Local Anaesthetics Flashcards
What is the definition of an anaesthetic drug?
A drug that induces partial or total loss of sensation
What are the 2 main types of anaesthesia?
General anaesthesia:
- this involves total loss of sensation
Local anaesthesia:
- this involves partial loss of sensation
What are the 3 different types of local anaesthesia?
Regional anaesthesia:
- involves the loss of sensation to a region or part of the body
Local infiltration:
- Involves infiltration into cuts or skin incisions
- it is more confined to the area around the wound
Topical anaesthesia:
- this involves eye drops or topical skin creams
- it does NOT involve a needle
What are the 2 different methods of local anaesthesia?
- cold
- pressure
- hypoxia
- reversible - local anaesthetics
- irreversible - phenol, ethanol, radiofrequency, surgery
- involves complete destruction of the nerve carrying sensation from an area to the brain
What are the fundamental characteristics of a local anaesthetic agent?
It is a drug which:
- Reversibly prevents transmission of a nerve impulse
- In the region to which it is applied
- Without affecting consciousness
What are the different ways in which local anaesthetics can be administered?
- Can be applied topically - e.g. eye drops, on mouth ulcers or skin
- local infiltration around the skin edges of a wound
- nerve block
- epidural or spinal block
Which 2 major systems are affected in local anaesthetic toxicity?
What symptoms may result?
If you give someone too much local anaesthetic, it will work on the brain and the specialised conduction system within the heart
this results in neurological and cardiovascular symptoms
What are the 3 layers of a nerve?
Where does the local anaesthetic work?
The nerve is surrounded by the epineurium
Individual nerve bundles are surrounded by the perineurium
An individual nerve fibre is surrounded by the endoneurium
the LA is injected into the epineurium and takes time to diffuse into the nerve fibre
Why are local anaesthetics sometimes called “blocks”?
What is their general mechanism of action?
They block voltage gated sodium channels along the axon
this means that action potentials cannot be generated and passed on
they work on different domains of the sodium channel and prevent Na+ ions from moving into the cell
What are the characteristics of an ideal local anaesthetic?
- Reversible
- quick onset
- suitable duration
- no local irritation on repeated application
- no side effects
- no potential to induce allergy
- applicable by all routes
- cheap, stable and soluble
From which aspect do local anaesthetics block sodium channels?
What type of block does this provide?
LAs work by blocking sodium channel conduction
they block sodium channels from the inside
they provide reversible conduction block
What are the main local anaesthetic agents?
- Procaine
- Lidocaine
- Prilocaine
- Mepivacaine
- Bupivacaine
- Levo bupivacaine
- Ropivacaine
- Articaine
What is the structure of a local anaesthetic like?
All LAs have 2 components connected with an intermediate chain
they have a lipophilic part - an unsaturated benzene ring
and a hydrophilic part - tertiary amine
What structural component determines which type of local anaesthetic it is?
The link between the intermediate chain and the benzene ring determines the type of LA
it is either ester or amide
What do the names of all LAs end in?
How can you tell if they are ester or amide?
If there is an i before the Caine, they are amides
if there is NOT an i before the Caine, they are esters
What are examples of ester local anaesthetics?
- Benzocaine
- chloroprocaine
- cocaine
- procaine
- tetracaine
What are examples of amide local anaesthetics?
- Bupivacaine
- etidocaine
- levobupivacaine
- lidocaine
- mepivacaine
- prilocaine
- ropivacaine