MAOR102-wiki tuatahi Flashcards
to exchange / discuss
section / session / burden
level surface / policy, principle
correct procedure, custom, protocol
to exclaim in astonishment, express regret
aroha mai
love to me, (informal saying ‘sorry, my bad’)
(mō) taku hē, (mō) taku hē
I’m sorry, sorry for my mistake
to be ashamed, shy
kia ora e te whanau
greetings family
give history / genealogy
to know, understand
ka kite
See you again/soon
be blue, precious
kīwaha o te rā
idiom of the day
e mea ana koe
pronounce mea & ana as one word due to bordering vowels
I agree with you
enthusiastic statement
whakahiko hinengaro
whakahiko=electricfy/galvanise hinengaro=thought/mind
Ko tōu māmā tērā?
neg: Ehara tērā i tōu māmā?
Is that your mother, (yonder)
Ko Hinemihi rāua ko Tame ō rāua mātua
neg: Ehara ō rāua mātua i a Hinemihi rāua ko Tame
Hinemihi and Tame are their parents
Ehara tōnā ingoa i a Irihāpeti
neg: Ko Irihāpeti tōna ingoa
His/her name is not Irihāpeti
Ko wai ngā rangatira o te whare wānanga?
Who is are the leaders/heads of the university?
Ehare māua ko Hana i te māhanga
neg: He māhanga māua ko Hana
Hana and I are not twins
akoranga whāiti
akoranga=class whāiti=compact
Te reo o te karaehe
language class
Nga aromatawai
matawai=to scrutinize
kāore au i te mōhio
I don’t know
He pātai tāku
I have a question
He aha te kupu Māori mō …?
What is the māori word for …?
He aha te tikanga o te kupu …?
What is the meaning of the word …?
kōrero mai anō?
can you repeat that?
anō = again
āta kōrero mai?
can you say that slowly?
āta = slowly/gently
Aua hoki!
I don’t have a clue!
He tika tonu!
Quite right!
yes indeed! totally!
also: his/her (more than one thing)
nē rā!
aye! really!?
E kare
Ehara ehara!
Serves you right!
give it heaps!
Ko wai ahau?
Who am I?
Ko wai tō whānau?
Who is your family?
Ko wai e noho ana ki tō kāinga?
Who’s home are you staying in???
Ko wai ō mōkai?
Who are your pets?
Ko wai ō hoa?
Who are your friends?
He aha ahau?
What are you?
He aha tēnei?
What is this?
He tupuna tāne ahau
I am a grandfather
He kaihoahoa ahau
I am an architect
He pene whero tēnei
This is a red pen
He hoa pai koe
You are a good friend
He kuia riri ia
She is an angry elder
He tāne maia ia
He is a courageous man
He waka tere ēnā
Those are fast cars (by listener)
He tama hōhā rāua
They are annoying boys (2)
He hōiho tino pango terā
That’s a really black horse (yonder)
He tamariki hoihoi ērā
Those are noisy children (yonder)
He aha koe?
What are you?
He aha ia?
What is s/he?
He aha rātou?
What are they?
He aha ēnā?
What is that? (by listener)
He wahine aha ia?
What kind of woman is she?
He tangata aha rāua?
What kind of people are those two?
He tamariki rātou
neg: Ehara rātou i te tamariki
They(3+) are children
Ehara a Hōhepa i te tangata whakahīhī
neg: He tangata whakahīhī a Hōhepa
Hōhepa isn’t an arrogant person
He kuia kiriweti koe!
neg: Ehara koe i te kuia kiriweti!
You’re a grumpy old woman!
Ehara ōku kaumātua i te hōhā
neg: He hōhā ōku kaumātua
My elders aren’t a nuisance
He ātaahua tēnei rangi
neg: Ehara tēnei rangi i te ātaahua
This is a beautiful day
He aha āu?
What are yours?
He pene whero ā rāua
They(2) have red pens
He marae ātaahua tō te iwi
The iwi have a beautiful marae
He tamariki āu?
Your children?
He hū kikorangi ōu
You have blue shoes
He whare tōku
I have a house
He hoa tōna
S/he has a friend
He kai ā ngā tamariki?
Do the children have food?
He tāne tāu?
Do you have a male (partner)
He aha tāu?
What is yours?
He mātua ōu?
Your parents?
He kōrero koe?
Do you wish to speak?
He whānau tōu?
Do you have a family?
He tamariki āu?
neg: Kāore āu tamariki?
Do you have children?
Kāore ā Tamahae rāua ko Haki kai
neg: He kai ā Tamahae rāua ko Haki
Tamahae and Haki have no food
He whare makariri tō Māhia mā
neg: Kāore ō Māhia mā whare makariri
Māhia and them have a cold house
mā=and others
Kāore ō māua hū
neg: He hū ō māua
We (2.excl.listener) don’t have shoes
He kāmeta māwhero ō rāua
neg: Kāore ō rāua kāmeta māwhero
They (2) have pink scarves
Ko Rōpata tōku tungāne / Ko Rōpata tōku tuakana/teina
Robert is my brother
He ātaahua a Hera
Hera is beautiful
He tāroaroa rāua/rātou
They (2/3+) are tall
He rakuraku tā tōku pāpā
My dad has a guitar
He ngāwari/māmā tēnei mahi
This work is easy
Ko Hori tōna hoa
Hori is his/her friend
Ko Erueti tōku ingoa
My name is Erueti
He whakaaro pai tō Pene
Ben has a good idea
He koretake tēnei rorohiko!
This computer is useless!
He pātai tāku
I have a question
Ko Hone tōku pāpā
Hone is my dad
Ko āu kurī ēnā?
Are those your dogs?
Ko Moana tāna tamāhine
Moana is his daughter
He pōturi tōna motokā
Her car is slow
Ko Tīmoti tōku ingoa
My name is Tīmoti
He whero tāna pene
His pen is red
Hei waiporoporo tōna whare
Her house is purple
He wera tāku kai
My food is hot
Māmā, ko ōku hoa ēnei / Māmā, ko ēnei ōku hoa
Mum, these are my friends
Ko rāua/rātou āku manuwhiri
They are my guests (2/3+)
Ko Lydia rāua ko Mark ōu kaiako
Lydia and Mark are your teachers
Ko Matiu tōku tungāne / Ko Matiu tōku tuakana/teina
Matiu is my brother.
Ko Paul tōna hoa tāne
Paul is her boyfriend.
Ke ātaahua ōu makawe
Your hair is beautiful
He whare tōna.
His/her house
He marae tō tēnei whare wānanga.
This university has a marae.
He teina tōku.
I have a younger sibling (of same gender).
He paihikara tō tāku irāmutu.
My niece/nephew has a bicycle.
He whero tāna pene.
Her pen is red.
He pēpi tāku.
I have a baby.
He hoa tāne purotu tā tōku hoa.
My friend has a handsome boyfriend.
He wharepaku tō tēnei whare.
This house has a toilet.
tō whare
Your house
ngā kākahu o Peata
Peata’s clothes
tō māua ko Hera koroua
Hera and my grandfather
tō kiri
Your skin
tōna pāhau
His beard
tō rātou pahi
Their (3 excl) bus
ngā heihei a tōku matua
My father’s chickens
manaaki mai, manaaki atu
respect to me, respect to you
manaaki=show respect, generosity and care for others