Deck 04 Flashcards
(i) va a la bancarrota
(ii) la bancarrota
(iii) en bancarrota
(i) is going bankrupt or is going into bankruptcy
(ii) bankruptcy
(iii) bankrupt
me la presentas
introduce her to me
highly gifted
cómo se ganaba la vida su padre
what his father did for a living
Cómo va a ser literalmente
Of course not literally
Se compró el piso de arriba
She bought the apartment upstairs
tiene goteras
she has a leak
eso no es todo
that’s not all
- la han estropeado totalmente
- estropear (2)
have completely ruined it
- (i) to damage (eg alfombra)
- (ii) to ruin (eg a holiday)
no parece la misma
does not look the same
no fue nada agradable verla en ese estado
it was unpleasant seeing her in that condition
al comprar un coche de segunda mano
when you buy a used car
No me lo recuerdes
don’t remind me
está muy enfadada por algo
is very angry about something
se podría deducir que
one could deduce that
sentido figurado
figurative sense
me golpeó en la cabeza
hit me in the head
no lo he hecho a propósito
I didn’t do it on purpose
- si estaba intentando ligar conmigo
- ligar conmigo
- ligar
- if he was trying to flirt with me
- to hit on me/pick me up
- to bind (as in to unite)
me llamó la atención
it caught my attention
historias de amor
love stories