Lecture 3: Diseases of the nervous system Flashcards
What is the mechanism of action for clostridium tetani
- Tetanospasmin binds to renshaw cells within the central nervous system
- Irreversible blockade of GABA/glycine
- Leads to continued stimulation of the action potential
What are some clinical signs of tetanus
Third eyelid prolapse, lockjaw, sawhorse stance, elevated tail head, hyperesthesia, muscular spasms, recumbency, convulsions, death by respiratory failure
How do you dx tetanus
Clinical signs and finding anaerobic site of infection
How long does it take to develop and replace new synapses with tetanus infection
6-8 weeks
What is treatment for tetanus
- Antibiotics- metro, penicillin
- Drain abscess
- Antitoxin- Colorado serum company
- Sedatives/ muscle relaxants
- Vaccinate
How long is passive immunity from tetanus antitoxin
7-14 days
What is a rare side effect of tetanus antitoxin that could contain parvovirus
Acute fatal hepatic necrosis (Theiler’s disease)
What symptoms is more common in non-survivors of tetanus
Dysphasia, dyspnea and recumbency
Survivors of tetanus will stabilize in __-__ days
5-7 days
What are the 3 ways horses can get exposed to clostridium botulinum
- Preformed toxin eaten
- type B- decomposing vegetation
- type C- decomposing carcasses in feed - Grows in intestine- type B- shaker foal
- Grows in anaerobic wound- type B
What is the pathogenesis/ MOA of botulinum
Blocks acetylcholine release at NMJ resulting in descending symmetrical progressively flaccid paralysis
How can you dx botulinum
- Identify toxin in feed, serum, GI contents, feces, debris
- Grain test- should consume 8oz grain in under 2 minutes
What are some clinical signs of botulism
Dysphasia, poor tongue and lip tone, weakness, lethargy, head carriage, muscle tremors, recumbency, death from respiratory failure
What is tx for botulism
- Antitoxin
- Supportive care
Botulism antitoxin is not effective after botulinum toxin has been ___
Translocated into the cells
What is the prognosis for botulinum
70-99% mortality, 48% survival
T or F: horses with botulinum in which treatment is started after they are already down usually die
How do you prevent botulinum
Type B vaccine
What is the pathogenesis/ MOA of rabies
Virus travels to CNS via neurons and reaches salivary glands via associated cranial nerves
What are the reservoir hosts for rabies
Skunks, raccoons, bats, and red fox
What is the incubation period for rabies
9 days- 1year