Lecture 6: Equine nervous system: all other things Flashcards
CSF flows in a ___circulation
if you have a patient with suspected thoracic melanoma where do you want to take CSF from Atlanto-occipital space or lumbar
lumbar because CSF flows craniocaudal
you perform an atlantooccipital CSF tap if the lesions is above __
foramen magnum (cranial to 2nd vertebrae)
How do you perform an atlantoocipital CSF tap
insert needle at a line between the cranial borders of the atlas, direct needle towards lower jaw with horses head flexed, advance until dura penetrated at about 5cm in 1000lb horse
can draw __mls in 1000lb horse but only __cc in foals for CSF tap
90mls, 1-2ccs
what is the queckenstedts maneuver
hold off the jugular to increase flow—> increase back pressure in brain and increase CSF flow to brain
you perform a lumbosacral CSF tap if lesion is located ___
below the foramen magnum (caudal to second vertebrae)
How do you perform LS CSF tap
palpate LS space, insert ventrally through the sub lumbar muscles until penetrates ligament I’m flavum and then dura
What space is a lateral standing CSF performed between
what are some complications from a C1-C2 lateral CSF tap
stiff necks, fever, tachycardia
what should you do after performing a C1-C2 lateral CSF tap to avoid complications
give banamine and keep head above heart until sedation wears off
what produces the toxin swainsonine
fungus in the seeds: undilum oxytropis
what does swainsonine/ locoweed poisoning cause
inhibits alpha mannosidase causing lysosomal storage disease
what are some signs of locoweed/ swainsonine toxicity
slow staggering gait, emaciation, ataxia, nervousness that worsens with handling, death
what is tx for locoweed poisoning
no effective tx, mild cases resolve in 1-2 weeks once ingestion ceases
what is the toxic in nigropallidal encephalomalacia
what two plants cause nigropallidal encephalomalacia
- Yellow star thistle
- Russian knapweed
what are some clinical signs of nigropallidal encephalomalacia
sudden onset twitching of lips, tongue, flicking, involuntary chewing, poor prehension, weight loss, incoordination, muscle tremors, facial paralysis
how do you dx nigropallidal encephalomalacia
clinical signs and exposure, MRI, necropsy
what is tx for nigropallidal encephalomalacia
no treatment, may stabilize but not recover most do poorly
lead poisoning results in a __ from __
peripheral neuropathy from demyeliantion
what are some clinical signs of lead poisoning
dysphagia, aspiration, pneumonia, dysphonia, altered mentation, weight loss, severe incoordination
how do you dx lead poisoning
- CSF mild nonspecific increase in cells and protein
- Plasma lead levels >0.3ppm
what is tx for lead poisoning
- Remove lead source
- Chelation with EDTA 75mg/kg IV daily for 3-5 days
- Supportive care
What dz does moldy corn poisoning cause
what toxin from moldy corn causes leukoencephalomalacia
what is the mechanism of action of fumonisins causing leukoencephalomalacia
interfere with shingolipid biosynthesis- critical for cell growth, differentiation and transformation
what are the clinical signs of leukoencephalomalacia
confusion, obtundation, ataxia, sudden blindness, sweating, head pressing, circling, seizures, recumbent, death within 5 days
how do you dx leukoencephalomalacia
- Clinical signs and exposure to moldy corn
- CSF high protein and normal cell count
- Liver values high
- Liquefactive necrosis of the white matter of brain, grossly visible fluid fill cavities
What sign of leukoencephalomalacia is pathognomonic
liquefactive necrosis of the white matter of the brain, leaving grossly visible fluid filled cavities