prayer
is a fast car
He waka tere
He pukapuka pai tēnei
This is a good book
That is a little house
He whareiti tērā
He wahine ātaahua ia
She is a beautiful woman
Rory is a good student
He tauira pai a Rory
He ringawera pai tōku whaea
My mum is a good cook
They (2) are slim boys
He tama tūpuhi rāua
You (3+) are new students
He tauira hou koutou