Lesson 22: Asking Questions in Korean: How, What, Which, How Many Flashcards
그것을 어떻게 해요?
How do you do that?
한국어를 어떻게 배웠어요?
How did you learn Korean?
그 자리를 어떻게 찾았어요?
How did you find that seat?
그 파일을 어떻게 보낼 거예요?
How are you going to send that file?
그 여자에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?
What do you think about that girl?
남자 친구 어때?
How is your boyfriend? (is he good/bad/handsome/etc..?)
이 사진(이) 어때?
How about this picture?
시험 어땠어요?
How was the exam?/What did you think about the exam? (was it hard/easy?)
점심 어땠어요?
How was the lunch?/What did you think about the lunch? (was it delicious?)
뭐 먹었어요?
What did you eat?
뭐 샀어요?
What did you buy?
뭐 입었어요?
What did you put on/wear?
저는 많이 먹었어요
I ate a lot
what? (you ate a lot of what?)
무엇을 먹었어?
What did you eat?
무엇을 입었어요?
What did you put on/wear?
무엇을 샀어요?
What did you buy?
이것이 뭐야?
What is this?
점심이 뭐야?
What is (for) lunch?
무슨 영화를 보고 싶어요?
What movie do you want to see?
그것이 무슨 냄새야?
What is that smell?
무슨 생각(을) 해?
What are you thinking?
그것이 무슨 소리야?
What is that sound?
무슨 말이야?
What do you mean?
어떤 영화를 보고 싶어요?
Which movie do you want to see?
어떤 차를 사고 싶어요?
Which car do you want to buy?
어떤 남자는 어제 여기에 왔어
Some man came here yesterday
저는 어떤 책을 읽고 있었어요
I was reading some book
저는 어떤 건물에 들어갔어요
I went into some building
어느 영화를 보고 싶어요?
Which movie do you want to see?
어느 집에서 살아요?
Which house do you live in?
어느 치마를 샀어요?
Which skirt did you buy?
차가 몇 대 있어요?
How many cars do you have?
친구를 몇 명 만났어요?
How many friends did you meet?
어제 학교에 몇 번 갔어요?
How many times did you go to school yesterday?
몇 살이에요?
How old are you?
몇 시예요?
What time is it?
너의 남동생은 몇 살이야?
How old is your younger brother?
한국어를 얼마나 자주 공부해요?
How often do you study Korean?
여자 친구는 얼마나 예뻐요?
How pretty is your girlfriend?
축구를 얼마나 잘 해요?
How well do you play soccer?
빵을 얼마나 먹었어요?
How much bread did you eat?
그 여자를 얼마나 사랑해요?
How much do you love that girl?
돈을 얼마나 가져갈 거예요?
How much money will you take with you?
물을 얼마나 마셨어요?
How much water did you drink?
그 책상은 자리를 얼마나 차지해요?
How much space does that desk take up?
빵을 얼마나 많이 먹었어요?
How much bread did you eat?
돈을 얼마나 많이 가져갈 거예요?
How much money will you take?
그 책상은 자리를 얼마나 많이 차지해요?
How much space does that desk take up?
빵을 몇 개 먹었어요?
How many pieces of bread did you eat?
몇 명의 여자를 사랑해요?
How many girls do you love
그 로션이 얼마예요?
How much is that lotion?
저 바지가 얼마예요?
How much are those pants?
벌금은 얼마였어요?
How much was the fine?
이게 얼마예요?
How much is this?