Location and Functions of CN Nuclei in Brainstem Flashcards
General somatic efferent nuclei (4)
Hypoglossal nucleus
Abducens nucleus
Trochlear nucleus
Oculomotor nucleus
Hypoglossal nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 12: intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue
Abducens nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 6: lateral rectus muscle of eye
Trochlear nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 4: superior oblique m.
Oculomotor nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 3: extraocular mm.
Special visceral efferent (SVE) nuclei (4)
Accessory nucleus
Nucleus ambiguus
Facial nucleus
Motor nucleus of CN V
Spinall accessory nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
Medulla, mainly ventral gray horn of upper cervical spinal segments
CN11: trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
Nucleus ambiguus located in:
Carries axons of: (2)
CN 9, 10: mm. of larynx, pharynx and soft palate (levator veli palatini, palatoglossus)
CN 10: preganglionic parasymp. to cardiac ganglia in the heart
Facial nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 7: mm. of facial expression, stylohyoid, posterior digastric, stapedius in middle ear
Motor nucleus of CN V located in:
Carries axons of:
Mandibular division of CN V3: mm. of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior digastric, tensors tympani, veli palatini
General visceral efferent (GVE) nuclei (4)
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
Inferior salivary nucleus
Superior salivary nucleus
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 10: preganglionic parasympathetic to autonomic ganglia, that send postganglionic fibers to thoracic and abdominal viscera
Nucleus ambiguus has fibers from (2):
Sensory visceral efferent
General visceral efferent
Nucleus ambiguus’s internal formation has:
SVE lower motor neurons destined to control mm. of palate larynx and pharynx
Nucleus ambiguus’s external formation has:
Preganglionic parasympathetic (GVE) neurons destined to supply cardiac ganglia in the heart
Inferior salivatory nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 9: preganglionic parasympathetic to otic ganglion, where postgang. fibers innervate parotid salivary gland.
Superior salivatory nucleus located in:
Carries axons of: (2)
1. CN 7 via chorda tympani to lingual branch of CN V3
Preganglionic parasympathetic to submandibular ganglion –> postganglionic to submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
2. Preganglionic input to postganglionic neurons in pterygopalatine ganglion –> cerebral blood vessels –> induces cerebral vasodilation
Edinger-Westphal nucleus located in:
Carries axons of:
CN 3: preganglionic parasympathetic to ciliary ganglion
Post-ganglionics to pupillary sphincter and ciliary muscles
General visceral afferent (GVA) and special visceral afferent (SVA) nuclei
Nucleus tractus solitarii (nucleus of solitary tract)
Nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) located in:
Carries axons of:
from medulla to midpons
Receives all GVA and SVA axons from CNs 7, 9, 10
Caudal part of NTS
General visceral afferent
Receives sensory information from thoracic and abdominal viscera is CN 10: carotid sinus, carotid body via CN 9
Rostral part of NTS
Special visceral afferent
Receives special sensory information from taste buds via CN 7 and 9.
SVA and GVA neurons send branches to ____ and ____ (nuclei) for participation in _____
Nucleus ambiguus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
Autonomic reflexes
Trigeminal sensory complex is the termination site of ____
All GSA afferents in CNs 5 (face, tongue, nasal, oral cavities), 7 (ear), 9 (ear, tongue), 10 (ear)
Spinal nucleus of trigeminal located in:
Pain, temperature, crude touch information from head, face, nasal and oral cavities, and ear (5, 7, 9, 10)
2nd order pain and temperature neurons
Main (principal) sensory nucleus of trigeminal located in:
CN 5: touch and pressure information from head, face, oral cavity
2nd order discriminative touch neurons
Mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal located in:
Only primary afferent neuron that contains 1st order neurons
Conscious and unconscious proprioceptive information from muscles of mastication and periodontal ligaments
Special somatic afferent (SSA) nuclei
Vestibulocochlear nuclei
Receives auditory information conveyed by CN 8
Dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei
Receives information conveyed via CN 8 regarding equilibrium and displacement of body
Medial and inferior vestibular nuclei (medulla)
Lateral and superior vestibular nuclei (pons)