Lesson 35: It seems to be/might be: 것 같다 Flashcards
저 식당은 이 식당과 같아요
That restaurant is the same as this one
그 나무가 소나무와 같아요
That tree is like a pine tree
저는 친구들이랑 내일 낚시를 할 것 같아요
I will probably go fishing with my friends tomorrow
우리 아빠는 저것을 싫어할 것 같아
Dad will probably not like that
선생님이 그 수업을 하지 않을 것 같아요
The teacher probably won’t do (teach) that lesson
남자 친구가 답장하지 않을 것 같아요
My boyfriend probably won’t respond
우리는 휴가를 중국에서 보낼 것 같아요
We will probably spend our holiday in China
모두는 왕따와 밥을 먹는 것을 피할 것 같아요
Everybody will probably avoid eating with the outcast
비가 올 것 같아
It will probably rain/it seems like it will rain
문이 열려 있을 것 같아요
The door will probably be open
내일 홍수가 날 것 같아요
There will probably be a flood tomorrow
우리는 늦을 것 같아
We will probably be late
새우가 너무 비쌀 것 같아요
The shrimp will probably be too expensive
그 교실이 아주 답답할 것 같아요
That classroom will probably be very stuffy
선생님이 열심히 공부한 것 같아요
You (teacher) probably studied hard (when you were younger)
Here, you have heard the evidence of him getting accepted into University, which must have been difficult. Therefore, this evidence leads you to believe that “he studied hard” when he was younger.
부장님이 그 일을 이미 다 한 것 같아요
It seems that the boss already did all that work
In this situation, you could be looking at a pile of papers on your boss’s desk that looks like the completed work.
그 사람이 아직 답장을 하지 않은 것 같아요
It seems that that person still hasn’t responded
In this situation, you could be looking at your phone and noticing that you have no new notifications – which would lead you to believe that the person hasn’t responded.
옆 집에서 사는 사람은 그 소나무를 자른 것 같아요
It seems that the person who lives in the house next door cut that pine tree
In this situation, you could be looking outside to your yard and noticing that the tree is missing.
엄마는 기다리고 있는 것 같아요
It seems as though mom is waiting now
In this situation, your mother may have called you and told you that she would have been finished 10 minutes ago.
그는 휴식을 하는 것 같아요
It seems as though he is taking a break now
In this situation, the worker may have been very loud a few minutes ago. However, now it seems like he is not making a sound, so he probably taking a break now.
학생들이 요즘에 운동을 하지 않는 것 같아요
It seems like students don’t like exercising these days
In this situation, you could be looking at some students playing on their phones during lunch time instead of playing outside.
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요
It seems like our juniors don’t like volunteering
In this situation, you could be looking at your juniors and noticing that they are not enjoying themselves.
아빠가 돈을 이미 낸 것 같아요
아빠가 돈을 이미 냈을 것 같아요
It seems like dad already paid
Dad probably already paid
선생님이 살이 찐 것 같아요
선생님이 살이 쪘을 것 같아요
It seems like the teacher gained weight
The teacher probably gained weight
저 사람들이 그냥 가?
응… 가는 것 같아
Are those people just leaving?
Yes, they are probably leaving/it seems like they are leaving
엄마는 저랑 얘기하기 싫은 것 같아요
It seems like mom doesn’t want to talk with me
친구가 아픈 것 같아요
It seems like my friend is hurt
그 음식은 건강에 나쁜 것 같아요
It seems like this food is unhealthy
시골에서 사는 것이 아주
평화로운 것 같아요
It seems like living in the country is very peaceful
이 문제는 시민보건에 아주 중요한 것 같아요
It seems like this problem is very important to the health of the citizens
너의 아빠가 너무 행복했던 것 같아
Your dad was probably very happy
그 학생이 학교에서 왕따인 것 같아
It seems like that student is an outcast at school
그 사람은 변태인 것 같아요
It seems like that person is a pervert
우리가 받은 것은 그 사람의 답장인 것 같아요
It seems like that thing we received is probably that person’s response
엄마가 어디에 있어요? 병원에 갔어요?
그럴 것 같아요
Where is mom? Did she go to the hospital?
Probably/I think so/It seems as such
다음 주 목요일은 휴가인가?
그럴 것 같아
Is next Thursday a holiday?
Probably/I think so/It seems as such
아빠는 낚시하러 갔어요?
그런 것 같아요
Did dad go fishing?
Probably/I think so/It seems as such
수영장물이 다 넘쳤어요?
그런 것 같아요
Did all the water overflow out of the pool?
Probably/I think so/It seems as such
그 사람이 말을 잘 타요?
그런 것 같아요
Can that person ride horses (well)?
Probably/It looks like/It seems as such
That must hurt!
You must be full!
That must be difficult!
나는 캐나다에 못 가겠다!
(I guess) I can’t go to Canada
You would most likely say this if you just found out (evidence that shows you) how difficult it would be to get to Canada – for example, because the price is too high or because it was too far or something like that.
돈이 부족하겠다!
(I guess) there won’t be enough money
You would most likely say this if you were trying to figure out how much money you need, and you just found out (evidence that shows you) that you probably won’t have enough money.
허벅지가 아프겠다!
Your inner thigh must hurt!
You would most likely say this if you were looking at your friend do some sort of inner thigh exercise. Like that machine at most gyms where you have to squeeze your legs together against resistance.