MAOR102-wiki tuatoru Flashcards
I have no shoes
Kāore ōku hū
ōku because shoes are clothing
How are you feeling?
Kei te pewhea ngā piropiro?
Kei te pewhea ōu piropiro?
Kei te pehea koe?
E pehea āna koe?
They (2) aren’t women
Ehara rāua i te wahine
only ‘te wahine’, because only negating one class
I don’t think so!
Engari mō tēnā!
My name isn’t Horiana
Ehara tōku ingoa i a Horiana
Ehara a Horiana i tōku ingoa
Kei te marama koutou?
Do you all understand?
Mā hea rātou haere ai ki te moutere?
How did they (3+) go to the island?
Mā runga waka (ama) rātou haere ai ki te moutere.
They (3+) went to the island on a kayak (with outrigger)
Mā hea ngā kōtiro haere ai ki te tāone?
How did the girls go to the town?
Mā runga hōiho ngā kōtiro haere ai ki te tāone
The girls went to the town by horse
Mā hea ia haere ai ki te whare wānanga?
How did s/he go to the university?
Mā runga papawīra ia haere ai ki te whare wānanga
S/he went to the university by skateboard
Mā hea a Alex rāua ko Tony haere ai ki te ngahere?
How did Alex and Tony go to the forest?
Mā raro a Alex rāua ko Tony haere ai ki te ngahere
Alex and Tony went to the forest by walking
Mā hea a Anaru rāua ko Hiria i haere ai ki Makitānara?
How did Anaru and Hiria go to Makitānara?
Mā runga motopaika a Anaru rāua ko Hiria i haere ai ki Makitānara?
Anaru and Hiria went to Makitānara by motorbike
Mā hea tō māmā i hoki mai ai i te mahi?
How did mother come from work?
Mā raro tōku i hoki mai ai i te mahi
Mother came from work by walking
Mā hea te rata e hoki mai ai i tāwāhi?
How will the doctor come from overseas?
Mā runga e tētahi wakarererangi te rata e hoki mai ai i tāwāhi
The doctor will come from overseas by aeroplane
Mā hea ōu hoa e haere ai ki Rarotonga?
How will your friends go to Rarotonga?
Mā te kaukau ōu hoa e haere ai ki Rarotonga?
Your friends will go to Rarotonga by swimming
Mā hea a Ani e hoki mai ai i Tāmaki Makaurau?
How will Ani come from Auckland?
Mā runga i tētahi paihikara tere a Ani e hoki mai ai i Tāmaki Makaurau
Ani will come from Auckland by a fast bicycle
i tētahi = a, (one)
My dad and his dog are in Auckland
Kei Tāmaki Makaurau tōku pāpā me tāna kuri
me = and (when joining noun phrases)
Keri and I are in Wellington
Kei Te Whanganui o Tara māua ko Keri
We (3+ excl) are in Tahiti
Kei Tahiti mātou
Kei roto te kurī i tōna whare
The dog is inside his/her house
Kei roto ngā rare i te pouaka
The sweets are inside the box
Kei runga te ngeru i tō Hēmi moenga
The cat is on Hēmi’s bed
Kei mua te kaiako i te karaehe
The teacher is at the front of the class
My son was in Hamilton
I Kirikiriroa tāku tama
Ariana and Hori were in Porirua
I Porirua Ariana rāua ko Hori
Kirsty was at uni
I whare wānanga Kirsty
I roto ngā kī i tāna pēke
The keys were inside his/her bag
I runga te kaputī i te tēpu
The cup of tea was on the table
I waho ngā hū i te wharenui
The shoes were outside the meeting house
I raro te mēra i ngā pukapuka
The mail was at the bottom of the books
He visited …
I toro ia
She has tested …
Kua whakamātautau ia
My mum orders …
E whakarite ana tōku māmā
Kei te whakarite tōku māmā
The kids will celebrate …
Ka whakanui ngā tamariki
We (2) followed …
I whai māua/tāua
I have achieved …
Kua tukuki ahau
Their team cheated …
I tinihanga tō rātou tīma
They are cooking …
Kei te tunu rāua/rātou
E tunu ana rāua/rātou
Emma will look for …
Ka kimi a Emma
I warned …
I whakatūpato ahau
Our nana is resting …
E whakatā ana tō mātou kuia
Kei te whakatā tō mātou kuia
Their teacher has supported …
Kua tautoko tō rāua/rātou kaiako
He visited his girlfriend’s parents
I toro atu ia ki ngā mātua o tōna hoa wahine
She has tested the water of the swimming pool
Kua whakamātautau i a i te wai o te hōpua(wai)
My mum told the kids to wash their hands with soap
I kī atu tōku māmā ki ngā tamariki ki te horoi i ō rātou ringaringa ki te hopi
The kids will celebrate their birthdays in London
Ka whakanui ngā tamariki i ā rātou huitau ki Rānana
I have achieved my Diploma
Kua tutuki ahau i taku pōkairua
They are cooking the meat for the feast
Kei te tunu rātou i te mītī mō te hākari
I posted a photo on my Instagram page
I pōhi au i tētehi whakaahua ki taku whārangi paeāhua
Kei te pīrangi ahau ki tētahi pukapuka hou
I want a new book
Kei te haere rātou ki te toa
They (3+) are going to town
Kei te tuhi ia i tāna tuhinga roa ki tāna rorohiko
S/he is writing their essay on their computer
Kei te hoki mai tātou ki te kāinga
We (3+ inc) are returning home
Kei te waru a Hera i ngā āporo
Hera is peeling the apples
Ka maumahara rāua ki ngā ture o te kēmu
They will remember the rules of the game
Kua tae mai ahau ki Kirikiriroa
I have just arrived from Hamilton
Kua tapahi rāua i te parāoa ki te naihi
They have just chopped the bread with the knife
Kei te haere māua ki te wharepikitia ki te mātakitaki kiriata
We are going to the cinema to watch the movie
Kua horoi māua i te waka
We just washed the car
How did you return home yesterday?
Mā hea koe i hoki ai ki kāinga inanahi?
Do you have a brother?
He tuakana, He teina tōu?
He tungāne tōu?
Who are your friends?
Ko wai ōu hoa?
Where were you last night?
I hea koe i inapō?
What are these? They are oranges
He aha ēnei? He ārani ēnei
Easy as
Kai parāoa
marama keke
māmā noa iho
To agree
Kei te marama koe?
Do you understand?
Hei ātahirā te pōwhiri
The pōwhiri the day after tomorrow
Hei tērā wiki ngā mahi tīmata ai
The work will begin next week
tīmata ai = to begin/commence
Hei te whitu karaka te pāti
The party will be at 7 o’clock
Hei reira
I’ll see you there, (place already mentioned)
reira = the place, time or circumstance mentioned before
Hei konā
I’ll see you then, (time already mentioned)
konā = the place / time already mentioned
Hei konā = goodbye (to someone remaining on the phone)
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
Kei Te Papa ngā taonga
Kāore ngā taonga i Te Papa
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
I runga ngā hīti i te moenga
Kāore ngā hīti i runga i te moenga
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
Kei konā a Pāpā?
Kāore a Pāpā i konā?
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
I waho ngā hū i te whare
Kāore ngā hū i waho i te whare
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
Kei Pōneke mātou
We (3 + exc) are in Wellinton
Kāore mātou ki Pōneke
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
I te kāinga māua ko Tama
Tama and I were at home
Kāore māua ko Tama i te kāinga
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
Kei Rotorua āku irāmutu
My nephew’s/neices are in Rotorua
Kāore āku irāmutu ki Rotorua
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
I waho ngā kurī [e whawhai ana]
The dogs were outside [impatient]
Kāore ngā kurī i waho
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
I reira koutou?
Were you (3 +) be there (place already mentioned)?
Kāore koutou i reira?
Whakakāhoretia ngā rerenga nei
Kei konei mātou ināianei
We (3 + exc) are here now
Kāore mātou i konei ināianei