Lesson 4 - Early Craniate Morphogenesis Flashcards
bilaterally symmetrical chordates with indeterminate cleavage with mouth not arising from blastopore
closes relatives of chordates
- Hemichordates
- Echinoderms
- believed to be closer relatives of chordates but still being debated on
- believed to have branched off
Cephalochordates or Tunicates
show resemblance to each other in neuroanatomy and biochemistry
- cephalochordates
- vertebrates
Egg types: amount of yolk
- microlecithal
- mesolecithal
- macrolecithal
- very little yolk
- amphioxus, therian mammals
microlecithal example
- amphioxus
- therian mammals
- moderate amount of yolk
- amphibians
mesolecithal example
- large amount of yolk
- reptiles, monotremes
macrolecithal example
- reptiles
- monotremes
Egg types: yolk distribution
- isolecithal
- telolecithal
- yolk is evenly distributed in the cytoplasm
- seen in microlecithal egg
where is isolecithal seen
microlecithal egg
- yolk is concentrated in one pole (vegetal pole)
- seen in mesolecithal and macrolecithal eggs
- opposite pole contains the nucleus and relatively yolk free cytoplasm
where is telolecithal seen
- mesolecithal
- macrolecithal eggs
two pole in telolecithal
- vegetal pole
- animal pole
where yolk is concentrated
vegetal pole
opposite pole containing the nucleus and relatively yolk free cytoplasm
animal pole
Ways offsprings are produced by interal fertilization
- oviparity
- viviparity
- animals that lay eggs (spawn)
- eggs contain sufficient amount of yolk and albumen to support the development into a free-living organism that is able to take food orally
fully formed when hatched
oviparous macrolecithal
example of fully formed when hatched
young hatch in larval stage
oviparous mesolecithal
example of young hatch in larval stage
young hatch in a free-living and self-nourising stage
oviparous microlecithal
example of young hatch in a free-living and self-nourising stage
animals that give birth to offsprings
different types of viviparity
- ovoviviparity
- euviviparity
- mother provides only protection and oxygen
- nourishment stored in the egg
example of ovoviviparous animal
spiny dogfish shark
embryos are dependent on maternal tissues for all nourishment, oxygen, excretion of wate products of metabolism
- egg may be fertilized and the young may develop in the ovarian follicle or ovarian cavity
- trophotaeniae
viviparous teleosts
where do viviparous teleosts develop
- ovarian follicle or
- ovarian cavity
- External, umbilical cord-like structure present in members of the family Goodeidae and some other fish groups responsible for transfer of nutrients between an adult female and her internally-developing young.
- May still be attached to fry at birth
meaning of word trophotaenia
trophe = nutrition
taenia = band
Different types of fertilization
- internal fertilization
- external fertilization
- fertilization takes place within the body of the female (viviparous craniates)
- intromittent organ is needed to introduce sperm into the female reproductive tract
- eggs are covered by impenetrable shell before being extruded (reptiles)
internal fertilization
what is needed in internal fertilization in order for the sperm to be introduced into the female reproductive tract
intromittent organ
- millions of sperm cells are shed over the eggs as the eggs are being extruded
- oviparous fishes, frogs, and toads
external fertilization
example of external fertilization
oviparous fishes, frogs, toads
describes sexually reproducing fishes that develop mature gonads containing oocytes and spermatozoa
considerably different from juveniles and adults
Stages in Early Development
- gamete formation
- fertilization
- cleavage
- gastrulation
- organ formation
- growth, tissue specialization
- repeated mitotic cell division of the zygote initiated by the union of two mature sex cells or gametes
- embryo experience little or no growth in size
cleavage or segmentation
- formed during cleavage
- multicelled and hollow sphere
cells resulting from the early cleavage division of the ovum
fluid filled cavity in a blastula
cells of the blastula form an epithelial (covering) layer
Types of Cleavage
- holoblastic cleavage
- meroblastic cleavage
- discoidal cleavage
- entire egg undergoes cellularization, and yolk platelets are either absent (e.g., in mammals) or present as cytoplasmic inclusions that partition among cells (e.g., in amphibians)
- mitotic furrow pass through the entire zygote from animal to vegetal pole
holoblastic cleavage
mitotic furrow in holoblastic cleavage
pass through the entire zygote from animal to vegetal pole
holoblastic cleavage in microlecithal eggs
blastomeres are approximately of equal size
holoblastic cleavage in mesolecithal eggs
yolk laden cells in vegetal pole divide more slowly and are larger
- where yolk is plentiful macrolecithal)
- cleavage furrows form, but do not progress into the yolk.
- mitotic furrow is slowed and only a portion of the cytoplasm in the animal pole is cleaved
- Species that exhibit this type of cleavage are birds, insects, fish, and reptiles
meroblastic cleavage
mitotic furrow in meroblastic cleavage
- slowed
- only a portion of the cytoplasm in the animal pole is cleaved
- extensive yolk material at the vegetal pole remains undivided by mitotic furrows
- cleavage restricted to a cap of dividing cells at the animal pole
discoidal cleavage
mitotic furrow in discoidal cleavage
do not divide extensive yolk material at vegetal pole
where is discoidal cleavage restricter to
cap of dividing cells at animal pole
Mechanisms of cleavage
- localized expansion of cortex
- increased stiffness of the cortical cytoplasm
- increased tangential force activity in the cortex
- contractile nature of regions near the cortex
- formation of new cell membrane from the subcortical sytoplasm
cleavage follows __
when is the cleavage called blastula
after it produced over 100 blastomeres
- continued cleavage produces this
- it is a microscopic ball or cluster of cells formed through cell division very early in the embryonic development that occurs after the formation of a zygote through fertilization but before the blastocyst stage.
no. of cells in morula
16 cells
no. of cells in blastocyst
70-100 cells
two-cell, four-cell, eight-cell
occurs in uterine tube
morula and blastocyst
occurs in uterus
make use of the abundant cytoplasm of the fertilized egg as the cells rapidly divide without changing the total volume
pre-embryonic cleavages
what results in the rearrangment of the cells in the mammalian bastula to two layers
parts of the blastocyst
- trophoblast
- inner cell mass
- blastocoel
give rise to extraembryonic structures, including the placenta
gives rise to the embryo
inner cell mass
very early stage of development when the zygote becomes a ball of cells with a fluid filled center, and an inner mass of cells.
next step in which the inner mass of cells forms three distinct germ layers.
cells that have the capacity to self-renew by dividing and to develop into the three primary germ cell layers of the early embryo and into extra-embryonic tissues such as the placenta
Totipotent stem cells
consists of totipotential cells
epiblast layer
visible feature which represents the site of cell migration to form the additional layers
primitive streak
gastrulation rearranges the embryo into a __ __
triploblastic gastrula
what are the embryonic germ layers
- ectoderm
- mesoderm
- endoderm
produces a triploblastic embryo with an archenteron
frog gastrulation
- digestive cavity of an embryo during the gastrula stage
- will eventually develop into the complete gastrointestinal (GI) tract
“germinal localization” and it is a marker of the dorsal side of the fertilized egg, the future embryo, and the adult
gray crescent
what is formed in the invagination during frog gastrulation
dorsal lip of blastopore
cells on the dorsal surface roll over the edge of the dorsal lip and into the interior of the embryo
patch of vegetal cells (endoderm) that remains exposed in the blastopore after the formation of the ventral lip during gastrulation.
yolk plug
when is the primitive streak visible
during week three
stimulates neurulation in the ectoderm after its development
process that leads to the development of the central nervous system, starting around 21 days postfertilization in humans
the process by which the neural tube, the precursor of the brain and spinal cord, is shaped from the neural plate.
Primary neurulation
form the neural tube
folds of the groove
what is formed from the anterior portion of neural tube
basal plate
what is formed from the posterior portion of neural tube
alar plate
what is formed from the center of neural tube
neural canal
when do the ends of the neural tube close
conclusion of fourth week of gestation
either of the openings to the exterior at the anterior and posterior ends of the neural tube of a vertebrate embryo
how to know dorsal blastopore lip
where archenteron is
how to know ventral blastopore lip
where blastocoel is
what is formed when the neural plate folds outward
neural groove
what is known as the 4th germ layer
neural crest cells
what is formed from neural crest cells
components of the PNS
separates neural plate and ectoderm
neural plate border
referred to the neural plate once its joined
neural crest
what disconnects the neural crest from the epidermis or ectoderm
closure of neural tube
what happens to the notochord
- degenerates
- persists as nucleus pulposus
precursor of axial skeleton and skeletal muscles
- mesoderm found lateral to the neural tube
- distinct from the mesoderm found more internally in the embryo
paraxial mesoderm
somites develop into what
- dermis
- skeletal muscle
- vertebrae
four components of somites
- sclerotome
- myotome
- dermatome
- syndetome
the part of each somite in a vertebrate embryo giving rise to bone or other skeletal tissue
forms some of the skeletal muscle
forms the connective tissues, including the dermis
- gives rise to the axial tendons of the body
- located between neighboring sclerotome and myotome, at the future site of connection between bone and muscle
process of formation of organs from three germ layers
ectoderm layer contributes to
- epidermis of skin, and derivatives
- epithelial lining of mouth and rectum
- cornea and lens of eyes
- nervous system
- adrenal medulla
- tooth enamel
- epithelium of pineal and pituitary glands
endoderm layer contributes to
- epithelial lining of digestive tract (except mouth and rectum)
- epithelial lining of respiratory system
- pancreas
- thyroid, parathyroid
- thymus
- lining of urethra, urinary bladder, and reproductive systems
mesoderm layer contributes to
- notochord
- skeletal and muscular systems
- circulatory and lymphatic systems
- excretory systems
- reproductive system (except germ cells)
- dermis of skin
- lining of body cavity
- adrenal cortex
solution to reproduction in a dry environment
amniote embryo
what do amniote embryo have
extra amniotic membrane
shelled eggs
reptiles and birds
placental mammals
cleavage in avian development
meroblastic, or incomplete
embryo-forming portion of an egg with discoidal cleavage usually appearing as a small disc on the upper surface of the yolk mass.
will keep embryo attached to the yolk
yolk stalk
- occurs at the eight-cell stage of mammalian development
- results to cells tighlty adhering to one another
Mammalian development
Step 1: about 7 days after fertilization
- blastocyst reaches the uterus
- inner cell mass is surrounded by the trophoblast
Mammalian development:
surrounds the inner cell mass
what does the inner cell mass form
- epiblast
- hypoblast
where does the embryo develop almost entirely
from epiblast
Organogenesis begins with the formation of what?
- neural tube
- notochord
- somites
mesoderm underneath the neural tube
paraxial mesoderm is called what in vertebrates
unsegmented mesoderm
paraxial mesoderm is called what in chick embryos
segmented mesoderm
comparison of chordates and non-chordates:
chordates: present
non-chordates: absent
comparison of chordates and non-chordates:
dorsal hollow nerve cord
chordates: dorsal hollow single nerve cord
non-chordates: ventral, solid, double
comparison of chordates and non-chordates:
pharyngeal gill slits
chordates: present
non-chordates: absent
comparison of chordates and non-chordates:
chordates: ventral
non-chordates: dorsal
comparison of chordates and non-chordates:
post anal tail
chordates: present
non-chordates: absent
embryos possess extraembryonic membranes
amniotes (reptiles, birds, mammals)
embryos without extraembryonic membranes
anamniotes (fishes, amphibians)
- composite organ formed from maternal and fetal tissues
- functions as a site for exchange between parent and embryo
chief extraembryonic membrane
- yolk sac
- amnion
- chorion
- allantois
- surrounds the yolk, empties into the midgut and usually lines the endoderm
- highly vascular, vitelline arteries and veins are continuous with the circulatory channel within the embryo
yolk sac
- inner sac next to the fetus
- make up the amniotic sac
- surrounds the embryo withtin the amniotic sac
- metabolic water from embryonic tissuse
- buffers the fetus against mechanical injury
- helps prevent dessication in embryos
amniotic fluid
- outer sac next to uterine wall
- lies in intimate relationship with either the eggshell or the lining of the mother’s uterus
- keeps the fetus in communication with its source of oxygen and in viviparous animals, its source of nutrients
very thin, soft, usually unpigmented hair that is sometimes found on the body of a fetus or newborn
- extension of the hindgut of the amniote embryos
- function in excretion and sometimes in respiration
- when allantois comes in contact with the inner surface of the chorion
- respiratory organ in reptiles and monotremes
chorioallantoic membrane
- when the allantois comes in direct contact with the lining of the maternal uterus
- respiratory organ, site of transfer of nutrients and metabolic waste
chorioallantoic placenta
kinds of placenta based on composition
- yolk sac placenta
- choriovitelline placenta
- chorioallantoic placenta
- yolks sac serves as part of a placenta because of the absence of amnion, chorion, or allantois
- viviparous amphibians and fishes
yolk sac placenta
yolk sac and chorion in direct contact with maternal uterus
choriovitelline placenta
- chorion and allantois in direct contact with maternal uterus
- mammals have umbilical cord connecting the fetus with the placenta
chorioallantoic placenta
Kinds of placenta based on intimacy of relationship between fetal and maternal tissues
- nondeciduous or contact placenta
- deciduous placenta
- in simple contact with the uterine lining (endometrium)
- no shedding of the lining at birth
contact or nondeciduous placenta
- chorionic villi becomes rooted into the endometrium
- at birth, the fetal parts of the placenta disengages and the deciduas (invaded part of the uterine lining) is shed
deciduous placenta
Kinds of placenta based on chorionic villi distribution
- cotyledonary placenta
- zonary placenta
- discoidal placenta
- diffuse placenta
- in isolated patches
- sheep, cow
cotyledonary placenta
- in a band encricling the sac
- cat, dog, seal
zonary placenta
- in a single large discoidal area
- brown bear, human
discoidal placenta
- diffuse over the entire surface of the chorion
- pig
diffuse placenta