Lecture Exam 5- Ch. 26 Flashcards
- regulates plasma ion concentrations
- regulates blood volume & blood pressure
- regulate blood pH
- prevents loss of valuable nutrients
urinary system
What metabolic wastes does the urinary system eliminate?
urea, uric acid, drugs
What does the urinary system synthesize?
calcitriol (active form of vitamin D) & erythropoietin (for RBC production)
The urinary system aids what in metabolic functions
contain nephrons, produce urine
transports urine toward the urinary bladder
Urine is stored in the bladder until what
micturition/ urination
temporarily stores urine prior to elimination
urinary bladder
conducts urine to exterior; in males also transports semen
what type of epithelium is in the urinary bladder
transitional epithelium
Which kidney is slightly superior to the other
left is superior to right
Point of entry/exit for blood vessles, nerves, lymphatic vessel, and ureter
Superior to each kidney
Adrenal glands
large vessels, glomeruli
Renal cortex
LOH, collecting ducts, vasa recta
Renal medulla
bundles of medullary tissue
Renal pyramids
tips of pyramids where urine is excreted into calyxes
Renal papillae
Bands of cortical tissue between pyramids
Renal columns
Renal pyramids, overlying renal cortex, and adjacent renal columns
kidney lobe
Whats B
renal sinus
whats E
whats F
renal papilla
whats H
whats I
whats J
renal pyramid
whats L
minor calyx
whats M
major calyx
Inner cavity of kidney
Renal sinus
collects urine from major calyxes, empties to ureter
Renal pelvis
Collects urine from renal papillae
minor calyx
collects urine from minor calyxes
major calyx
Urine production is controlled by
automatic adjustment of blood flow to each tissue in proportion to its requirements at any given point in time
whats 2
cortical radiate arteries
whats 3
interlobar arteries
whats 4
segmental artery
whats 6
renal artery
blood flows from renal artery –> _____ –> interlobar arteries –> _____
segmental artery; cortical radiate arteries
Whats A
cortical radiate vein
Whats B
cortical radiate artery
Whats C
arcuate artery
Whats D
arcuate vein
Whats E
Whats G
cortical nephron
Whats H
juxtamedullary nephron
Whats I
interlobar vein
Whats J
interlobar artery
Nerve fibers that are most plentiful in kidney
Sympathetic nerve fibers
Present in kidney but not very abundant
Parasympathetic nerves
Each nephron is
- Control vasoconstriction and vasodilation of renal arterioles
- regulate renal blood flow and pressure
- stimulate renin release
- stimulate water and sodium ion reabsorption
Functions of neural innervation
Smallest functional unit of kidney
glomerular capillaries, glomerular capsule
renal corpuscle
afferent and efferent arteriole
Vascular pole
microscopic tube in the kidney where urine is formed after filtration
renal tubule
first section of the renal tubule that the blood flows through; reabsorption of water, ions, and all organic nutrients
proximal convoluted tubule
part of renal tubule composed of descending and ascending loop, responsible for reabsorption of water, Na+, CL-, secrete H+
nephron loop (loop of Henle)
Between the loop of Henle and the collecting duct; Selective reabsorption and secretion occur here, most notably to regulate reabsorption of water and sodium
Distal convoluted tubule
Ultimately produces urine from filtrate
collecting system
collects filtrate from DCT
connecting tubules
Drains multiple connecting tubules from different nephrons
collecting duct
dumps urine into minor calyx
papillary duct
Once filtrate is in minor calyx; no longer altered
Whats H
collecting duct
whats G
ascending loop/limb
whats B
renal corpuscle
whats I
papillary duct
whats nephron A
cortical nephron
whats nephron B
juxtamedullary nephron
LOH mainly stays in cortex
cortical nephron
LOH dips deep into medulla
Juxtamedullary nephron
In both nephron types & in the cortex
- surrounds DCT & PCT
Peritubular capillaries
Only in juxtamedullary nephrons and in medulla
- surrounds LOH used mainly in reabsorption of water
Vasa recta
What does the renal corpuscle consist of?
glomerulus and bowman’s capsule
whats 1
efferent arteriole
whats 2
vascular pole of renal corpuscle
whats 3
afferent arteriole
whats 4
peritubular capillaries
whats 5
distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
whats 7
peritubular capillaries
whats 8
nephron loop / loop of henle
whats 14
vasa recta
whats 9
peritubular capillaries
whats 10
_________ consists of:
capsular outer layer, visceral layer, capsular space
Glomerular capsule consists of
Made of squamous cells that are continuous with the lining of PCT
Capsular outer layer
epithelial lining of glomerular capillaries; podocytes
Visceral layer
Opens to PCT
Capsular space
Whats A
efferent arteriole
Whats B
macula densa
Whats C
mesangial cells
Whats D
juxtaglomerular cells
Whats E
juxtaglomerular complex
Whats F
afferent arteriole
Whats P
distal convoluted tubule
Whats O
glomerular capillary
Whats M
proximal convoluted tubule
Whats K
podocytes (visceral layer)
Whats L
glomerular capsule
Whats G
vascular pole
Renal corpuscle secrete ___ & ___
renin & erythropoietin
Support glomerular capillaries
Mesangial cells
Form glomerular epithelium, “feet” form filtration slits
- Begins at the tubular pole of the renal corpuscle
- lined with simple cuboidal epithelium containing microvilli
- a major site of reabsorption
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
waste products are actively secreted into filtrate from blood
- drained by vasa recta
Loop of Henle (nephron loop)
Reabsorption of water; only permeable to water
Descending limb
Reabsorption of ions; impermeable to water
Ascending limb
Loop of henle has _____ epithelium
simple squamous epithelium
- the last segment of the nephron
- opens into the collecting system
- consists of connecting tubules, collecting ducts, and papillary ducts
Distal Convuluted Tubule
The DCT is active and has regulated secretions of
ions, acids, toxins
DCT is selective reabsorption of ___ & ____
sodium & calcium ions
DCT is used in the regulation of
glomerular filtration rate
DCT of each nephron empties filtrate to third
connecting tubules
Several connecting tubules drain into this tube
collecting ducts
excrete filtrate
papillary ducts
- connecting tubules
- collecting ducts
- papillary ducts
collecting system
- Macula densa cells
- juxtaglomerular cells
- extraglomerular mesangial cells
Juxtaglomerular complex
Will alter arteriole BP & systemic BP
Juxtaglomerular complex
constriction & dilation of arteriole; afferent & efferent
Arteriole’s BP changes via
Precursor for angiotensin; raises BP
regulate the density of RBCs
What will be altered due to changes in arteriole BP
drain urine from kidneys to bladder; exits at hilum
Where does urine enter bladder
trigone via ureteral orifices
____ & ____ moves urine toward the urinary bladder
Peristaltic contractions and gravity
ureter: Inner mucosa is lined with ____
transitional epithelium
Ureter: Middle muscular layer has ______ & _______ muscles
longitudinal & circular smooth muscles
continuous with fibrous capsule and parietal peritoneum
whats A
transitional epithelium
whats B
lamina propria
whats C
whats D
smooth muscle
whats E
- Circular smooth muscle
- mucous producing cells in the epithelium
through prostate gland
Prostatic urethra
short segment through external urethral sphincter
Membranous urethra
through the penis to the external urethral orifice
spongy urethra
Involve spinal cord & pontine centers of brain
Urine storage and voiding reflexes
Urine storage _______ sympathetic activity
Stretch receptors in the bladder signals _____ reflex
sympathetic reflex
Urine Storage Reflex inhibits ___ muscle
detrusor muscle
Urine Storage Reflex stimulates contraction of internal and external ____
urethral sphincters
whats A
median umbilical ligament
whats B
whats C
lateral umbilical ligament
whats D
whats E
whats G
internal urethral sphincter
whats H
external urethral sphincter
whats I
trigone (dashed lines)
whats L
prostate gland
whats A
lumen of urethra
whats B
stratified squamous epithelium of mucosa
whats C
lamina propia containing mucous epithelial glands
Whats A
urinary bladder
Whats B
Whats C
spongy urethra
Whats D
Whats A
Whats B
urinary bladder
Whats C
internal urethral sphincter
Whats D
Whats E
external urethral sphincter
Whats F
internal urethral sphincter ____; ___ muscle
relaxes; smooth
_____ effort is needed to relax (open) external urethral sphincter; ___ muscle
voluntary; skeletal