H&N - Skull Flashcards
Anterior cranial fossa foraminae
Foramen cecum
Olfactory foramen in cirbriform plate
Optic canal

Structures through foramen cecum
Emissary veins to nasal cavity
Structures through ciribriform plate
Structures through optic canal
Opthalmic artery
Bones that make up the anterior cranial fossa
Frontal and sphenoid

Middle cranial fossa foramenae
Superior orbital fissure
Foramen rotundom
Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Foraman lacerolum
Carotid canal
Structures through superior orbital fissure
- superior and inferior division
CNIV - trochlear
V1 - lacrimal, nasocilliary, frontal
CN VI - abducent
Opthalmic veins
- superior and inferior
Structures through foramen rotundum
Structures through foramen ovale
O tic ganglion
V3 (Mandibular nerve:3rd branch of trigeminal)
A ccessory meningeal artery
L esser petrosal nerve (of CN9)
E missary veins
Structures through foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal artery (branch of maxillary artery)
Structures through carotid canal
Internal carotid artery
Bones forming Middle craninal fossa
Sphenoid and temporal

Posterior cranial fossa foraminae
Foramen magnum
Internal acoustic meatus
Jugular foramen
Hypoglossal canal
Condylar canal
Structures through internal auditory meatus
Labyrinthine artery
Structures through Jugular foramen
Inferior petrosal sinus, sigmoid sinus (forming internal jugular vein)
Structures through hypoglossal canal
Meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery
Structures through condylar canal
Emissary veins

Structures through foramen magnum
End of brainstem/beginning of spinal cord
Vertebral arteries
Spinal roots of the accessory nerve
Which bones make up the posterior cranial fossa
Occipital and temporal
(small part of sphenoid and parietal)

Structures through foramen lacerum
Greater petrosal nerve (branch of facial nerve)
Greater petrosal nerve supplies
Branch of facial nerve
Glands above the level of mouth
(eg lacrimal gland)
Lesser petrosal nerve supplies
Branch of CNIX glossopharyngeal
Supplies parotid gland
Structures through supra-orbital foramen
Supra-orbital nerve and vessels

Structures through infra-orbital foramen
Infra-orbital nerve and vessels

Structures through mental foramen
Mental nerve and vessels

Structures through parietal foramen
Emissery veins

Structures through incisive foramen
Nasopalatine nerve
Sphenopalatine vessels

Structures through greater palatine foramen
Greater palatine nerve and vessels

Structures though lesser palatine foramina
lesser palatine nerve and vessels

Structures through pterygoid canal
pterygoid nerve and vessels

Structures through foramen lacerum
filled with cartilage

Structures through formen magnum
Spinal cord
Vertebral arteries
Anterior and posterior spinal arteries
Root of CN11

Structures through condylar canal
emissary veins

Structures through stylomastoid foramen

Which bones form the pterion region

Structures through the inferior orbital fissure
Zygomatic n
Infraorbital nerve n
Inferior opthalmic v
Maxillary n

Which CN innervates levator palpebrae superioris

Which branch of trigeminal nerve has both motor and sensory innervations
What bones make up the orbit
7 bones
Extraocular eye muscles
Most originate from tendinous ring off sphenoid bone
Also levator palipibrae superioris (innervated by CN3 and SNS)
Actions of superior/inferior oblique eye muscles
SO: look down and in
IO: look up and in
Superior view of skull sutures
Sutures of lateral view of skull
Squamous: parietal and temporal bone
Sutures of anterior side of skull
Mandibular anatomy
Condylar process
Coranoid process
Which area of skull is void of periosteum
Temporal fossa
Instead covered by deep fascia of temporalis muscle
Inferior view of skull important structures
Path of ICA entering skull
Enters skull through carotid canal
Leaves skull through lacerum foramen
What are the branches of V1
Frontal - supraorbital, lacrimal, nasociliary
sensation of scalp/forehead/corenea/nose/parts of meninges
What are the branches of V2
Sesnsation of lower eyelid/cheek/upper teeth/gums/nasal. mucosa/ palate/roof of pharynx/maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid sinuses, parts of meninges
What are the branches of V3
Branches from trunk
Motor - n to medial pterygoid
- gives of tensor palatini/tensor tympani
Branches from anterior division
- motor: temporalis/masseter/lateral pterygoid
- sensory: buccal nerve
Branches from posterior division
1. auriculotemporal
- lingual
- INferior alveolar
What are the ganglia of trigeminal nerve
Otic - suspended from mandibular - CN IV (tympanic branch)–> parotid
Pterygopalatine - suspended from maxillary - CN VII (greater petrosal) –> lacrimal
Submandibular - suspended from lingual - CN VII (Chorda tympani) —> submandibular/sublingual glands
Ciliary - suspended from nasociliary - CN III —> sensory to cornea/iris - sympathetic - dilates pupil - parasympathetic - ciliary and constrictor muscles
Describe the path of the facial nerve
Into IAM
Forms geniculate ganglion
Divides into
- greater petrosal (to pterygopalatine ganglion)
- lesser petrosal nerve to otic ganglion
- nerve to stapedius
- chorda tympani
LEAVES IAM AND SKULL via stylomastoid canal
before this gives
- n to digastric
- n to stylohyoid
- posterior auricular n