Lesson 3 - Protochordates and the Origin of Craniates Flashcards
what is present in protochordates
- bilateral symmetry
- pharyngeal slits
- notochord
- dorsal hollow CNS
- postanal tail
- endostyle
- had bony plates and scales (armored fishes)
- jawless vertebrates
- small bony scales fitted tightly where there are no scales
when did ostracoderms occur
late Cambrian period through the Devonian
(400-525 million years ago)
primitive fish that have many similarities to living hagfish and are the oldest vertebrates (530 my) ever found
- Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa
- Haikouichthys ercaicunensis
when did Myllokunmingia fengjiaoa
and Haikouichthys ercaicunensis live
530 million years ago
- literally the ‘Chinese eel of good fortune’
- earliest known chrodate
- thought to be a fossil relative of modern lancelets
Cathaymyrus diadexus
proposed the establishment of Phylum Chordata in 1874
Ernst Haeckel
Subphylums under Phylum Chordata
- Urochordata
- Cephalochordata
- Craniata
subset of the larger group of animalia and share common features in development
basal deuterostomes
- presence of calcium carbonate skeleton
- presence of a secondary radial symmetry except in the most basal members
- Cambrian to present
example of echinoderms
- starfish
- sea urchins
- sea cucumbers
- sea daisies
- crinoids
- acorn worms
- marine organisms that live in the mud under shallow waters
- fragile when handled
- 1.5 meters
- with invertabrate and chordate features
added Hemichordates (acorn worms) to the Phylum Chordata
why did Bateson add acorn worms to the Phylum Chordata in 1884
- dorsal, hollow nervous system
- gill slits
- short diverticulum of the gut (stomochord)
- short diverticulum of the gut
- not homologous with notochord
- marine chordates
- notochord is confined to the locomotor tail of the free-living larval stage and lost during metamorphosis into sessile adults
- enclosed within a delicate, nonliving, and colored transparent tunic
- filter feeders
- posses pharyngeal slits
urochordata are enclosed within a delicate, nonliving, and colored transparent __
- sea squirts
- solitary or colonial populations
- larvae, have fleeting existence and do not feed (subsist on nutrients stored in the tissues)
three unequal regions of Hemichordates
- proboscis
- collar
- trunk
parts of the Ascidian larva
- mouth
- pharyngeal slit
- atriopore
- external opening through which water exits the body after passing through the pharyngeal slits
- plays a key role in their filter-feeding system and respiratory process
Features of the Subphylum Cephalochordata
- notochord
- dorsal, hollow nervous system
- pharyngeal gill slits
- ‘circulatory’ system - vertebrate pattern with pumping vessels but no heart
where is the locomotor musculature of subphylum cephalochordata found
muscles segments lie just under the skin
subphylum cephalochordata :
__ extend the entire length of the organism (locomotor muscle)
skin of subphylum cephalochordata
single layer of epidermis
respiration of subphylum cephalochordata
cutaneous respiration
subphylum cephalochordata
- opens into the atrium which surrounds the pharynx laterally and ventrally
- water that enters here is another source of oxygen
pharyngeal slits
how many pharyngeal slits are present in adult organisms of subphylum cephalochordata
Pathway of water in subphylum cephalochordata
pharynx –> atrium –> atriopore
- extends from tip, to the rostrum, to the tip of the tails
- muscular disc arranged like a long roll of coins separated by fluid-filled spaces
- adaptation that facilitates burrowing in the sand
where does the notochord extend from and to in subphylum cephalochordata
tip to rostrum to tip of tails
skeletal structures of notochord in subphylum cephalochordata
fibrous rods that support
- pharyngeal bars
- buccall cirri
- mid-dorsal fin-like ridges
subphylum cephalochordata
- hollow brain and dorsal nerve cord containing a central canal lined with ependymal cells
- brain has two subdivisions
- with cranial nerves
- spinal nerves – dorsal roots
nervous system and sense organs
surrounds the brain and spinal cord of subphylum cephalochordata
- light sensitive and pigmented
- embedded within the ventrolateral walls of the spinal cord throughout its length
- consists of a receptor cell and caplike melanocyte
what are absent in subphylum cephalochordata
- retinas
- semicircular canals
- lateral-line organs
chemoreceptors of subphylum cephalochordata
- buccal cirri
- velar tentacles
- tail
- trunk
monitor the incurrent water stream
velar tentacles
what type of feeders are subphylum cephalochordata
filter feeders
create a steady flow of water through the mouth and into the pharynx
subphylum cephalochordata
- collective chamber of seawater
- laterally by oral hood, caudally by velum, perforated by the mouth, which opens into the pharynx
subphylum cephalochordata
- covered with sticky mucus
- retrieves some of the heavier food particles which directs it to the mouth and pharynx
wheel organ
subphylum cephalochordata
- partially strain water as it enters the vestibule
- chemoreceptors monitor the food that enters
buccal cirri
pathway of food in subphylum cephalochordata
- pharynx
- epibranchial groove
- midgut
- midgut ring
- hindgut or intestinal caecum
- anus
digestive enzymes
midgut ring
digestive juices for digestion
hindgut or intestinal caecum
not prominent cavity in adult organisms in subphylum cephalochordata
color of blood in subphylum cephalochordata
- lacks blood cells, platelets, and other formed bodies
subphylum cephalochordata
- termination of venous system
- beginning of arteries
- not a pump
sinus venosus
subphylum cephalochordata
- cells that collect the metabolic wastes
subphylum cephalochordata
- footlike projections that make contact with an adjacent glomerulus
subphylum cephalochordata
- collects fluid from a cluster of cyrtopodocytes and empty into the atrium
nephridial tubule
subphylum cephalochordata
- from cyrtopodocyte that propell tubulue fluids to the atrium
pathway of the excretory system in subphylum cephalochordata
- glomeruli
- pedicels
- cyrtopodocyte
- microvillar strands
- nephridial tubule
- atrium
- atriopore
subphylum cephalochordata
- bulge into the atrium into which sperm or egg are shed
- gametes are flushed into the sea via atriopore
subphylum cephalochordata are __ which means that ovaries and testes do not develop in the same individual
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
C = present
A = absent
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
paired sense organs
C = present
A = absent
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
C = present
A = present, no vertebral column
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
Pharyngeal slits
C = present
A = present, large in numbers and emptying into the atrium
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
hollow CNA
C = present
A = present, brains lack major subdivisions
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
segmented musculature
C = present
A = present, extend to tip of head
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
two layered skin
C = present
A = present, epidermis one cell thick
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
venous and arterial channels
C = present
A = present, no muscular heart
Amphioxus (a) vs Craniate (c):
C = present
A = present, restricted in adults