Lymphathic system Flashcards
Name 3 functions of the lymphatic system.
1) Return of tissues, plasma, plasma proteins to circulatory system.
2) Absorbed fat transported from gut
3) Immunity.
Which parts of the lymphatic system help immunity?
Lymph nodes - lymph flows through, picking up antibodies etc.
Lymph tissue - where lymphocytes are found.
Why is this stuff floating around outside the circulatory system anyway?
Within the circulatory system there is high hydrostatic pressure, which makes it leaky, and forces stuff outside - which is then picked up by the lymphatic system.
What does the flow through the lymphatic system depend on?
Pressure change, gravity. Cannot flow backwards due to valves.
What other body part has a route that superficial lymph nodes follow?
Superficial veins
Where must superficial lymph nodes go before drainage?
To the deeeeep.
What are 3 pathology of lymph nodes?
1) lymphoma - primary cancer
2) secondary cancer- due to metastasis
3) Infections , eg TB
Where are the two lymph ducts found?
At the Jugular Sub Clavian Junction.
What are the names of the two lymph ducts?
Thoracic duct, and right lympathic duct.
Which lymph duct drains the right leg?
Thoracic duct.
What lymph duct drains head?
Left - thoracic duct, Right - Right lymphatic duct.
Where does lymphatic system transports fats?
Picks up fat in small intestine, takes to blood for reabsorption by liver.
Where is lymph drainage not found?
Skin, bone, cartilage, CNS,
How come lympathic vessels pick up so much stuff?
They don’t have a basement membrane - just innuated epithelia wall which makes them v absorbent .
What is lymph fluid?
When the fluid enters the lympathic capillary, it is called lymph fluid.
Where does lymph that is transported to the right lymphatic duct drain back into the blood via?
Jugular vein.
Where does lymph that is transported to the thoracic duct drain back into the blood via?
Subclavian vein