MAOR101-wiki ono Flashcards
How many cars are there?
E hia ngā waka?
How many cups of tea are there?
E hia ngā kaputī?
E hia ngā pīni maoa?
How many baked beans are there?
How many children are there?
Tokohia ngā tamariki?
E hia ngā rūma?
How many rooms are there?
There are four bedrooms
E whā ngā rūma moe
There are three things
E toru ngā mea
E iwa ngā ārani
There are nine oranges
E whitu ngā ngeru
There are seven cats
There are ten lipsticks
Tekau ngā pani ngutu
pani = smear/spread, ngutu = lip
Kotahi te kurī
There is one dog
There is one house
Kotahi te whare
How many chairs do you have?
E w/hia āu tūru?
How many houses do you have?
E w/hia ōu whare?
How many dogs does he have?
E W/hia āna kurī?
E hia āu pukapuka?
How many books do you have?
I have two pieces of toast
E rua āku tōhi
He has eight books
E waru āna pukapuka
E whā ōna whare
S/he has four houses
Tekau āku pene
I have ten pens
I have one bathroom
Kotahi tōku rūma kaukau
How many girls are there?
Tokohia ngā kōtiro?
How many elders are there?
Tokowhia ngā kaumātua?
How many teachers are there?
Tokohia ngā kaiako?
Tokohia ngā ringawera?
How many cooks are there?
Tokowhā ngā kaumātua
There are four elders
There are four people
Tokowhā ngā tāngata
Tokoono ngā kaiako
There are six teachers
There is one boy
Kotahi te tama
Tekau ngā kuia
There are ten elder women
How many children do you have?
Tokowhia āu tamariki?
How many aunties do you have?
Tokohia ōu whāea kēkē?
How many sisters does he have?
Tokowhia ōna tuāhine?
How many teachers does she have?
Tokohia ōna kaiako?