Lesson 27: Using ~던/었던 to Describe Past Tense Flashcards
내가 지금까지 입던 옷을 내일 버릴 거야
Tomorrow, I am going to throw out the clothes that I have been wearing until now
내가 읽던 책은 재미없었어
The book I was reading wasn’t funny
이 빵은 내가 자주 먹던 빵이야
This bread is bread that I ate often
제가 매일 마시던 주스를 샀어요
I bought the juice that I drink everyday
여기가 내가 근무하던 곳이야
This place (here) is the place that I worked
2015년에 쓰던 달력을 내일 버릴 거예요
Tomorrow, I am going to throw out the calendar that I used to use in 2015
제가 자주 가던 약국이 오늘부터 문을 닫을 거예요
The pharmacy that I had been going to often will close its doors from today
이 빵은 슬기가 자주 먹던 빵이야
This bread is bread that Seulgi eats often
이곳에 근무하던 우체국 직원이 삶을 영원히 포기했어요
The worker/employee who used to work at this post-office gave up on his life forever
길을 밝히던 불이 꺼지고 나서 길이 어두워졌어요
The street became dark after the light that used to brighten the street went out
방금 들어온 사람은 우리 가게에 자주 오던 손님이야
The person who just came in is a customer who comes to the store often
그 컴퓨터는 작년에 썼던 거예요
That is the computer I had used last year
저는 애기가 썼던 휴지를 다 버렸어요
I threw out all the tissue paper that the baby had used
한때 포기했던 시험을 다시 공부했어요
I again studied for the exam that I once gave up on
우리가 지난 번에 먹었던 곳에서 먹고 싶어요
I want to eat at the place that we ate at last time
대통령이 여기에 살았던 시민들에게 돈을 줬어요
The president gave money to those who once lived here
우리가 지난 주에 배웠던 내용을 다시 공부할 거예요
I will study the contents that we had learned last week again
작년에 사업에 실패했던 남자가 새로운 기술을 발견했어요
The man who had failed at (starting his own) business last year discovered a new technology
한때 저의 손님이었던 사람이 이제는 유명한 예술가가 되었다
The person who had been my customer at one time has now become a famous artist
고장으로 계속 멈추는 버스를 탔던 승객들이 다른 버스를 탔어요
The passengers who had been riding the bus that kept stopping because it is/was broken got on another bus
맑던 하늘이 갑자기 어두워졌어요
The sky that I recall being clear until now suddenly became dark
따뜻하던 날씨가 비가 오고 나서 추워졌어요
The weather that I remember being warm until now got cold after it rained
조용하던 길이 사람들이 집에서 나오기 시작하고 나서 시끄러워졌어요
The street that I recall being quiet until now got loud after people started coming out of their houses