Lesson 39: Honorific ‘시’ ending, Honorific words Flashcards
어머님은 너에게 돈을 주셨어?
Did your mother give you money?
어머님은 미용실에 가셨습니까?
Did your mother go to the beauty salon?
어머님은 미용실에 가셨어?
Did your mother go to the beauty salon?
Situation: To somebody of low respect, about somebody of high respect
친구는 미용실에 갔어?
Did your friend go to the beauty salon?
Situation: To somebody of low respect, about somebody of low respect
친구는 미용실에 갔습니까?
Did your friend go to the beauty salon?
Situation: To somebody of high respect, about somebody of low respect
어머님은 미용실에 가셨습니까?
Did your mother go to the beauty salon?
Situation: To somebody of high respect, about somebody of high respect
선생님은 우리를 너무 잘 가르치셨어
Our teacher taught us really well
부장님은 그 집을 나무로만 만드시고 싶었어
Our boss wanted to make that house using only wood
선생님이 대답을 빨리 하셨어요
The teacher responded quickly
그 선생님은 국립고등학교에서 일하셔요
That teacher works at a public school
자네 할아버지가 주방에 들어가셨어
Your grandfather went into the kitchen
종이 칠 때까지 선생님이 수업을 하실 거예요
The teacher will do the class until the bell rings
할아버지가 아파서 소변을 못 보셔요
Our grandfather can’t urinate because he is sick
교장선생님이 아직 대답하시지 않았어요
The principal hasn’t responded yet
내 부장님은 내 나이 또래 사람들을 좋아하시지 않아
My boss doesn’t like people my age
어떤 할아버지가 저에게 다가오시고 있어요
Some old man is approaching me
할아버지께 선물을 드리고 싶어
I want to give my grandfather a present
저는 항상 손님들께 봉지를 드려요
I always gives bags to the customers
저는 스님께 돈을 드렸어요
I gave money to the monk
아버지가 매일 쓰실 수건을 드리고 싶어요
I want to give dad a towel that he will use everyday.
모든 사람들은 교수님이 말씀하시기 시작하는 것을 기다렸다
Everybody was waiting for the professor to start talking
부장님이 그 일을 망쳐서 부장님이 말씀하시는 것을 듣는 사람이 별로 없어요
There aren’t really that many people who listen to the boss because he ruined that job
선생님이 하시는 말씀을 잘 들었어요?
Did you listen (well/carefully) to what your teacher said?
회의가 끝나기 전에 교감선생님이 말씀하실 거예요
Before the meeting finishes, the vice principal will speak
그저께 회의 시간 동안 무슨 말씀을 하셨어요?
What did you say during the meeting two days ago?
제가 드리고 싶은 말씀이 있습니다
I have something that I want to say
You would say this when you will speaking to a person (or people) who deserves high respect.
아버지! 다 드셨어요?
Dad! Have you finished eating?
점심을 드셨어요?
Did you have lunch?
뭐 드시고 싶어요?
What do you want to eat?
잘 잡수셨어요?
Did you have a good meal? Super formal
아버지가 집에 계셔요
Dad is (at) home
아버지가 아직 서 계셔요
Dad is still standing
PLAY아버지가 아직 드시고 계셔요
Dad is still eating
할아버지! 지금 시간이 있으셔요?
Grandpa! Do you have time now?
할아버지가 여기에 계신지 몰랐어요
I didn’t know you were here, grandpa
교장선생님이 학교에 안 계셔요
The principal isn’t in the school
거기에 언제까지 계실 거예요?
Until when will you be there?
사람들이 대통령이 그 건물에 계시는 것을 알아서 그 건물 입구에 다가갔어요
People knew that the president was in that building, so they approached the entrance
선생님이 안 계셔서 학생들은 다 자고 있어요
The teacher isn’t here, so all the students are sleeping
잘 주무셨어요?
Did you sleep well?
아버지가 지금 주무시고 있어요
Dad is sleeping now