MAOR102-wiki tuarua Flashcards
body, main body, trunk (tree)
Kei te pewhea ngā piropiro
How are you feeling?
opening / doorway / river mouth
Kanauhea Wessels
MAOR102 lecturer
relationship, (inc. through shared experience)
whakawhanaungatanga=forming relationships
Ko wai tō hoa?
Who is your friend?
Nō whea ia?
Where is s/he from?
He aha tāna tino kai?
What is his/her favourite food?
He aha tana marau matua?
What is s/he majoring in?
marau=subject, matua=main/primary
He ātaahua ia
She is beautiful.
Nō Ngāti Toa rāua
They (2) are from Ngāti Toa.
He pātai tāku
I have a question.
He aha te tikanga o te kupu piropiro?
What is the meaning of the word ‘piropiro’?
Ko wai ōna mātua?
Who are his/her parents?
E whia ōna tau?
How many partners do they have?
‘O/A’ Category
Parts of anything
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
Water and medicine
tōku / tōu / tōna
Water includes river/sea water
‘O/A’ Category
Land, towns, buildings, furniture, bedding
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
Elders, friends, people who are responsible for you
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
Relatives in same generation or above
tōku / tōu / tōna
‘O/A’ Category
Moveable property
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
Food and drink
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
People (for whom you are responsible)
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
Relatives in lower generation
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
Wife, husband, spouse
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
Activities (which you have control over)
tāku / tāu / tāna
‘O/A’ Category
Things that you do
tāku / tāu / tāna
He mōkai tāna.
His/her Pet
He pēkenui tāna
She has a big bag.
He kikorangi kī āu
You have blue keys.