Lesson 44: Let’s/Shall: ~자, ~ㅂ/읍시다, ~ㄹ/을래(요) Flashcards
밥을 먹자!
Let’s eat!
내일 공원에 가자!
Tomorrow, let’s go to the park!
내일 공원에 가지 말자
Let’s not go to the park tomorrow
우리 애기를 위해 그것을 사지 말자
Let’s not buy that for our baby
무대에 같이 올라가자
Let’s go onto the stage together
쪽지를 서로 보내자
Let’s send messages to each other
물에 알몸으로 들어가자
Let’s go into the water naked
있던 약속을 그냥 저버리자
Let’s just back out of our plans that we had
요새 벌이 조금 공평하지 않아. 내일 그것을 선생님이랑 얘기하자
Lately, the punishments have been a little unfair. Let’s talk about that with the teacher tomorrow
밥을 먹읍시다!
Let’s eat!
내일 공원에 갑시다!
Tomorrow, let’s go to the park
그 규정을 내일부터 시행합시다
Let’s enforce that rule starting tomorrow
연수를 받으러 갑시다
Let’s go to receive the training
내일 공부하러 독서실에 갈래요?
Shall we go to the library tomorrow to study?
서울에 있는 공연을 보러 갈래요?
Shall we go to see the show in Seoul?
장례식에 같이 갈래요?
Shall we go to the funeral together?
영화를 볼래요?
Shall we see a movie together?
저녁을 내일 먹을래요?
Shall we eat dinner together tomorrow?
회원을 모집해 볼래요?
Shall we try to recruit some members?
벌을 엄격하게 시행할래요?
Shall we enforce the punishment strictly?
경기를 내일까지 연기할래요?
Shall we delay the match until tomorrow?
영어숙어를 같이 외워 볼래?
Shall we try to memorize English idioms together?
언제 할래?
When shall/should we do it?
어디 갈래?
Where shall/should we go?
뭐 먹을래?
What shall/should we eat?
Do you want to be hit? (Do you want me to hit you?)
Do you want to die? (Do you want me to kill you?)
김치를 더 줄래요?
Can you give me more kimchi?
문을 닫아 줄래요?
Can you close the door?
김치를 더 주실래요?
Could you please give me more kimchi?
문을 닫아 주실래요?
Could you please close the door?
환불해 주실래요?
Could you please give me a refund?
에어컨을 틀어 주실래요?
Could you please turn on the air conditioner?
울리는 핸드폰을 받아 주실래요?
Could you please pick up the phone that is ringing?
이것을 다 작성해 주실래요?
Could you please write all of this up for me?
그 파일을 이 컴퓨터로 복사해 주실래요?
Could you please copy that file to this computer?
소망이 무엇인지 말씀해 주실래요?
Could you please tell me what your dream/hope is?
이 숙어가 무슨 뜻인지 설명해 주실래요?
Could you please explain what this idiom means?
나는 집에 갈래
I’m going home/I want to go home
나는 그거를 먹을래
I’m going to eat that/I want to eat that
나는 안 할래
I’m not going to do it/I don’t want to do it
나는 안 먹을래
I’m not going to eat/I don’t want to eat that
나는 먼저 할래
I’m going to do it first/I want to do it first