Innervation of Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Special sensory: smell
CN1: Olfactory n.
Special sensory: vision
CN2: Optic n.
Somatic motor to 4/6 extraocular mm. and levator palpebrae superioris m.
CN3: Oculomotor n.
Parasympathetic to sphincter pupillae (constriction of pupils), ciliary mm of lense (thickening of lens for near vision)
CN3: Oculomotor n.
Somatic motor to lateral rectus m.
CN6: Abducent n.
Somatic motor to superior oblique m.
CN4: Trochlear n.
General sensory to lateral upper eyelid, conjuctiva, lacrimal gland
Lacrimal n. (V1)
General sensory to forehead, scalp
Supraorbital n. (V1)
General sensory to bridge of nose, medial eyelid, medial forehead
Supratrochlear n. (V1)
General sensory to upper eyelid, lacrimal sac, side of nose
Infratrochlear n. (V1)
General sensory to posterior ethmoidal air cells and sphenoid sinus
Posterior ethmoidal n. (V1)
General sensory to internal and external nose
Mucosa of anterior nasal septum
Anterior ethmoidal n. (V1)
General sensory to skin of lower 1/2 nose
External nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal n. (V1)
General sensory to eyeball
Long ciliary nn. (V1)
General sensory to eyeball, carry postganglionic fibers from CN3
Short ciliary nn. (V1)
General sensory to prominence of cheek
Zygomaticofacial n. (V2)
General sensory to side of forehead, scalp
Zygomaticotemporal n. (V2)
General sensory to lacrimal gland.
Communicating branch to lacrimal gland (V2)
General sensory to mucous membrane of cheek, gingiva, maxillary sinus, molar teeth
Posterior superior alveolar n. (V2)
General sensory to maxillary teeth, lower eyelid, side of nose, upper lip
Infraorbital n. (V2)
General sensory to hard palate
Greater palatine n. (V2)
General sensory to soft palate
Lesser palatine n. (V2)
General sensory to hard palate, septum of nose
Nasopalatine n. (V2)
General sensory to nasal cavity
Nasal branches (V2)
Brachial motor to temporalis m.
N. to temporalis (V3)
Brachial motor to pterygoids mm.
N. to pterygoids (V3)
Brachial motor to masseter m.
N. to masseter (V3)
Brachial motor to mylohyoid and anterior digastric m.
N. to mylohyoid (V3)
Brachial motor to ear
N. to tensor tympani (V3)
Brachial motor to oral cavity
N. to tensor veli palatini (V3)
General sensory to mucous membrane of anterior 2/3 of tongue, lingual gingiva
Lingual n. (V3)
Taste of anterior 2/3 tongue
Lingual n. (V3): Joins chorda tympani (CN7)
Carries parasympathetic fibers from CN7 to submandibular and sublingual glands
Lingual n. (V3)
Motor to mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric m.
Inferior alveolar n. (V3)
General sensory to mandibular teeth, gingiva,
Inferior alveolar n. (V3)
General sensory to chin, lower lip
Mental n. (V3)
General sensory to temporal region and TMJ, scalp
Auriculotemporal n. (V3)
Carries postganglionic paraysympathetic axons from otic ganglion to parotid gland
Auriculotemporal n. (V3)
Encircles middle meningeal a.
Auriculotemporal n. (V3)
Cutaneous sensation of face (cheeks), 2nd and 3rd molar
Buccal n. (V3)
Branchial motor to buccinator m.
Buccal branches of CN7
Branchial motor to levator anguli oris
Zygomatic and buccal branches of CN7
Branchial motor to depressor anguli oris
Mandibular and buccal branches of CN7
Branchial motor to stapedius m. of middle ear
N. to stapedius m. (CN7)
Branchial motor to occipitofrontalis m.
Posterior Auricular n. (CN7)
Parasympathetics to submandibular and sublingual glands
Chorda tympani (CN7) –> lingual n. (V3)
Parasympathetics to lacrimal gland, glands of nose, palate, pharynx
Greater petrosal n. (CN7)
Special sense: equilibrium, angular acceleration, linear acceleration
Vestibular n. (CN8)
Special sense: hearing
Cochlear n. (CN8)
Branchial motor to stylopharyngus
Glossopharyngeal (CN9)
Parasympathetics to parotid gland
Lesser petrosal n. (CN9) –> auriculotemporal n. (V3)
Taste of posterior 1/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal (CN9)
General sensory to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal (CN9)
Gag reflex
Oropharyngeal mucosa branches (CN9)
General sensory to medial surface of tympanic membrane
Tympanic n. for middle ear
Visceral sensory of carotid sinus and carotid body
Carotid sinus n. (CN9)
Motor to mm. of palate and uvula (except tensor veil palatini)
Vagus n. (CN10)
Motor to pharyngeal constrictors
Pharyngeal nn. (CN10)
Motor to intrinsic laryngeal mm.
Recurrent laryngeal nn. (CN10)
Motor to laryngeal mm: cricothyroid m. of larynx
External laryngeal nn. (CN10)
Parasympathetics to smooth mm. of trachea, bronchi, digestive tract, laryngeal glands
Vagus n. (CN10)
General sensory of mucous membrane of larynx
Internal laryngeal nn. (CN10)
General sensory of base of tongue, around ear
Recurrent laryngeal nn. (CN10)
Visceral sensory of trachea, bronchi GI tract
Vagus n. (CN10)
Special sense: taste from epiglottis and base of tongue
Vagus n. (CN10)
Motor to trapezius, sternocleidomastoid mm.
Spinal accessory n. (CN11)
Motor to intrinsic and extrinsic mm. (genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus) of tongue
Hypoglossal n. (CN12)
Carry postganglionics from CN7 to lacrimal gland
Zygomatic n. (V2)
Carry postganglionic sympathetic fibers from cervical ganglia to papillae to dilate
Long Ciliary n. (V1)
Carry postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from CN3 that synapsed in ciliary ganglion to constrict pupillae
Short Ciliary n. (V1)
Sensory from area superior to vocal folds
Internal Laryngeal n. (Superior laryngeal CN 10)
Parasympathetics to laryngeal glands
Internal Laryngeal n. (Superior laryngeal CN10)
Special sense take from small area of epiglottis
Internal Laryngeal n. (Superior laryngeal CN10)