Lesson 14: Korean Passive Verbs Flashcards
이 값은 세금을 포함해요
This price includes tax
세금은 포함돼요
The tax is included
저는 점심을 준비했어요
I prepared (the) lunch
점심이 준비되었어요
(The) lunch was prepared
회사는 기계를 대체했어
The company replaced the machine
기계는 대체되었어
The machine was replaced
그것은 이해되었어
It was understood
그것은 학생들에게 이해되었어
It was understood by the students
집은 청소되었어
The house was cleaned
집은 아버지에게 청소되었어
The house was cleaned by my dad
학생들은 그것을 이해했어요
The students understood that
아버지는 집을 청소했어요
My dad cleaned the house
저는 집을 청소기로 청소했어요
I cleaned the house with a vacuum cleaner
집은 청소기로 청소되었어
The house was cleaned by a vacuum cleaner
세금은 값에 포함된다
The tax is included in the price
저는 저의 형을 존경해요
I respect my brother
저의 형은 존경 받아요
My brother is respected
교장선생님은 선생님들에게 존경받아요
The principal is respected by the teachers
나는 너의 말에* 감동받았어
I was impressed with what you said
밥은 학교에 의해 제공된다
food is provided by the school
밥은 학교에 의해 제공되었다
food was provided by the school
문은 바람에 의해 닫혔어요
The door was closed by the wind
저는 컴퓨터를 켰어요
I turned the computer on
컴퓨터가 켜져 있어요
The computer is (in the state of) on
저는 TV를 껐어요
I turned the TV off
TV가 꺼져 있어요
The TV is (in the state of) off
저는 문을 잠갔어요
I locked the door
저는 문을 닫았어요
I closed the door
문이 닫혔어요
The door was closed (careful on pronunciation… taccho)
문이 바람에 닫혔어요
The door was closed by the wind
문이 닫혀 있었어요
The door was closed
저는 문을 닫아요
I close the door
문이 닫혀 있어요
The door is closed
문이 닫힐 거예요
The door will close (careful tacchil)
문이 닫혀 있을 거예요
The door will be closed
나는 친구를 속였어
I tricked my friend
나는 친구에게 속았어
I was tricked by my friend
펜이 탁자에 놓여 있었어요
The pen was (in the state of) laying on the table
숙제는 끝났어요
My homework is finished (careful Kkungnasoyo)
컴퓨터는 고장 났어요
The computer is broken
저는 숙제를 끝냈어요
I finished my homework
저는 컴퓨터를 고장냈어요
I broke the computer
아! 그것이* 기억났다!
Ah! I remember that! (Literally – my memory came up)
좋은 생각이* 났어요!
I have a good idea (Literally – a good idea came up)
그 가방에서 냄새가 났어요
That bag is smelly (A smell is coming out of that bag)
그 방에서 냄새가 났어요
That room is smelly (A smell is coming out of that room)
큰 일 났어요!
a big thing/task/work came up!
땀이 났어요
I’m sweating
나는 그때 기억이 안 났어
I didn’t remember (that) at that time
나는 그것이 기억 안 나
I don’t remember that
기회가 주어졌어요
I was given a chance
그 집은 한국에서 지어졌어요
that house was built in Korea