LL: Thigh Flashcards
Arterial blood supply of lower limb
External iliac → femoral (under inguinal lig.)
Femoral → profunda femoris (supplies all thigh muscles), superficial femoral
Superficial femoral → popliteal (after going through adductor hiatus)
Popliteal gives five genicular branches (superior medial, superior lateral, inferior medial, inferior lateral, middle)
Popliteal → anterior tibial , tibiofubular trunk
Anterior tibial pierces interosseus membrane, runs down, becomes dorsalis pedis
Tibioperoneal → Peroneal (larger), Posterior tibial
Posterior tibial → medial and later plantar
Lateral + dorsalis pedic → plantar arch
Surface marking for lateral cutaneous n of the thigh
1-2 cm medial and inferior to ASIS
Muscles of anterior compartment
Quadiceps femoris : vastus lateralis, intermedius, medialis, recetus femoris

Origin and insertion of Psoas major
TX11 to LV

Origin and insertion of Iliacus
Iliac fossa
Lesser trochanter
Origin and insertion of Vastus medialis, intermedius and lateralis
Intertrochanteric line
Quadriceps femoris tendon

Origin and insertion of rectus femoris
Straight head from ASIS, reflected head from ilieum
Quadriceps femoris tendon

Origin and insertion of sartorius
Medial to tibial tuberosity

Action of psoas major
Flexes thigh at hip
Action of iliacus
Flexes thigh at hip
Action of Vastus muscles
Knee extension
Action of rectus femoris
Hip flexion and knee extension
Action of sartorius
Hip flexion
Knee flexion
Iliacus innervation
Psoas innervation
L1 to L3
Pes anserinus
Combined tendons of sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus insertion on tibia

Muscles of medial compartment
Obturator externus
Adductor magnus
Adductor brevis
Adductor longus

Origin and insertion of gracillis
Body of pubis to medial tibia

Origin and insertion of pectineus
Pectineal line of pubis to lesser trochanter/linea aspera

Origin and insertion of adductor longus
Body of pubis to Linea aspera

Origin and insertion of adductor brevis
Body of pubic bone to posterior femur

Origin and insertion of adductor magnus
ischial tuborosity to adductor tubercle

Origin and insertion of obturator externus
External surface of obturator membrane to trochanteric fossa

Innervation of medial compartment
Mostly obturator nerve
Pectineus: femoral
Adductor magnus: sciatic and obturator
Action of gracillis
Adducts hip
Flexes knee

Action of pectineus
Adducst hip
Flexes hip

Action of adductor longus, brevis and magnus
Adducts hip
Medially rotate thigh at hip joint
Action of obturator externus
Laterally rotates thigh at hip joint

Borders of adductor canal
Posterior: adductor magnus and longus
Anterior/lateral: vastus medialis
Medial: sartorius

Contents of adductor canal
Femoral artery, vein
Saphenous nerve, nerve to vastus medialis (Nerves dont go through, just cross)

Adductor canal aka
subartorial canal
Hunters canal
Significance of adductor canal
Anatomical narrowing
Common site for turbulent flow and atherosclerosis
Muscles of the posterior compartment
Biceps femoris

Origin and insertion of biceps femoris
Ischial tuborosity to head of fibula

Origin and insertion of semitendinous
Ischial tuberosity to tibia

Origin and insertion of semimembranous
ischial tuborosity to medial tibia

Innervation of posterior compartment
Sciatic nerve
Action of posterior compartment
Knee flexion
Hip extension
Arterial supply of the thigh
Profunda femoris gives of medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries

Femoral nerve branches

Which tendon is used in ACL repair
semitendinous or patellar tendon
Dynamic stabilisers of patella (prevent recurrance of dislocation)
Anteriorly quads
Posteriorly hamstrings
Medial/lateral: gastrocnemius

Origin and insertion of ACL
Medial wall of lateral condyl to intercondylar eminence

Innervation of short and long head of biceps femoris
Short- common fibular
Long- tibial nerve
Which artery could be injured at the saphenofemoral junction
deep external pudendal artery (branch of superficial femoral artery)

Gluteal tuberosity
Site of attachment of Gluteus maximus