Frontal Cortex/Memory/Language Flashcards
Right dorsolateral PFC stroke will cause:
Not depressed
Diminished motivation
Poor organization and planning
Prefrontal cortex functions
Emotion Planning Decision making Judgement Memory...etc.
Damage to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex will cause:
Impairments of intellectual function: executive functions
Impairments of working memory
Damage to ventromedial prefrontal sector will cause:
Impairments of social conduct, judgement, and decision making
Superior medial prefrontal sector is important for:
initiation of movement and emotional expression
Lesions in medial superior prefrontal region will cause:
Akinetic mutism: no effort to communicate, content to lie motionless or silent
Medial temporal lobe amnesia
Long term episodic memory. Anterograde completely impaired (60-90 sec window). Graded retrograde impairment
Sensory, motor, perception, attention, language, intellect, short term memory, IMPLICIT memory
Left anterior thalamic infarct cause:
Anterograde verbal memory impairment
Basal forebrain amnesia
Temporal tagging deficit: can’t remember WHEN things happened
Executive dysfunction
Progressive semantic dementia caused by:
widespread damage in posterior cortical regions: temporal, parietal and occipital lobes
Frontal Dysexecutive Amnesia
Memory capacity is retained but memory system not well utilized. “Forgets to remember” in the context of executive dysfunction.
An acquired disturbance of the comprehension and formulation of verbal messages
Speech not articulated clearly due to central or peripheral motor defect. Language is intact.
No articulation due to central motor defect. Sounds like a whisper.
Verbal or semantic paraphasia
substitution of entire words
Phonemic paraphasia
substitution, addition or omission of a phoneme within a word (“table –> taber)
production of novel word
Inappropriate repetition
Common in anterior prefrontal lesion
Repetition of last word of a sentence
Common in anterior prefrontal lesions
Type of aphasia? Non-fluent speech Initiation of speech is difficult Paraphasic Agrammatic Telegraphic: little words left out Repetition, naming, writing defective Comprehension relatively preserved
Broca’s Aphasia
Type of aphasia? Speech is fluent, well articulated, easily initiated Semantic, phonemic, neologistic errors Few specific nouns are produced Impaired naming and repetition Comprehension impaired Alexia and agraphia
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Type of aphasia?
Cannot speak but will attempt to or communicate by other means
Cannot understand spoken or written language
Global Aphasia
Type of aphasia? Involves auditory cortex or insula Severe impairment of verbatim repetition Cannot write or dictation Spontaneous speech is near normal, except for phonemic errors Comprehension intact
Conduction Aphasia
Type of aphasia?
Mild Wernicke’s aphasia
Verbatim repetition spared
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
Type of aphasia?
Lesion of anterior or superior to Broca’s area
Like mild Broca’s aphasia
Verbatim repetition spared
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Type of aphasia?
Can’t name specific things
Damage to left inferotemporal regions
Anomic aphasia
Type of aphasia?
Lesions to left basal ganglia
Variable language impairments
Subcortical Aphasia
Type of aphasia?
Personality changes, poor judgement, sparse and perseverative speech
Passivity and dependence
Echolalic speech
Progressive aphasia with frontaltemporal dementia
Common cause of aphasia
Stroke, commonly in left middle cerebral artery