Maida 14 Flashcards
¿[] Todo Bien?
Is everything ok?
Estoy pensando en cómo hacer PARA recoger a David de la escuela.
I’m thinking how to collect David from school.
En estE caso los planes son muy sencillo para mí.
In that case the plans are very simple for me.
- Bueno, AL pareceR David VA CAMINO a la casa en estE momento EN el autobús de LA escuela.
- Debería llegar la casa pronto.
- Well, it seems David is this moment on his way home in the school bus.
- He should be home shortly.
- Querida, me has llamado?
- ME LLAMASTE accidentalmente?
- ESTOY tratando de devolverTE la llamada, pero no me ATIENDES.
- Querida, did you call me?
- I saw your missed call.
- Did you call me by accident?
- I’m trying to return your call, but you’re not answering.
- batiendo sus PESTAÑAS de forma cursi.
- fulana
- las olas AZOTABAN la playa (azotar)
- le dieron 40 LATIGAZOS
- batting her EYELASHES like a floozie ie in a twee way
- whore, tart (colloq)
- the waves LASHED the shore
- He was given 40 LASHES
- Eso LO entiendo pERFECTAMENTE.
2. Ayer FUE un día agoTADOR.
- That I understand completely.
2. Yesterday was an exhausting day
- agotar
- agotarse
- se me está agotando la paciencia
- la primera edición se agotó en un día.
- to exhaust
- to run out (of, to wear oneself out, to sell out (eg tickets)
- my patience is running out
- The first edition sold out in a day
- Quizás ya estés anhelado los tres años que tienes pensado vivir allá
- anhelar + inf, anhelar que + subj
- Maybe you are already longing for the 3 years that you’re thinking of living there
- to long for
- Tengo una materia presencial los jueves
- Este termino, con tres materias voy a estar mucho mas ocupado que el anterior.
- asignatura (Esp), materia (L.Am)
- I have a face-to-face subject every Thursday …
- this term, with 3 subjects I am going to be much busier than the previous (term)
- subject
Gracias de antemano, por los regalitos, no debiste haberte molestado.
Thanks in advance for the presents, but you shouldn’t have worried/bothered (ie courtesy reply)
- Por lo demas, todo bien…
- Sigue disfrutando en grande….
- nos vemos pronto..
- Everything else is fine … (ie after briefly giving news)
- Keep on having a great time …
- See you soon …
- Acabo de volver a la estación.
- TUVE QUE volver a la casa para BUSCAR el móvil.
- ¡Qué rabia!
- I’ve just got back to the station.
- I had to go back home to GET the mobile.
- It’s annoying.
No para nada … te entiendo PERFECTAMENTE.
No worries .. I understand completely
ES una pena porQUE ME hubiESE GUSTADO conversarte esta mañana
It’s a shame because I would have liked to talk to you this morning
- el tren ha estado retrasado
- None, I just thought could do two past participles in a row
- Ahora espero llegar a X eso de las 7:07
- I tried to put que + subjunctive after espero instead of infinitive
- the train has been delayed
- What was my error?
- Now I hope to reach X at around 7:07
- What was my error?
2. No me esperEs PARA comer ….
- I am leaving work now …
2. Don’t wait for me to eat …
Voy a LLEGAR UN poco MAS tarde a Seven Hills esta noche. …
I am going to be a little late getting to Seven Hills tonight …
- una nariz aplastadA PRODUCTO DE una antigua pelea de boxeo QUE SOSTUVO HACE UN TIEMPO
- sostuvieron una acalorada discusión
- sostener + to support/hold up
- hace un tiempo + once upon a time
- a flattened nose FROM an old boxing fight that he’d had a while
- they HAD a heated discussion
- to have + what is its other main meaning?
- for a while + what else mean?
- TENIA UN poco DE SOBREpeso …
2. PERO AUN ASI se movía con gracia
- He was a little overweight …
2. but EVEN SO he was light on his feet