Maida 18 Flashcards
Me hubiese gustado despedirme de mi mamá pero ella falleció antes DE QUE LLEGASE aL hospital
I had wanted to say goodbye to my mum but she died before I reached the hospital
- HABÍA perdido mi trabajo ESTABLE, seis o siete meses anteS
- Only use anterior at the start of a sentence, otherwise always use antes to mean before.
- I had lost my steady job six or 7 months earlier
2. What was mistake 1?
Trabajaba pARA el sindicato de los bancarios a tiempo parcial.
I was working for the bankers association on a part time basis
In that moment I was filled with doubt
¿SI deBía salir inmediatamente o esperar hasta la mañana por la mañana?
Should I leave immediately or wait until tomorrow morning?
REVISÉ LOS horarioS de los vuelos a Auckland
I checked the flight timetable to Auckland
- ASI QUE TOMÉ la decisión DE tomar el vuelo muy temprano el día siguiente
- When make a decision its “tomar” NOT “hacer”
- used “de” not “para” ie tomar la decisión de = make the decision to
- So I made the decision to take the very early flight the following day
- What was mistake 1?
- What was mistake 2?
había perdido el momento DE verla AÚN CON VIDA
I had missed the opportunity to see her still alive
- Todavía, siento tristeZA al recordar esa situación y LAMENTO NO HABER TOMADO OTRA decisión.
- Using simplified English structure to express the Spanish ie I still feel said when I remember that situation and that decision
- used me siento = only use sentirse when feeling sick
- used triste instead of the noun tristeza
- I still feel sad when I remember that situation and I regret not having made the other decision
- What was mistake 1?
- What was mistake 2?
- What was mistake 3?
Esta mañana me he levantado tarde COMO HA ESO DE las 10.
This morning I got up late at about 10
- fosa nasal
- fosa = pit, grave
- My nostrils are blocked
- nostril
- what does the 1st word for nostril here also mean?
Este dolor ME CAUSA MOLESTIA PERO es soportable
This pain is uncomfortable but it isn’t unbearable
Pero, …LO que SÍ ES CIERTO, … es que me falta energía.
But, … what is true… is that I´m lacking energy
YA SON PASADA LAS 12 DEL MEDIODIAy todavía llevo PUESTO mis pijamas
It´s already after 12 midday and I´m still wearing my pyjamas
DEBAJO DE MI BATA DE BAñO, guantes, un gorro de lana y un par de zapatillas.
Beneath my bath robe, gloves, a woollen beanie and a pair of slippers
- Desde ESTA Mañana HASTA AHORA ….
- …. QUE SOLO VER televisión
- Since this morning [] …
- … I’ve done nothing much ..
- [except] just watch television
- Ahora estoy DE NUEVO cansado.
2. I put “de nuevo” after cansado
- Now I was tired again
2. What was my mistake?
El ruido de los bebés gritando, DE Los jóvenes PIDIENDO más comida y DE las mamás quejanDOSE que los chicos no estaban nunca satisfechos.
- The sound of the babies crying, the youngsters asking for more food and the mothers complaining that the kids were never satisfied.
- Pues PARA aquel entonces tanto los ricos como los pobres vivían [] este estilo de vida
- didn’t have “para”
- wrote “lived in” as “vivían en”
- Well in those days the rich like the poor lived that life style
- What was mistake 1?
- What was mistake 2?
- ERA COMUN VER A Bisabuelos, abuelos, padres, tíos y niños todos mezcladoS vivíENDO en una sola habitación grande.
- Thinking in short-hand ie started by just saying “habían”
- used “vivían” ie past imperfect instead of present participle
- It was common to see great-grandparents, grand parents, parents, uncles and children all mixed together living in a single large room.
- What was mistake 1?
- What was mistake 2?
- Hoy en día puede ser sorprende VER A todA nuestra familia vivíENDO juntoS
- Thinking in short hand ie “that all etc”
- used “vivíamos” ie past imperfect instead of present participle
- These days you would be surprised that (to see) all our family lived together
- What was mistake 1?
- What was mistake 2?